

Legends never die. That's what we're taught, anyway. At least, not until they're forgotten. So will this hold the next legend you put in your storybook? Read on to find out. This may not be your average adventure. And this may not contain your textbook hero. But who knows? You might have seen it all before. Or there might be a couple of surprises along the way.

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Chapter 6

We all walked back into the kitchen, and my mum gave me the bag. I looked inside the bag to see a change of clothes, some food, water, money, and a knife. She's sending me on a suicide mission - that's why she's given me the knife. So I at least stand a chance. It's confirmed. She is trying to kill me off. Gran wants me dead. I would say 'what did I do wrong?', or 'what did I do to deserve this?', but to her, I existed. Maybe I'm just overreacting. She can't be all bad if she went to the trouble of preparing all of this for me. I smiled to myself, trying to reassure myself that everything was gonna be alright, and then looked up at mum. "Can I have some money?"

"No, you cheeky sod. You already have some money." She said

"But it wouldn't hurt if I had some more," I told her, and she shook her head in disbelief, but still gave me some money. Twenty quid to be exact. "Dad, what about you?" I cocked an eyebrow, and he rolled his eyes, but also gave me twenty quid. I looked at Tiff, who punched my arm and then gave me a tenna. I grinned and then realised that there were still a couple of items I needed to get before I left because apparently I'm getting kicked out straight away because of Gran's visit. So it looks like there's gonna be no celebration for me. "I've got to go upstairs and get something quick. I'll be back in a minute."

I ran out of the room and up the stairs, slamming my bedroom door open and grabbing my wallet, which had 50 quid cash and 200 quid card. I put it in my pocket, and then felt a piece of paper in there. What the hell is that? When did the paper get in my pocket? Oh yeah, the note from Gran. I almost forgot about that. How the heck does she do that? I shrugged and took the piece of paper out of my pocket, quickly skimming over what it said. Then realising that I had to read it properly to put a and b together, I reread the whole thing with a sigh.


You have passed all of our expectations by completing the tests. You have earned the slightest bit of respect from the village. As to why I chose you because I'm sure you want to know, figure it out yourself. You're a bright kid, so you should be able to understand why. When you come back, tell me of your findings, and I'll tell you why. Remember that the people closest to you support what you're doing. If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit. And if you feel like quitting, think about why you started. That should get you through the day. You're stronger than most people give you credit for. But you have always deemed yourself as weak because of what others have said, so let me give you some advice. If you want to be strong then learn to fight alone. I remember that once you told me that you couldn't see why you were fighting anymore, or where this fight may take you, and I'm going to tell you what I should have said that day; you don't need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Now you may not completely get what that means, but when you do, you will realise that there's no need to worry. Now that's enough advice from me. Just finish what you started, Alexander. People are relying on you not to do so. On your journey, you will meet a serpent who will turn out to be a flower. The fate of your family is resting on your shoulders, Alexander. You cannot afford to mess up or back down.

Always remember who you are,


I smiled to myself. Maybe she doesn't hate me. I mean, she has put a lot of pressure on me, but I'm ready to rise to the challenge. All this time she was probably just wary of me. She might have been tough on me, but it wasn't because she had something against me. Well, not completely. It was because she wanted me to become a better man than my father was. Wait a minute. This note was supposed to explain everything to me, but it doesn't explain crap about anything. What the hell? Where is the explanation in this? What am I supposed to do first? I put the note back in my pocket and bounded down the stairs. This had put me in a better mood than I thought it would, but then I realised that it didn't explain dirt, and I'm stuck doing this on my own without any help from anyone. And I thought she was being nice to me, but all she did was give me a motivational letter. I mean, it's the nicest thing she's ever given to me, but still, this ain't fair. I was not expecting kind words from her of all people, and I do not require them at this moment in time. I walked into the kitchen and grinned, but was met with a load of grim faces. This was not what I was expecting, but you know, it's not the first thing that has disappointed me in the last ten minutes, so I'm not too bothered at this point in time. But that doesn't mean I'm happy about the entire situation. Everyone should be happy and sunshine and rainbows and ugh, why does nothing go to plan? I don't get it, and I've given up trying.

"What's wrong, guys?" I asked, and my mum sighed

"Give me your wallet." She said, extending her hand towards me.

"What? Why?" I stared at her, confused

"You don't need it." She told me and I handed her my wallet, still greatly confused why she won't let me take it. Wouldn't it be better if I had it with me?

"I know I'm leaving, but does everybody have to be so down in the dumps." I looked around the room, and everyone refused to meet my gaze. Like geez, people. What is all your problem? Did I do something wrong, or what?

