
Legends Of Blood Star, Arkine (The Bloody Tale Of Arcane )

A Young Man find himself in a world filled with supernatural and mystery, confused about who he was? or where he was, the youth then horrified to find himself to be the the target of few groups of mysterious people. The grand city of Ceptron was one of the larget independent city in the entire Arkine, but being chased by various group of extraordinary people he found himself in the unfavorable situation. His instincts tells him to survive on this ruthless world on his own was near impossible unless he have the extraordinary strength or means to back him up and need certain level of influence to roam free. But can he achieve all of this, by the way who was he? a refugee? or an orphan? an experiment product of these nasty scientist or the cultist, what exactly are they trying to do, why are they relentlessly chasing him. To find out what's going on follow the path of this senseless youth in the mysterious world of Arkine.

raven_lord017 · Fantasi
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34 Chs

Monster and The Hunter (Part 5)

All gangs calm down a lot, after some intense argument and commotion and lots of yelling but they come to an agreement at one point very quickly than what was expected in such a situation.

It should have normally taken a day or two in the minimum or a week if the situation escalated or any chaos during the meeting but in the presence of an expert, they each simply decided to make things more clear and straightforward.

As no one is willing to annoy him or test his patience so taking on what they find most profitable or useful to them is a good deal, even if they do not get what they want they couldn't fight it out with his presence.

Carl stood up from his chair to get everyone's attention, it doesn't much of a matter if he  gives them some face, tolerates their Insolence and is willing to waste his valuable time watching the dog fight, but he knows what to give and what not to say quite clearly.

Carl was one of the successful Inquisitors he didn't get this post by simply having power he was quite flexible and cunning nothing like what one expect from a fanatic Just now for the sake of the case he took he wanted them to develop some good will towards him at least during his investigation.

But who know what kind trashy people he was dealing with, few of them come to meeting drunk and even recklessly threw insults at him, he got his understanding and expectations refreshed besides he could only continue with his show after all he really can't afford to waste his time on them anymore ' At least this way there is a chance, they will saw me in different light '

Had it not been for the complication of the issue and  of the problem as this issue must be handled with delicate care never in life time would waste his time on such a lowly place.

" Alright, I can see you guys are finished with this matter and thank you for not wasting anymore of my time " he smiled gently " As a gift to everyone present here willing listen to my request I hereby announce Cyclops wouldn't take any share in this business you have been discussing, how is it?"

Everyone was more or less dumbfounded by the sudden bomb, it was especially true for the case for people from Cyclops as they thought to themselves ' Whose team are you from exactly weren't you supposed to give us some boon, even if you aren't at least don't snatch anything from us mighty lord OK!'

But their leader Cyclops showed no incline of anger or dissatisfaction on his face. After all he was perfectly aware of the person's identity he was overjoyed even if he wasn't going to get a single benefit from this whole endeavor he still wouldn't show slightest dissatisfaction towards the other party.

He might even try his best to please this person, a smart person shouldn't be easily agitated by wealth or power if they want to climb up the social ladder to get a good position.

He knows higher ups don't like to owe favors, some of them even disdain this kind of thing if the other party was just a low level thug so when the time comes there will be benefits for him and his gang for that he was very certain of it.

" Sir y-you didn't have to do anything for us... we didn't dare to snatch what belonged to Cyclops, please tell us what brought you here? "

" Haha children! You didn't have to hastily decline on this matter, don't be always suspicious or nervous. I'm not forcing you guys to cooperate or coax you to betray your organizations but a deal even your higher ups saw as profitable" He saw they still had a wary look he helplessly explained.

"As we speak on this matter, our side already contacted your organization and requesting for your services regarding this matter, so sooner or later your organization will reach out and order you all, you guys can expect orders from them any moment so children we expect you can cooperate well with our team without any concerns and suspicions"

" Not only that, If any one of you succeed in gather us useful information on what we were seeking aside from the rewards you get from your organization, we are willing to reward you something good that can help you greatly "

They all had shocking changes in the atmosphere and various expressions on their faces as they stared dumbly at the old man.  At first they felt relieved hearing their higher-ups might send an order or instructions that resolved most of their concerns.

After all, it wasn't that uncommon for these organizations to join their hands from time to time regarding some important matter. None of these super forces had deep seeded hatred with one another; this was also the reason they could maintain their place.

Then the old man dropped another bomb. It was from his words that they understood their higher ups might gain enough from the deal to give these gangs some benefits.

If their organization is willing to give out rewards then, they secure a great deal with the other party, a very rewarding one that they briefly wonder what they might receive for finishing this up.

Now the old cultist claiming to them he would reward the one who helped finding something,  one had to see just what exactly they wanted to cooperate with regarding this whole business somehow shrouded in mystery.

They realized it seems some big matter was already an exaggeration if they contacted one organization but they were willing to reach out more than one and they even tempting these cannon fodders with rewards as well. 

Carl nodded in satisfaction, he felt not all of them are mindless thugs, he could see, few of them have potential to go further just like the Cyclops leader who he has been secretly appraising all this time Carl was little too pleased by his attitude and devotion.

He was testing whether or not to bring this fellow under his factions, the church rarely finds any spy in their rank, what's with all of them being fanatics and crazily devoted but it could be said they are a little selfish in their life.

