
Legendary Shifter SS

In a world where everyone has a secondary animal form, some are born without an animal form. They are called Defects. How would you survive in a city with a defect like not having a second animal form? Kanetsugu is from Japan, and he has this exact predicament. How do you deal with not having a secondary animal form in a world where most people have one? Joining Huntress Artemis was what his goal was: to eradicate all who have a special animal power. Artemis, the head of the hunters of Naragama City. She can transform into an agile silver wolf, and she is Legendary ranked. As a Shifter, she leads the cult of the Hunters, but she is still a Hunter herself. How does this align with philosophy? Follow the story of two young shifters interacting with their friends in a fantasy world where nothing is as it seems.

yoongimpc · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Kanetsugu, the Boy Who Couldn’t Transform

Kanetsugu Iwasaki.

He was the only person in his entire class who didn't have the ability to transform. Of course, he'd known that for thirteen years, but he'd still put up the act of being a Shifter well enough that people were surprised when he didn't transform. Now he was just...there. Someone to talk to, be entertained by, but not directly associate with.

Some of the paranoid gossips thought he was contagious.

Of course, he couldn't blame them. Had it been someone else, he probably would have felt the same way. Being a Defect was just the way he was—which was the reason why he'd taken to spying on the freshman class every year.

Even if he couldn't Transform into something cool, he could at least gather intel for Artemis, known as the Virgin Huntress and the notorious leader of the Hunters, an extremist anti-Shifter cult in Naragama City.

Even before she could Transform, she'd been born in the lap of someone who'd thrust her into a position of leadership, or at least a that's what she'd told him. Which was why so many people had feared and respected her—they'd known all along she'd become a high level Shifter when she finally came of age. And now here she was, an A rank Shifter who could take the form of an agile silver wolf at will.

Talk about good luck.

After Kanetsugu turned out to be a Defect, everyone had expected him to join the Hunters, and so he did. He didn't mind it, and he would even admit to having a slight crush on Artemis. He thought she was pretty and cute, albeit immature, but he didn't think he would mind dating her. So obviously, he didn't mind taking her orders or being her lackey, although without an animal form, there wasn't much he could offer in the way of support aside from gathering intel.

After the Transformation episode that had occurred in classroom 1-A earlier that day, he'd learned that one of the freshmen would be Transforming that night. Her name was Hayami Sugimoto, and he had no idea what her animal form was—yet. He'd have to wait until the next day at school to find that out for sure. Either that or he'd have to follow her to her house, which he would have done, had he been a Shifter like everyone else.

Lying in bed, he restlessly mulled over what form she could possibly take. Really, it was so open ended that he shouldn't have even been stressing himself out about it so much, but he couldn't help but wonder.

"The things I do for Artemis," he grumbled, sighing. But the truth was, he was really doing it for himself, because of his secret wish. Some people might have thought it was strange, eccentric even, but what he wanted more than anything was to be seduced by a gorgeous girl with a secret power. For a while, he'd thought that girl was Artemis, but when she'd turned out just to be a normal Shifter, he pretty much got over his anticipation and excitement. He still liked her and cared about her, but it was different now. He wasn't like an overeager fanboy waiting for the latest release of some series. No—he was now just like a brother, or even a bodyguard.

Now that he knew this girl was Transforming tonight, however, his hopes had reached new heights. His heart beat wildly in his chest—he couldn't wait to find out about her Transformation.

And the fact that she attended his school made him feel even more eager and excited. This time, there was actually a possibility that something real could happen.

If she actually did end up being a Legendary Shifter, that would be something else.


"Hayami, are you okay? What was that noise? Did you Transform yet—"

Hayami cut her mother off with that same alarming cry from before. In all honesty, she didn't want her parents to find out about what she was. If they knew the mythology, they might try to disown her, or worse. Maybe they were secretly extremists who hated Legendary Shifters, and maybe they'd try to kill her.

"I guess you want to be left alone, then. Well, once you get adjusted to your new animal form, come out and eat something. Both your father and I are very eager to see what you've Transformed into," Hayami's mother said in a singsong voice.

Had Hayami been in his human form, she would have rolled his eyes.

Sick of standing on the table and wanting to try out her newfound agility, she lept off the dresser and back onto her bed, where she flopped on her back, her front and hind paws flailing wildly in the air. She felt mischievous and playful, probably a similar sensation to how the animal's mind might feel, if it had had another conscience.

