
Fighting Back

"What's that? "

"It seems to be a monster...it's coming our way! "

"What are you all doing? Come on, quickly, let's get every non fighter back to the city to hide while the rest of us stay and cooperate to repel this worm."

The speaker was Suzu, who had stood from his throne and began to give orders to his loyalties. There are about a thousand people living in the city, and there are only about a hundred user of the earth transgression divided into 56 people serving the king and 44 people from the trade union, for Suzu he is a strong earth user, but the king is a normal human being, so he can technically go back and hide inside the city, but that only means that he will be one step ahead of Suzu in their struggle, but even though Suzu is aware of this, he has been dismissed as focusing on a larger prize. In the past he travelled in the desert for ten years but he only met that creature once in his life and could not kill him at that time, but now if he can reap the spirit of the giant worm, it's unique body will become a precious commodity and will be sufficient even to compensate for the loss of the war against the King.

"Start up, roky. This will be your first time in the field."

Yes, Father!

The king saw through Suzu's actions, so he smiled and then ordered all his soldiers, along with his son, one thing.

"kill him any minute."

Although the king didn't know much about the giant worm, he was sure that fifty soldiers could kill that obnoxious thing, so he made Suzu's murder order more important.

All the people have already gone away, and stayed only the King's soldiers, his son, the members of the trade union, and finally Zachy who were hiding behind of one of the rocks.

"May I know why you're still here? "

Adean asked Zachy because she knew this place had become dangerous for those who had no powers.

"I want to check something specific."

Zachy said with a serious tone because he noticed that the worm had come from a direction close to Nolan's cottage, and the shape that led the worm to them was curious, and soon he and everyone found out the truth of that thing, it was a little boy with short brown hair and red eyes, and it was absurdly fast.

"Father, there someone leading that monster to us!"

"Yes...he really matches the speed of the worm through a simple earth technique."

Every merchant knows how to use the sandboat where you must control the sand, which is an extension of the desert land, and make a small area of your own to move the sand from beneath you as if you were standing while the earth did all the work, of the accuracy and speed that Suzu notices about that person it obvious that he is on a very high level.

"Probably a talented figure from the Kingdom's capital."

Suzu thought .

I'm almost there! I hope they can help me."

After thinking that he had found the solution in front of him, Maoh had so recklessly increased his speed that he flew in the direction of a hundred people and fell a little further behind one of the huge rocks.

"Shall I go after him?"

"No, stay here! The beast has come."

That's when the worm arrived.

"Ha ha. It's an honor to finally meet you. Young master Matoh."

Behind the rock, Zachy greetedthe kid and helped him get up, of course, after hearing his name vibrate, Matoh felt nervous.


in his whole life until now, he never speaked to anyone other than his grandfather, so he felt so heavy on him.

"Calm down, master Matoh, i am the merchant who helped you and your grandfather , you can talk to me like you are talking to your grandfather!... Well, maybe not, but I mean, there's no need to be nervous."

Matoh swallowed, then took a deep breath to gather his courage, and he said seriously.

"I'm really sorry, Uncle, I ran into this dangerous monster, and for some reason it didn't stop following me, so I thought I'd bring it here.

"Oh, very polite, good....Unlike someone here "

Zachy looked at Adean and continue

"you may learn some manners from young master Matoh."

At that moment, Matoh noticed another human being with them, short and prominent red hair, sharp blue eyes with dangerous facial features, his heart racing and thinking.

"This is another boy my age! That makes me excited."

Matoh thinks in his head before he looks at Adean and says,

"Sorry for the trouble, brother."

The three of them fell in cold silence, and Matoh thought he might be too excited to talk to this kid that he forgot that maybe this kid dont like the word *my brother* , but then how sould Matoh call him? Friend? Cousin? Young Master?

"I'll kill him."

"Hey, hey, Adean! Hey! wait.... master Matoh never met any one in his life except for his grandfather and his parents, so he doesn't know you're a sweet, beautiful girl.

"Girl? "Matoh thought that this was what a young female called , as he saw in the comic books, but never imagined that a girl looked so much like a boy, and also felt the fatal desire of her to reverse the elegance of a woman.


At that moment, all three heard the sound of the soldiers screaming while the worm literally cut them one by one.

" Idiots! I told them not to underestimate the beast just because we're more numerous."