 As blind faith couldn't bring anyone anywhere muchless an enormous organization, the high-level people had to be ambitious and talented to grow and hold their place but of course no one had to show their own worth to seize chances in life as Cyclops proved him to be.

So Carl wouldn't mind showing him ropes and training him under his own faction; all the loyal subordinates have to carefully cultivate with care and scrutiny. For now he would observe him a little more and see whether this fellow is capable or not.

" We have a secret laboratory and sanctum in this area or nearby area and we recently lost our connection with people there and coordinates to that place" Carl looked at each of them carefully while explaining " What we requested your help was regarding this matter " the people burst into murmurs.

"Is he telling us the truth? "

"What's with him, is that why he is pestering us!?"

"Can you believe it? They opened a laboratory here!"

" Have you guys come across this so called sanctum"

"Surely we should have found out the location if this is true right?"

"Hey guys, do you think it was something to do with that place?"

Carl let them talk not bothered by their murmurs, it was a chance for him to observe their expressions and clues if they knew something. The leaders also looked confused as they wondered ' Was this really the reason why they came here? '

' Was there misunderstanding how there could be any laboratory founded here? '

'Even if they lost connection I don't believe they would need outsiders help to find them, shouldn't they have let some clues of how to find it'

These gang leaders also thought to themselves, their faith in old man words began to waver as they felt there was something off about this whole thing. Some of them cursed themselves for letting down their guards.

As if sensing their unsightly expression, the old man deliberated " Sigh! From your expressions I can tell I'm not explain myself clearly now" he faintly smiled " As I said it earlier, it was an secret laboratory and sanctum and if you aren't aware it exist in independent dimensional packet "

Carl Somewhat relieved when he saw couple of leaders seemed to know that what he was talking about and what does that mean, so this spar him great deal of time and energy to explaining all this things, and it's not like he doesn't going to ask them to find out Where this dimension packet was or anything.

"Our sanctum can be accessed through contacting the Door Guarding Spirit, from selective few places, but for some reason we can't contact it for quite some time, but from what we find so far the sanctum last activated in this area about a month ago to be exact"

" Sir we don't understand what we can do for you, it's not like we can contact that guardian thingy" Roke speaks up in an impatient tone.

Carl's temple throbbed from holding up his anger 'Did he think I'm easy to talk to just because I tolerate them?' He was a little irritated by this fellow's interruption and he had to calm himself down.

"Child, when did I ask you to find out where our secret sanctum location?" he sighed to himself after sternly looked at the other party for a full minute " You guys only have to investigate any news regarding when the portal opened was there any witnesses or news about anything strange going on in this area"


"Yes? What is it, did you have anything to say? "

"Umm anything strange.... Can you elaborate on it a little?" the thug hesitantly asked.

Carl knows this fellow has something on his mind but seeing his nerves look with his companions he couldn't help but think of something and asked what he observed he had a pretty good Idea of what this person wanted to talk about.

" Do you perhaps want to talk about this warehouse where you suspect this 'Mad Blade' person's loot was hidden? " he was also little intrigued by their hype, he long since noticed they show high level interest.

"Y-yes! " the person admitted, a little bewildered. He wondered how this news even reached the ears of someone like Carl, such experts wouldn't bother with anything happening in a mere crime lair.

Carl smiled a little amused with their thinking as he shook his head " Forget it, I don't think it had anything to do with this warehouse... hmm I'm talking about something grander magnitude or scary like that"

Agni asked " Sir, I couldn't help but feel you have been not very forthcoming with what exactly you want us do...but if you aren't honest with what is this about we flamethrowers wouldn't participate in this" 

" You can get lost, if you don't want to assist us, but you all heed my advice, information regarding this inquisition was classified as secret we have no obligation to answer whatever the **** you asked us, just know your place the next time you step out of line will be the time your head rolls down " the fatty threatened them he seemed somewhat pissed by their behavior.

Carl cleared his throat looked little pensive as he looked at everyone's face before speaking " What David said are true, I can't explain things carelessly but I assure you this wouldn't affect you, all you have to do be eyes and ears for us during this investigation nothing else I didn't believe no one witness any abnormalities here this month" 

He rolled his eyes when he noticed Agni looked like he would explode with frustration from all the cryptic and elusive talk " We suspect a dangerous creature likely escaped from our sanctum and our Intel tells us it didn't get out from this crime lair to this date."

" That thing could be highly dangerous and murderous so it's possible, the thing hidden here from if our assumption was right it was only natural for the thing to continue with killing I don't think it can avoid your attention right?"

"Hahahaha, wasn't this little easy now " Myuri said " Sir, there was no need for you guys to get agitated over small matter, you might be surprised but you come at right timing "

___ ___ ___ ___

"Is that the place you are talking about?" David asked Myuri and others looking at the door of the warehouse with a frown.

" Many strange things happening around this building " hound responded in a straightforward manner he now nervously looked at Carl with a deep sense of fear not only him but all other people glanced at him with terrified expressions. 

David heart pounding in fear then he looked back at Carl who also had solemn expression, he gritted his teeth and walked towards the warehouse only he knows the pressure he was feeling ' Is Carl really able to handle the thing inside '

Only they knew the seriousness of the situation. They are going to face something capable of killing someone with his level power after all the thing was completely wiped out by their salvation branch in the Ceptron, they have at least four people at his level.

He reached out and pushed the door open while his other hand gathered his power in concentration so he could attack at the moment of notice.