
New Guardians

He turned around and forgot about the Badonka, focusing back on the New Pacifista Body…

It was much different from the Original Pacifista, Tenshi would even dare to say better? If he was allowed to say that, of course! It was nearly complete too! Unexpectedly, merging two different Technologies from two worlds was a roaring success! Not only because it worked but because the effect was more than putting two things together.

They even had the effect of complimenting each other.

Tenshi removed the Paw Paw Fruit device in the hands, changing out the lasers on the new Pacifista. Of course there were lasers but the lasers were from the mouth and eye, he changed the whole thing to be in a Sheikah style, bipedal legs, long arms with one eye in the middle.

One of the designs had two eyes and no lasers.

Another had one eye and for arms that condensed energy weapons.

He was relatively confident his Guardians were much better than the Pacifistas. Not to mention the Monster Materials he used! Coupled with the Eldin ores, metal from One Piece…

They were real solid Robots.

After all, Tenshi had only scratched the surface of the Technology Inheritance. There was so much more to be uncovered, but for now this was enough. Don't think that this was half hearted, Sheikah technology was extremely powerful!

They created the Divine Beasts anyway!

When you activated all 4 of them, Calamity Ganon was a joke!

However, to make better robots, Tenshi needed better materials. Ancient Ores, Better Materials, and Time Crystals. The energy weapons were alright for a first model, however Tenshi was a bit dissatisfied with them, they could be much stronger!

At any rate, these were the First editions of his Guardians as he progressed and learned more, he could create better ones. Not to mention, hybridizing different Technologies together to create better ones.

A while later

He wiped his sweat and smiled, looking at the 4 Robots. He nodded to himself and turned them over, doing some last minute touches before activating them.

Just as he activated them, the Twilight in the sky disappeared.

Tenshi froze and looked around with his mouth open. Come on! You can't be serious! He created these robots to fight Monsters and now there's no more??


The Guardians lit up and started moving slowly as Tenshi looked at them, sighing in relief. At least they worked!

The Guardians started moving around and turned to Tenshi, analyzing his body, not sensing any malice. Tenshi smiled and nodded, "You will all protect Kakariko Village in the future. If anyone is making trouble, you can beat them up. If they are Evil Monsters, eradication protocols are allowed."

The Guardians nodded and turned around.

Tenshi paused and turned to see Link smiling at him, "All done." Tenshi nodded before freezing and shouting in shock, "YOU CAN TALK!?" Link was startled and nodded, "Um… Yes?" Tenshi was dumbfounded, seriously, "I- Well, I wasn't expecting that to be perfectly honest with you…"

Link looked awkward, you didn't think I could talk? He didn't have a problem, why would he be unable to speak? Maybe in his Wolf form… Otherwise he was just a normal guy!

Tenshi sorted his thoughts and let out a breath, "Anyway! Thanks, Link!" Link smiled and nodded, "No problem. The Eldin Spirit told me you can help." Tenshi looked at the Spring and smiled gently, "Mhm! I can do many things for you…"

He looked at the Guardians and explained happily, "These are Guardians, I made them to protect the Village! Uh… If you need anything made or repaired, I can do it for you. Also, here you go." as he held out another Piece of Heart.

Link jumped and said "You had two?!" as he held it, absorbing it into his body.

Tenshi was stunned, asking "How did you do that?" Link scratched his cheek and smiled, not explaining. Tenshi sighed and waved his finger, "You're something else, Link! Follow me." as he walked into the Cafe.

Link followed him and Tenshi went behind the counter, making him a coffee before pushing it to him, smiling, "Here you go! If you have an Empty Bottle I can put it in there too." Link tilted his head, never seeing this sort of drink before, but he used Milk, which Link was familiar with.

Link drank the coffee and his pointed ears twitched happily, "Tastes good." Tenshi nodded and smiled, "Not only that…" Link felt his body heat up and he looked at his arms, "Fully Healed?!"

Tenshi nodded and smiled, "Mhm! 60 Rupees for Latte which is Coffee and Milk, 50 Rupees for just Coffee but that's more bitter." Link was speechless, so cheap! You know, just a Red Potion is 100 Rupees!

Tenshi added, "Oh! If you find Great Fairy Tears and bring it to me, I can make a Special Coffee that Doubles Damage for a period of Time." Link's eyes lit up and he took out 2 Bottles.

Tenshi smiled and nodded, "Today, it's free." as he filled the Empty Bottles. Link smiled happily and said "Thank you! I never got your name?" Tenshi smiled, "Tenshi!" Link nodded and asked "I heard about the Gorons… They have been acting differently?"

Tenshi sighed and nodded, "Yeah… Normally, Gorons come to Kakariko every now and then, but it's been a while since I've seen a Goron at all. I heard something was happening on Death Mountain but nobody's been able to take a look."

Link tilted his head and asked "Oh? Why not?" Tenshi snorted gently, "The Gorons are all riled up and defensive. They attack anyone going up Death Mountain.. I even tried to fly there, they threw boulders at me."

Link's lips twitched as they both heard Midna's voice "Hahaha! Two birds, one stone! Hahahah!" Tenshi's lips twitched and Link pursed his lips, "Um… Sorry about that." Tenshi chuckled and replied "I don't mind." Link changed the topic, "Has anyone actually gone up there?"

Tenshi shook his head before replying "Not that I know of! Since they got more aggressive, it's been impossible to get to them. Although, I heard from Renado that his friend in Ordon once beat a Goron in some form of Combat and made friends with them… What was his name… Bo? I think?"

Link asked quickly, "The Mayor of Ordon, Bo?" Tenshi nodded and smiled, "Yep! Not to mention, a bunch of kids from Ordon are here too. They're in the Sanctuary with Renado." Link nodded and put the Bottles away, saying "Thanks, Tenshi! I'll solve your Goron problem! Ah! See ya!" as he waved, running out of the Cafe.

Tenshi was startled and smiled, alright! This was a hero, so busy!

He walked back outside after cleaning the cup he used.

He saw Link talking with Renado and the children from Ordon, letting out a breath of relief. Tenshi nodded, he was looking for these kids in the first place, he should be relieved that they were okay.

Link came back to Tenshi, looking awkward as he asked sheepishly "Is it alright to leave the kids here? Crossing Hyrule Field is a bit dangerous…" Tenshi tilted his head and nodded, "No problem! I'll take care of them." Link let out a breath of relief and smiled, "Thanks again. Sorry for bothering you so much today…"

Tenshi waved and smiled, "Don't worry about it! Actually, you helped me more than you know. If you have any issues, just come back here, I might be able to help." Link nodded and smiled, "I definitely will."

Tenshi smiled happily as a loud neigh sounded.

They looked over to see a horse charging down the street with some Bulblins clinging to it. Link was shocked, "Epona?!" as he walked out into the road, but Epona was terrified of the Bulblins and charged right at Link, who rolled to the side before hopping on her back, wrangling her as Epona bucked.

Tenshi looked at the Bulblins, who blinked slowly.

The Guardian descended and killed the Bulblins in an instant, dropping Monster Materials.

The small Guardian brought over the Materials to Tenshi, who pursed his lips, "Good job." The Guardian looked at him and whirred in response. Tenshi picked up the materials on the ground and made them disappear.