Most of the deaths were by the enthusiastic young people who didn't realize the magnitude of the threat posed by this giant worm. This old beast was classified as being capable of killing at least 100 medium-skilled earth transgressors at once, which is exactly what Suzu want to avoid , but because of the stupidity of most of them, ten soldiers from the King's side and six from the Traders' Association died.

"This isn't good. Our chances of winning are less."

Suzu thought of a plan to reverse the situation while he continued to warn his followers.

"Dad, how the hell can I kill that traitor in these circumstances?"

Toss was terrifiedly looking at the mighty beast in front of him before he thought of a great idea.

"Hey...I can kill two birds with one stone."

The prince smiled evilly like his father and ordered the soldiers to retreat and observe the situation.

"This son of a bitch! "

Suzu yelled because he looked through the foolish acts of the prince.

"He intends to use us to distract the worm, thereby ensuring that he kills her at the right moment, and then he kills what's left of us, the idiot has condemned us all to death!"

In this battle only Suzu did know the danger of the giant worm and how terrified it was... the sounds of cutting flesh and screaming continued to come and Suzu try to retreat.

" God damn it, don't back off! Just go and die!"

the prince yelled

Meanwhile, Matoh was watching the battle behind the rock, and the feeling of fear and anger filled his heart, but most of what he felt was remorse.

"This monster is here cause of me....I'm the one who killed them...Me."

"Please, young master Matoh, you made the right decision. Just look at this thing. You couldn't fight this monster alone."

Matoh found Zachy's words calmed him down, but he couldn't accept it.

"I'm going to help them."

"What? No!, your grandfather will kill me if anything happens to you. I like your courage, but you'll only be an idiot if you decide to help without a plan, you'll be more of an obstacle to them than an assistant."

Matoh stayed silence for a moment before he said.

"Even with this, I must try."

So he jumped and went to the battlefield while Zachy tried to stop him, but he failed.

"Shit, I'm going after him."

"I'll come, but I'll protect you, not that little dog."

While Suzu was retreating into the king's army, who were threatening the trade union to continue to die, thought of a sorrow.

"I really failed this time, the beast behind us and the enemy before us, all my dreams have now gone...It's all over."

At that moment, a young boy with brown hair and red eyes appeared behind the king's soldiers, he quickly set out in the direction of the worm, and formed a giant wave of sand to swallow the beast.


Suzu recognized the boy who led the worm to them but was more and more shocked by his abilities. He attacked the worm alone and then avoided her anger with a beautiful side move before he made a sandy hand and tried to catch it, it's a really brilliant talent, it's a dragon-level talent, but the thing that caught Suzu's attention was the boy's feelings hidden in his eyes, scared eyes, but he was determined not to back down, at that moment Suzu heard the sound of a call.

" Listen, gentlemen! This monster is too dangerous, and you're not gonna be able to take him down on your own! I heard he killed hundreds of people in a moment. You should expect to waste time because this is our only chance to kill him or we're all screwed! "

Zachy was talking to the prince and his soldiers.

"Bullshit. I'm not gonna face this thing--"

Before the prince finished his sentence, he felt hot on the side of his face, and then he saw a little girl stuck to his face while she was making fire with her hand.

"Do what that bald man said or I'll burn your pretty face, and if you try to play any earth games on me, you die, you try to run and you die, you fight and you die if you don't start giving orders now...Well, you know what's gonna happen."

"Soldiers! Fight Back!"

The prince didn't try the patience of the shooter, so he ordered the soldiers to fight with the trade union.

In the middle of this mess, Suzu was standing in confusion for moments before he heard Zachy's voice.

"Come on, Mr. Suzu, please do your best."

Zachy's words took Suzu out of confusion, he looked at him, and noded his head.

"My men, back that kid up there, we're gonna have a chance to win!"

Meanwhile, Matoh was trying to match the giant worm with all his energy. He could have avoided the slow worm attack, but he couldn't hurt it.

"Is this thing invincible or what?"


At that moment, Matoh heard a voice behind him. Suzu kept talking.

" This monster has a weakness behind it's head! There's a black bump that makes it inert for a while, but it's gonna be crazy if it feels you're targeting that point, we're gonna back you up, so do what you have to do."


Matoh retreated a little bit and left the soldiers to distract the beast, and turned around the monster with a safe distance, and then made a rock shaft and waited for the chance. Then Suzu noded his head.

