

As the night came, the stars in the sky were slowly becoming visible.

Torches were lit, and as the cold wind flowed into the lower decks, it made them fast asleep.

The sound and laughters of the crew were no longer present, and only the sound of gushing waves colliding with the hull remained. Everyone was asleep, except for Corvus and Caelus.

"You alright?" Corvus asked as he looked at Caelus, who had been looking worried for the past few hours.

"What's wrong? Is there something bothering you Cael?"

"It's nothing much, but I'm just not sure about what I'm gonna do anymore."

"What do you mean?". said Corvus, curious at what Caelus was thinking about.

"My grandfather was the only one who raised me, and now that he's gone... I don't know.. I wanted to repay him for taking care of me.." answered Caelus. and upon hearing his answer, Corvus could only feel guilt and pity slowly creeping into him.

"Sorry about that." Corvus replied as he pat Caelus' shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"No. it's not your fault... besides, I knew he was already very sick and frail, but he insisted. Maybe it was better for me to have stayed with him. " said Caelus.

"Ah. Well, I'm sure he'd be happy if he saw where you are now, Cael."

"You think so?"

"He did insist after all, must be for a good reason, am I right?"

"Maybe... Thanks, Corvus." Caelus said with a slight smile on his face.

"You don't need to thank me. Get some rest, Cael." Corvus replied.

"Wouldn't want you tired by the time we arrive at the city, and that's just a few days from now."

"Yeah, you're right." Caelus agreed to what Corvus said, and while he was heading to the lower deck, Corvus, steering the ship, notices something ahead of them.