Before long, she found herself rolling back and fourth on the soft comforter, tangling herself in the white bedsheets. She batted at wrinkles to try and smoother them out, and practically fell out of the bed, taking the comforter with her.

All at once she wondered if she had any powers, like breathing fire or something. Or maybe she could cast a spell and bend time, like a god or a wizard. But all of that would have to wait—first, she would have to find out how her parents felt about Legendary Shifters.

Hayami reluctantly got up from her nest of blankets and stood up on all four paws. In order to open the door she would need to transform back to her human form, and then she'd try to subtly question her parents about their opinions on Legendary Shifters to get an idea of weather or not they'd accept her.

Thinking meditation might help, she closed her eyes and focused only on a single thought: I want to transform. Hopefully, the god that had given her this other body would answer her prayers, and allow her to return back to her human self.

The ease of her transformation was a shock; within a second, she was back in her human body, only now, she was standing stark naked in the middle of her room. If she was any more modest, she would have screamed, but she stifled the scream with a hand. She wouldn't want her parents to come in and see her like this.

"Where are my pajamas? They must be here somewhere…" Panicked, Hayami fumbled around in the sheets for her pajamas until she managed to find them buried under her comforter, in a messy pile on the floor where she'd left them.

She snatched them up and began pulling her pants on at a breakneck speed. In less than thirty seconds she had both her pants and top on, her human hair now almost dry and stiff, sticking to her face. On the sheet she spotted a few fine red tufts of fur, which looked almost exactly like a loose strand of her hair would have, only they were shorter, like a cat's.

At least this way, no one will be suspicious of anything if they see the hairs on my bedsheets, Hayami thought, grateful for a small miracle.

After hastily throwing her tangled sheets back onto the bed, she prepared herself for the coming conversation with her parents. Knowing them, they would ask her several questions about her Transformation, like how it felt and what kind of animal she turned into. And they'd also keep pressing even if she withheld the information, so that wouldn't exactly be an option. If she went outright and asked about Legendary Shifters, that would make them suspicious. But if she didn't, the nerves would grow until she finally caved and told them everything.

With that reasoning, it was better to just come out and ask them about Legendary Shifters right from the start.

Hayami sighed and reluctantly pushed open the door, turning the doorknob as slowly as possible in order to further delay the inevitable. Her hair was down; she'd forgotten to grab an elastic, but she didn't think it was worth it to get one. She already knew she looked like shit; putting her hair up after she'd just inhabited the body of an animal wouldn't do much to make her look any better.

I guess it's now or never, she thought, and stepped out into the hallway.

She made her way down the familiar staircase and into the modern-style kitchen, complete with a sleek bar counter and flashy new cooking appliances. This kitchen opened up into the living room, where the TV sat, currently off.

Both of her parents were standing by the counter, chatting when she came in. They stopped immediately when they saw her, as was predicted.

"Happy birthday, little Haya," Hayami's dad said, using the nickname he'd given her when she was a little girl. Like her, he had striking, lobster red hair, due to the fact that he was only one half Japanese. Her mother was full blooded Japanese, and she had what Hayami's British grandmother would call "commoner's hair": the typical dark brown that was common in most Asian countaries. He had a slender build, and was what Hayami would consider handsome.

All in all, the Sugimoto family was very attractive; even her older brother had had his fair share of admirers when they still went to school together.

Hayami's mother was a feminine woman whose dark hair stood out in contrast to the rest of the family's, but that in no way made her ugly. Most people thought she was pretty, even for her age. Like her husband, she was slender, and she hadn't gained a pound after giving birth to two children. She was kind hearted, which was why her father had fallen for her in the first place: she never judged a book by its cover, and was always very lenient and forgiving. Her motto was "as long as they've learned their lesson." In parenting terms, that meant they were rarely ever punished and got off pretty easy for causing trouble, as long as they apologized when it was due.

"Thanks, Dad," she replied. At least one person wasn't completely up her ass about her Transformation. That granted him a beaming smile from his favorite *cough* only daughter.

That's when she noticed the cake. It was on the bar counter by the seat she usually occupied during meals, and it had her name written in a sprawling cursive along with the message Happy Birthday. Two blazing candles shaped like the number fifteen were used as decorations, as if she didn't know what age she was turning.

