
Awakening my mana

Today was quite a special day because I would be awakening my the mana in my body although my mana did appear when I was 4 years old but I couldn't use it because the mana in my body hasn't been moved through the mana pathway system, there are very thin lines almost everywhere in my body and through that travels the mana you can also overload them, and when you do that you will experience an increase of power and speed and if you keep it up for long enough you can expand the pathway so you can channel more mana through your body.

I was sitting outside with only pants on, you could see that my body was slowly developing muscles although it wasn't that noticeable because I only recently started training my body so there weren't any changes as of yet.

But anyway I was sitting on a rock outside in our huge garden and you could see some kind of energy slowly travel towards my body after a couple of minutes the energy stopped coming towards me and I slowly started to channel the energy through my body and once I circulated the energy once through all of my body the energy inside of me exploded and created strong enough winds that created a crater around me and leveled the trees that were surrounding me.

I could sense that my father was rushing towards me only to be sent flying backward, so I shut down the energy that was coming out of me, when all the energy stopped leaking out of me I stood up with a refreshed expression on my face.

"Oh, hey dad I didn't see you there," I said with a sheepish smile on my face while rubbing the back of my head

"Zach are you ok!?" said my father as he ran up to me

"Yeah, I'm fine I just awakened my mana!" I replied with a cheerful expression

"wha- this was your doing" said my father with wide eyes

"W-well, yeah I guess isn't this what was supposed to happen?"

"Well yeah, but not at this scale, looks like you have way more mana than I thought you would have, but I'm glad that you are fine," said my father with a relieved sigh

"So, now that I have awakened my mana can I try using spells?!" I said with an excited tone

My father just sighed and said yes to which I replied with an excited yay.

But now I'm going to try using the spell Fireball, I started channeling a small amount of mana into my hand at first it was hard to regulate the amount but after a couple of tries I managed to put in a small amount and I used the chant "Fireball!", I saw a red circle form in front of my palm with a fireball in the middle of it and after a second a fireball was sent out of the circle towards a boulder not too far away of me, as it hit the boulder it exploded and created a decent sized crater in the middle of the boulder, and I just kept on trying to use different amounts of mana once I even felt tired but it went away only a second later, I guessed that it was because of my to have an ever-growing source of power and that power would be mana.

for the next couple of days, I kept on trying to improve the fireball spell and in the blink of an eye, my next lesson with Ixar was already here.

As I entered the study room I noticed Ixar sitting in the same place as before.

"So I heard you awakened your mana, congratulations, but don't be too happy because if you can't control it, it will be useless in a fight because you would pass out after a single attack but for today I will teach you a bit about the world's geography," said Ixar

"The world is incredibly vast and there are countless continents that we haven't discovered yet but there are 3 continents that we do know about a lot about and two of those are our neighboring continents, there is the holy continent Archaria, Archaria is the strongest of the three because of the number of believers they have and to become a member of the church you have to have the light affinity which is quite rare in our continent but not that rare in Archaria but the reason they are so strong is because they have an incredible number of healers so recently the only people that did die were the ones who were sent to fight in the demonic continent.

Then there is our continent Argonia we aren't associated with the church in any way but we aren't enemies either and our continent is the second strongest of the three because we have a lot of different types of mages who can stand on par with tier 3 monsters although the number is only around 50 but that is still amazing, sadly the church has a couple more than us and that is also one of the other reasons why we are only the second.

And then there is the demonic continent, it doesn't have a name because no one is ruling it and it is filled with monsters, it is rumored to be two times larger than both our and the holy continent combined but we can't know because no one has gone all the way through to the other side and there were several sightings of tier 4 monsters and that is the reason why it is the most dangerous continent to be in."

"That will be enough of geography for now, because I have brought an affinity crystal with me so we can check out your affinity's" as he finished saying that he brought out a kite-shaped crystal that was transparent, "Now just put your hand on the crystal and start slowly channeling your mana inside of the crystal"

I did as he said and started to slowly guide my mana towards the crystal when my mana entered it started to shine in a red and orange light then it switched to a light green one, then it started to glow in a dark gray light and Ixar slightly narrowed his eyes at that which I noticed and when I looked back I saw that the crystal wasn't in my hand anymore there was only a pile of dust that scattered away.

I gulped and said, "Sir Ixar was that the special magic you were talking about?"

He looked at me with narrowed eyes and said "Yes it was but I have never seen anything like that even though I've been teaching the young generation for 20 years and have seen my fair share of special magic I've never seen one that disintegrated an affinity crystal this is certainly interesting," his voice was incredibly disturbing at the end and I think he noticed that I was quite uncomfortable so he stood up and said "I will go and report this to your father and in the next lesson we will experiment with your magic," and by the time he was finished he was already out of the room

"Oh well this was interesting," I said and then I just headed off to bed because I was incredibly tired for an unknown reason.