"It's not that, Alexander," Tiffany said

"Then what is it?" I watched as they all looked between each other, none of them willing to tell me anything. Can someone please tell me what the heck is going on? I looked at Tiffany, who seemed to be trying to piece something together. Maybe an explanation to tell me. Or a lie to cover it all up. That's when it clicked. Is it something to do with her own battle? Do they know? That is so unfair if they do! I want to know!

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, little buddy," Dad said, giving me a small smile. But as much as I want to know, I still respect her privacy. She's not ready to tell me, and I guess I could understand why. Dad quickly recovered his positive attitude, and his small smile turned into a massive grin. "Let's go, people. We need to wish Alexander off."

We all mumbled in agreement, and I grabbed the bag gran had supplied me with, plus an apple to eat on the way, and we all headed out. We walked in silence, and I looked around, taking in the views. They're nothing interesting, but still, I may be gone for ages, and I'm gonna miss this place. I felt Tiffany squeeze my hand and I looked at her, but she refused to meet my gaze, keeping her eyes trained forward. What the heck is going on today? I don't like it, but I don't have any choice in the matter, and I don't like it. I hate being kept in the dark. We stopped at one of the gates that led to the outskirts of the village. I looked up at the big, looming fence that towered over me, my breath catching in my throat. This is not daunting whatsoever, is it? I feel like the gate's going to come crashing down on me at any second. It's not, but that thought scares the crap outta me every time I walk past one of these things, and I hate it. Either way, I can't believe this is actually happening. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

"So, Alexander, I can see you're ready." The elder said, and I turned to face her, trying not to have a heart attack from her sudden appearance. Where the hell did she come from, and why does she keep on showing up when I don't want her to be anywhere near me? I mean, I know she's only showed up twice since I've returned from the tests, but that's still two too many.

I nodded at her "Yeah, I am."

"I'm proud of you, son," Dad told me, putting his hand out.

"Thanks, dad." I shook his hand

"Goodbye, Alexander." Mum cried, shaking slightly, and I hugged her, trying to calm her down, yet to no avail. I sighed.

"Bye, mum. Stay strong for me, alright?" I pulled away from the hug, and she nodded in agreement.

"Okay, baby boy." She agreed, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw tears in my father's eyes.

"You two go home and calm yourselves down. He shouldn't have to see you like this." The elder said, and my parents nodded. They both hugged me, both saying goodbye to me, and I watched them walk away. I have mixed emotions about my goodbye's so far, but I'll bite my tongue about it for now. I turned to Tiffany and the old hag as a sense of uneasiness passed over me. I hugged Tiffany, trying to wipe away the uneasiness. Sadly, it did not subside.

"It's fine, Tiff. Everything's going to be fine, alright?" I reassured her

She pushed me away and nodded. "Alright then, Alexander."

I looked at the elder, and we nodded at each other. "I am relying on you, Alexander."

"I know you are," I said, and smiled, trying to mask my uneasiness. Thankfully, that seemed to work. "That's why I gotta do this."

"I trust you."

"I understand."

(This is The Elder)

I watched him walk away, and as he did so he gave us a thumbs up. "Bye, guys."

"Wait a minute, Alexander!" Tiffany shouted after him, desperation in her voice. She was not ready to let him walk away just yet. "Let me come with you!"

"No, Tiff. I got this." Is what he replied to her with

She went running after him, but I stopped her. She looked at me, desperation clear in her eyes, and I shook my head. "But elder, he said he's got it when he clearly doesn't!"

"He's going to forever say 'I got this', even with tears in his eyes," I told her, and then looked in the direction of my grandson. He's been through his fair share of hardships because of his father's actions, and yet he still tries to smile through the day. He may hate half the village for what they've done to him, but he would never express it towards anyone except me or his father. He can be optimistic in the bleakest of situations, and I have never seen him take something seriously, which makes me wonder how this journey will turn out for him. His future is now in his own hands. He is out of my control for now.



"Why does Alexander try so hard to be different?"

"Because no one ever made a difference by being like everyone else."

"Why does he fight?"

"So he can live."

"Why does he live?"

"So he can dream."

"Why does he dream?"

"So he can become someone great. But…"

"But what?"

"But with such greatness comes great responsibility."

"Will he be up to the task?"

"I'm not so sure."

Silence overcame the two of us, and I suddenly had second thoughts about sending him on this journey. I looked at Tiffany, who looked broken due to him being sent away. I have a feeling that she's going to be replaced. He loves her, that much is clear, but enough to keep her, I'm not so sure. She reminds me of Tinkerbell. Whether she'll have the same fate, I hope not. Tinkerbell was always there for Peter. And Peter? He chose Wendy. Let's hope that Alexander won't choose someone else. He's broken her enough as it is.