

As soon as Caelus entered the lower deck, he noticed water rising with each second.

"What happened?!" Caelus shouted to Pyete.

"Ship got hit by lightning!" Pyete replied.

"Alright, follow me!" Caelus said.

"Where's Ava?"

"She's already ahead of us, repairing the ship!" Pyete answered.

Meanwhile on the upper deck, Corvus had been having a hard time steering the ship, and the crew on the upper deck weren't doing well either. Some of them were already injured, some already lost, blown away by the strong winds and into the raging sea. It had only been getting worse, and Corvus hadn't noticed the ship would hit something. Back in the lower decks, Caelus and the others could barely do anything to stop the water from entering the ship.

Until... a rock formation pierced through the hull like it was nothing.

"Crap! Watch out!" Pyete shouted as soon as he noticed the sharp rock break inside the ship.

Caelus and Pyete barely avoided it in time. however, Ava wasn't so lucky. She had been completely pierced by the rock. and it was clear that she was already dead, almost instantly.

Pyete, seeing a horrible sight, was frozen in shock.

"Damn it, no, Ava! Aarghhh!" Pyete screamed.

Meanwhile, Caelus, just having cleared his mind, shouted, "Pyete! We've no time for that!"

In just a few moments, the rock started to move away from the ship, carrying Ava's pierced body along with it into the sea.

"No!" Pyete exclaimed as he tried to pull her body back to the ship before the rock had completely moved away.

"Pyete, no, don't!" Caelus said to Pyete.

Almost instantly, the rock moved away, and Pyete's efforts were useless.

With nothing to replace the hole the rock left, a powerful surge of water entered the ship, and things in the lower deck got worse.