

The two days quickly passed by and I was excited to have my first training session with my father who was quite a high ranking in the military and had created his style of self-defense techniques.

"Alright son, we'll be starting with hand-to-hand combat first and because your body is a little too small to be using a sword and knowing how to fight without a weapon is always a good thing so whenever you're in a dangerous situation and you lose your weapon you can still protect yourself or others.

He showed off some techniques which looked complicated as he was turning and kicking I realized it looked a lot like capoeira and Taekwon-Do mixed while the techniques with punching looked somewhat like karate and kung-fu mixed while there were quite some moves that I couldn't recognize there were also a lot of them that I could, so learning my father's hand-to-hand combat techniques would be a little easier not that it would be easy but at least some techniques would be easier and for the rest of the day, I was repeating the techniques my father showed me, after an hour of me training my father left and allowed me to train alone and after around 4 hours he came back to see me move with extreme difficulty and my clothes were soaked with sweat, and all he could say was that he was incredibly impressed by my motivation.

But what I was looking forward to were the magic lessons I would be having tomorrow, but for now, I went and took a nice and relaxing bath which was needed as my muscles were sore so the warm water did wonders to my body, and with that, I headed off to sleep.


It was already the next morning and when I went to have breakfast with my family I noticed an unfamiliar man sitting close to my father which was weird because normally only my mother would sit there as it was a custom that only the most important person sat at the head of the table which was my father then would be my mother and then any important guests and then me because I was the youngest.

Anyway, I didn't think much of it and continued eating.

I noticed my father starting to talk "Son I would like you to meet Mr. Ixar Evodalf he will be the one teaching you about magic so after you have finished eating I would like for you to head to the study room," as my father finished talking he stood up and left the table together with Ixar

I quickly finished eating and headed to the study room my father was talking about as I entered the room I noticed that Ixar was sitting next to a chalkboard, he motioned me to go towards him.

"So you are Zachary, your father was praising you quite a lot I hope you can manage to impress me," said Ixar with a cold and uninterested voice

"Well, what would you like to know Mr.Ixar?" I asked with a slight smile on my face

"Your vocabulary is quite good for someone so young so could you please write your name and interests on the board please," said Ixar with a bit more interested voice although not with much of a change

I walked up to the board and wrote down my name Zachary Lionhart and my interests which were Monsters, magic, swords, and crafting.

"Monsters, that is quite an interesting thing to be interested in young Zachary would you care to explain why you wrote down monsters?"

"Well, I think that monsters are cool and they could be used for many different things not just gaining monster-resources it is one of my dreams to become a monster tamer and to be able to fight alongside my monster companions!" I said with stars in my eyes

"Well, your dream is certainly interesting but I don't think you could tame those mindless beasts," said Ixar

"And that is where you are wrong," I said with a slightly annoyed expression

"Oh, care to explain,"

"Well, the first thing you were wrong about was calling them mindless beasts because most monsters only attack because we enter their territory and then attack them first and the second part was when you said dream, it is not just a dream because I will make it a reality just you wait!" I said with a confident smile

"Ha-hahaha well kid I can see why your father was so proud of you," said Ixar with an amused expression

"But let's get to your first lesson about magic!" said Ixar

"I will first tell you about the basics of magic and the types of magic, so let's start, you first have to know that there is normal and special magic, normal magic is fire, water, earth, wind, darkness, and light and there are countless ways to evolve these magic and when you do you get special magic for example if you mix fire and earth magic it creates lava magic, but some people are born with special types of magic and that is something only they can use for example blood magic until now only 7 people have awakened it, it is also impossible to evolve the other types of magic into blood magic and that is why it is so rare, now normally I would look at your affinities but I don't have an affinity crystal with me so you will have to wait until the next lesson," said Ixar

"Now I will tell you about some basic fire spells, for example, there is the 1st tier spell fireball and I will also get into magic tiers in the next lesson, but any way to use the spell you will have to chant the word Fireball while channeling magic into your hands which then will create a magic circle and from that the fireball would come out you can also use it for other types of magic you just have to use that spell, like Waterball or Gust for the earth spell.

But I will leave it up to you how to find your magic power because it is different for everyone, and that was it for this lesson" finished Ixar.

The next chapter will be coming out tomorrow or in two days so be ready and thanks for any positive comments!

Washurucreators' thoughts