
My first companion

So I recently found out that the gray energy like thing uses a lot of my mana even though it is constantly growing the gray energy snuffed it away without a care and only after using it for multiple hours could I even locate where it was coming from and I found that it was coming from my brain the energy had multiple uses, for example, it allowed me to lift things and manipulate electricity but I didn't have enough time to continue examining it.

The training I did with my father was going great except for weapons, I found them extremely hard to use except for the bow I don't know why but the bow just felt good in my hands and on my first couple shots I could already hit the target although it wasn't that close to the bullseye but I felt great with even hitting the target.

Even now I was trying to improve my aim when Ixar came outside and walked up to me.

"Your aim is quite good for a beginner but have you tried infusing mana in the arrow?" asked Ixar

"But wouldn't the arrow explode because of too much mana?" I asked back

"If you use too much yes it would explode but if your control is good enough then you can infuse it with mana but you should first improve your control with crystals and I've noticed that you have an exceptional amount of mana for a kid and it hasn't stopped growing for even a second which is very unnatural because people need to absorb mana from their surroundings which needs a lot of focus and for you the mana naturally flows towards you," explained Ixar

"But if I have too much mana won't it overburden my body and blow it up?" I asked with wide eyes

"Oh, that is nothing to worry about you can change your body to a mana body, normally only advanced mages can do this or people with a lot of mana you are the second type so you can just expand your mana system until mana fills your whole body and then it won't be overburdened with mana as your body will be able to store a lot more mana naturally and another solution is infusing your mana with an elven mana crystal, those crystals can store at least a hundred times more mana than you have now," said Ixar

"How can we get them?" I asked with hope-filled eyes

He just gave me a small smile and said: "You can't."

"What do you mean you can't," I asked with a deadpanned voice

"Only elves are allowed to use it and elves hate when someone who's human use their crystals so you will have to change your body although it won't be needed for now," said Ixar

After that, he said his goodbye's and left me alone to train again but I was already done with it and a good idea appeared in my head 'I should go to the forest that is close to our house' it wouldn't be dangerous as the guards of our house often go on patrols there so the forest has been checked out completely so no monsters are existing in the forest so it was bound to be safe right?

So I headed out to the forest the walk towards the forest was uneventful and around half-way, up a hill, I could see a village not too far away but I decided not to go there because I could be attacked not that it would be a problem because I can sort of protect myself against one person but probably not against multiple opponents but I could probably just run away if something happens.

As I entered the forest I noticed there were a lot of animals even some that I've never even seen before only in the bestiary so I was quite amazed by all the different sort of animals and time flowed by quickly and I didn't even realize that it was already darkening and I turned around only to be meated with trees and at that moment I realized that I fucked up and that I was lost.

I heard sounds of feet running around and I heard faint sounds of a battle and a lot of light not too far away from me so I decided to run towards the battle and see what was making all that light, when I arrived the battle already looked to be over so I decided not to hide and went out to check what was going on and what I saw was quite a bit of destruction and a fox lying down on its side breathing heavily and not too far from it a dark brown bear not breathing at all.

The fox seemed to notice my presence and slowly stood up but winced when it put down its right paw but none the less stood up and bared its fangs at me, "Human what are you doing here!?" it shouted out in a high pitched voice I replied to 'his' question with "Don't worry I just saw that you were fighting so I wanted to help you out."

The fox looked at me with a shocked expression and said: "W-wait you understood me?"

"Uhh, yeah isn't that normal a monster with intelligence should be able to talk human language right?" I asked

"How dare you say monster! And I'm not some ordinary monster with intelligence and either way, monsters that can talk have died long ago and I'm speaking the language of the Kitsune so I don't know why you can understand me." said the fox

I started to think 'Maybe my second whish allowed me to speak not only all human languages but also languages of beasts and monsters but I couldn't talk to any of the normal animals maybe it's only the ones that are infused with mana'.

"Anyway I don't want to harm you so can I help you out?"

The fox narrowed its eyes at me and said "NO!"

"But you're gonna die if you don't let me help you," I said in a worried tone

The fox pouted (Which was incredibly cute) and said: "Alright I'll let you help me this one time human,".

I slowly walked up to it and realized that I had no way to help it so I had to bring it back home the only problem was that I didn't know the way back so I asked "So there is a tiny problem and its that I can only help you if you can help me get out of the forest" and he replied with "Hmmph stupid human, can't even find its way out of the forest but you have to go left from here and the straight then you would get to the closest human establishment" at the end, he gave me a small smirk, but I didn't let that bother me, so I picked him up with a lot of protest from him but in the end, he gave up and fell asleep in my hand after moving quickly for about half an hour I arrived at the entrance of the forest where a lot of soldiers where about go inside the forest I also noticed my father running towards me.

I thought he would hug me but I was sorely mistaken the second I was in striking distance from him he smacked me on the head and started to give me a whole dialogue of bullshit but I quickly said: "Dad no time for this, I need to help this guy!" while pointing at the fox in my arms, my father narrowed his eyes at me and said, "Son why are you helping a monster that could kill you?"

I replied with the best lie I could think of and said: "Well he got hurt because of me so I want to help him, didn't you always tell me to help people?" he just said "While I did say that, I was talking about helping humans, not monsters but I can't help but agree with you so I'll help it out this once"

I just replied with a happy yay!

My father called a healer who healed the fox although reluctantly but a single glare from my father was all it took for him to heal the fox.

It was already the next day and I woke up to something licking my face "Oi, stop that" I said in an annoyed voice I just heard a small whine and looked down to see that I was half-way laying on top of the fox I saved.

"Get off me you oversized hairless intelligent monkey!" it said with a small grr~ at the end.

I just chuckled and said "Alright alright I'll get off you foxy,"

He just glared at me and said: "My name Isn't Foxy!"

"Well, then what is your name?" I asked

"Don't have one!" said the tiny fox

"Would you like me to give you a name?"

The fox's eyes shined but it quickly changed to a glare "You want to take advantage of the name contract don't you!?" he said with an angry voice

"A name contract?" I said with one of my brows quirked up

"Oh, you don't know what it is, do you?" it said while raising his chin up

I just glared at it annoyingly and said: "Yeah I don't know what it is so will you tell me?"

"The name contract is an ancient contract that was used to become companions with monsters and mythical beings although it was lost through time some monsters still know about it for example me! Anyways a human would have to infuse their mana with a monster/mythical being and give it a name and from that point, on they would become inseparable they would have to stay at least 250 kilometers close to each other otherwise the contract would be broken and would have severe repercussions one of them being 'losing all levels of magic' and possibly 'death' but normally just death" He explained

I said, "So would you like to be my companion?"

"Hmm, sure!"

I sighed and said "of course you wouldn- wait what?

"I said sure!" said the fox

"B-but why?" I asked with wide eyes

"Well you helped me out and you didn't kill me for your own gain and either way I can tell you were sincere when trying to help me, it is a special trait of my race and either way it seems more fun to be with you than alone in that forest!" he said with a small smile

So I started the contract, I slowly connected my mana with his and decided to name him... Yuu a great name which meant superior as I finished saying his name we both started shining with yellow light and a small chain formed around us which connected in a circle around us.

"Why Yuu?" Asked Yuu

"Well, you survived fighting against that bear and you escaped death so you are superior to even death and you aren't even a normal monster you are a Kitsune right? Which is a mythical being so it is only natural to give you a great name!" I explained.

Here you go another chapter, and idk when the next chapter is coming probably in two days but maybe more either way thx for reading!

Washurucreators' thoughts