"I know you said you weren't hungry, but I went ahead and got the cake out anyway. I thought it would be such a waste if no one ate any before it went bad…" Hayami's mother paused distractedly, as though forgetting something. "Oh! And one more thing. Come sit down! Your father will entertain you while I get your presents from upstairs," she added. In addition to being forgiving and not very strict, Hayami's mother could also be a bit of a ditz as well as forgetful. Her memory seemed to be getting worse as she got older, and Hayami wouldn't be surprised if she ended up having dementia later on.

Hayami's father rolled his eyes at her mother's clumsy behavior as she went up the stairs to retrieve her gifts. Luckily, they hadn't yet tried to ask her about her Transformation, but in all honesty, she wouldn't put it past her father not to ask. He was the mind of person who hated being left in the dark, so it wasn't all that surprising when he decided to bring it up.

"I heard a strange cry come from your room earlier. Did that have anything to do with your transformation?" Hayami's dad asked, sitting down on a stool across the counter from her. Hayami decided to make herself comfortable in her usual seat; it seemed like her mother wouldn't be back for awhile.

"Yeah, actually, it did," Hayami explained sheepishly, remembering the infant-like cry she'd let loose after discovering she was a Nine Tailed Fox. "As a matter of fact, I—I have something I want to ask you about. In regards to Legendary Shifters."

She paused, swallowing her nerves in one gulp.

"What is it? Are you saying that cry—was coming from your animal form? I've never heard anything like it before. Does that mean you're—"

Hayami cut him off before he could go any further.

"Before I answer your question, you'll have to enlighten me on something," she pressed. "What are your beliefs about Legendary Shifters? And how do you feel about the Hunters?"

"That's a hard question to answer. It's almost like politics, where your reaction will get people all riled up. So, if I have to be honest, I'm not really all that concerned with them. Until today, I never thought one would come anywhere near me, let alone that my daughter would become one." Hayami's father paused, as though trying to think of an appropriate explanation. "In all honesty, I'm not an extremist on either side. It's more like—it's more like I respect them. I would never think of killing someone because they can transform into a mythological creature—that seems wrong to me. I just want everyone to be able to get along and live their life without judgement or pain. That's what I think."

Hayami's father finished with a sigh. And she could understand; it was an admirable speech.

"And Mom?" She almost felt bad for giving that response after his blatant honesty.

"I think she feels the same way, although she's a bit touchy on the subject, considering she really wanted to be one as a little girl," her father offered.

"I understand. So… if I tell you the truth, do you promise you won't get mad?" Despite her father's speech, she was still on edge. It almost felt wrong that she was so concerned about sharing this with him, even after hearing his opinion.

"I promise," her father affirmed.

"Okay...if you say so." Hayami paused, gathering all of her courage. "Apparently, I'm a Nine Tailed Fox. I have white fur, and red paws, and the tips of my tails are also red. And also, I think I might have some sort of magic power, like being able to breathe fire or something."

At that last comment, her father burst out laughing.

Hayami blushed.

"What's so funny?" Hearing her father laugh at her confession was probably one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to her. The fact that he seemed to think it was the most hilarious thing he'd ever heard made her feel ten times worse about the whole situation. She'd expected a more dramatic and serious reaction, but that's the exact opposite of what she got.

"Nothing, little Haya. It's nothing," he replied after he'd calmed down enough to speak. "Anyway…I think it's safe to tell your mother. She might act hurt or distant for a few days, but if you give it time she'll come around." Her father sighed, his poster slouched, meaning he was feeling relaxed. He was still chuckling a little bit under his breath, though, which infuriated Hayami.

"Dad! Stop. It's not that funny," she blurted, her face burning a deeper shade of red than before.

"Sorry, sorry." He waved her anger off with a simple apology. Sometimes, she thought her dad was too laid back for her tastes.

Just then she heard her mother's footsteps as she came back down the stairs, accompanied by the crinkling of wrapping paper.

"Sorry I took so long. I hope you guys weren't too bored without me," Hayami's mother amended, setting the presents down on the open portion of the countertop to her right, where no one was sitting and where they wouldn't squash the cake.

"Mom, I have something to tell you. I'm not sure how you'll react, but, I really need to say this," Hayami began for the second time that night. "I—I'm a Legendary Shifter."


