

Corvus noticed a storm was coming.

"Damn it, storm's coming! This is bad, I thought there wouldn't be any storm!" exclaimed Corvus.

The waves started to rock the ship back and forth. waking up the crew as heavy rain began to pour down.

"What the hell?" the crew said, quickly rising up and going to the upper deck, still drowsy and confused, but they wouldn't be for much longer. Corvus shouts in a commanding voice, "Hurry up will you all?! We are in the middle of a heavy storm! Everyone to their stations!"

The crew. now realizing what was happening, went to work right away. Meanwhile, Caelus, who was helping with maintaining the sails, had suddenly caught something off in the waves but could not discern what it was, and he had more important things to tend to. A sudden explosion in the hull of the ship had occured, interrupting his thoughts. Caelus decided to keep what he saw, and quickly ran to the lower deck to help repair and prevent the water from going in.