The next morning, Kanetsugu woke up before his alarm. He still couldn't stop thinking about the girl who would Transform, and how much he'd have to tell Artemis about the next time he saw her. However, thoughts of the Shifter girl overshadowed his thoughts of the Huntress, whose beauty had yet to be rivaled by anyone this far...except for her.

Then again, maybe that was just his secret wish talking.

Kanetsugu decided he felt like a shower, so he did. He got out of bed and stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door gingerly behind him. He didn't need to, though; living alone required less concerns about privacy. His parents had sent him to live by himself during his freshman year of high school; they hoped it would make him more responsible as an adult.

And despite the fact that he was constantly stressed out, it was working. While his parents paid for rent, he had a job bagging groceries at a local grocery store, which paid decently for the amount of physical labor it required.

It was pure coincidence they had similar hairstyles. As a matter of fact, he'd been super surprised when Artemis had turned out not to be a Legendary Shifter. Since the twintails hairstyle was popular among female Nine Tailed Foxes (the word "tail" was in its name, and because the creatures took pride in their tails, the hairstyle appealed to them. The hairstyle also conveyed a look of serene elegance and youthful energy, which accentuated the overall appeal to these creatures), he was even more surprised, considering she still wore the version of the style he'd nicknamed "buntails" (otherwise known as the Star Mana hairstyle. Star Mana was a magical girl anime character who had first made buntails popular) even as a high schooler.

He never thought a wolf would have flashy enough tastes to wear her hair up like that, but apparently, Artemis was an exception. The hairstyle was eccentric enough to call attention to any girl who wore it, and only a certain kind of person would want or desire people's eyes constantly trained on their hair.

Kanetsugu's train of thought was interrupted as cold water sprayed down on him from the faucet of the shower head. The hot water and steam made his muscles relaxed as he dousedhis body with shampoo, scrubbing every centimeter of his skin dry with soap in order to make sure he didn't smell later, when he actually did go to meet with Artemis.

"Ah. Hopefully I won't screw up at all while talking with her…" Kanetsugu turned the running water off and opened the shower door, reaching a hand out to grab the towel on the hangar. When he checked in the mirror for that one brief second in between, he noticed his face was slightly red. It could either be from embarrassment due to his thoughts about Artemis, or the heat and steam from the shower. Likely, it was a combination of both, but he didn't blush easily, so that kind of ruled out his other assumption.

Kanetsugu dried himself as thoroughly as he could before he stepped out of the shower, his hair still dripping. Hair always took an annoyingly long time to dry off; he was thankful that he'd woken up extra early for this occasion.

He wrapped his towel around his waist, as was proper etiquette. Even though he lived alone, it wasn't like he was going to walk around stark naked regardless. He was too modest for that. And besides, if someone were to catch a glimpse of him naked in his apartment, they'd probably call the landlord and he'd be done for.

Kanetsugu opened the door to his bedroom, where he knew his school uniform was waiting for him on top of his dresser. He'd folded it sloppily, but it was the best he could do without a mother in the house to offer him assistance.

He discarded the towel and pulled on the pants that came with his school uniform set, which was a lighter shade of navy blue. After his pants were secured with a belt and everything, Kanetsugu pulled on the white undershirt that, on days when it felt too hot, would get on his nerves.

Once that was taken care of, the high school senior finished off the ensemble with it's final, most flashy element: the blazer. He smoothed out the wrinkles and secured the seamless buttons that didn't even show because they were that weird kind with the fabric overlay.

Next came the tie. Like the uniform's accents, it was a startling shade of red in comparison to the deep blue that made up most of the fabric. The red gave it a very patriotic, very American vibe, and he thought that if American high schools were to use school uniforms more often, theirs would look something like his school's. The crest gleamed on his breast, catching the light when he moved to adjust the tie, which he'd only recently gotten the hang of taking care of on his own.

Kanetsugu grimaced in frustration; the tie always took a little bit longer than everything else. But after he figured it out, tightening the knot was the easiest thing in the world.

He pulled and released, letting out a quick breath of air.

"I don't look all that bad, do I?" The Defect remarked, putting his hands on his hips, smirking. His dark hair made the bright red of the tie pop, while his generic caramel brown eyes reminded him of his status as a Defect.

The reminder made his eyes flash in irritation, but the moment passed when his stomach grumbled.