"Soldiers, form a barricade now!"

Sixty other fighters lined up, all allied, and made a rock barrier to push the worm back.


Matoh found his crucial opportunity and went like a missile to the giant worm. He made a small slope to fly towards the beast's head.

"I see it!"

He found that black spot and he raised the rock shaft in a perfect attack, but at that moment the beast hysterically moved it's claws, and then the worm shrunk into the sand to make Matoh lose his chance and fall in front of the wall, and then, suddenly, the worm came out of the depths of the sand and broke the barrier and the formation and killed a lot at once.

In a terrible scene, Matoh was lying on the floor bleeding hard, but he's alive because Suzu moved fast and saved him, but he lost his leg as a result.

" Ah! No, no, no, no!"

Matoh was terrified as he looked at Suzu's amputated leg.

"Don't worry, kid. I'm an old man anyway. Looks like we lost, so I'm gonna order my son to back off and take you with him."

Matoh's eyes expanded when he noticed the giant worm approaching him, he felt despair, anger and fear, he was thrown away and he could only see the iron chains scattered on the ground, he put Suzu nicely before he got up while he was gasping.

The metal is the advanced element of the Earth, so far Matoh was aware that he was good at earth transgression, but when he tried the metal transgression he found it strange and incomprehensible, so he never trained , but now he wants to hold on to any hope even if it was littel.He raised his hands in an embarrassing combination, and then he said with a tierd vioce,

"Please work. Please work."

Matoh had a blood on his head and a nosebleed,his eyes started to shake, he felt close to the metal, but he still couldn't understand it for some reason. As the worm approached, he was actually making progress in the metal transgression, but he needs more time.

Suddenly, roky appeared in front of Matoh.

"Father said you're the key to winning, so I have to protect you."

Roky was the one who put up the barrier and now he's defending against the worm alone, while Zachy put his hand on Matoh's shoulder.

"Focus...Metal isn't like the earth, it's something different, so it won't work if you think of it like earth, but at the same time it's an extension of the earth's element, so it won't either."

Matoh closed his eyes and concentrated, turning the place from a human grave into a quiet, white space where he could see himself forming metal in many forms unlike the hard ground, and he saw himself controling the weakness of the metal, but it was even harder than the earth itself, he felt the resistance of the metal, like a wild power he need to control it, he could see a confusion in that white space, as if it were a forbidden knowledge of it.

"It's okay. I don't need your stupid help."

At that moment, he opened his eyes and began to move the iron chains under the giant worm and grabbed them in the form of a steel grid, and the worm went mad again , broke some parts of the chain, but Matoh renewed them very quickly, he found the perfect way to irritate the worm, the moment parts of the chain crashed, he controlled the broken parts of the metal, and he combined them again with the chain.

Crazy worm screams again in a battle to endure, but Matoh were already exhausted, and as his mental and physical abilities were pushed to their borders, he wasn't quite sure how he could take it anymore.

"Someone...Get that bump behind the worm's head."

All the people who were there heard Matoh's words, but no one was able to move, Suzu was paralyzed now, Roky was on the ground barely conscious, and Zachy was a normal human, while the rest of the living soldiers were severely injured, even that Matoh tried to hit that spot through the metal, but if the chain wasnt balanced the worm would run away. His young face was already dizzy and his veins are visible while the whites of his eyes are in deep blood .

At that moment they heard the sound of a pole coming out of the ground where the prince stood on the verge of collapse.

"What did he do?"

No one saw that red light in the sky at first, but when that light came close to the worm, they saw a girl with red hair literally on fire, but the fire turned into something like a bow when the girl got over the worm's head, and the next second they saw an arrow start from the fire heading towards the bulge behind the worm's head before it exploded in a beautiful shape.

Zachy was impressed by that technique, the arrow of fire is an attack that concentrates firepower in a small shape like the arrow, after which beautiful display they finally saw the worm stop moving.

"It's not dead yet. It's just paralyzed."

Suzu spoke hard.

"It's time for me to shine, folks."

Zachy jumped fast with a sword in his hand into the worm mouth.

"Did he commit suicide?"

The soldiers were surprised, but they were shocked when they saw the bald trader making his way out of the belly of the worm and on his face a happy smile.

"Is that enough to kill her, Mr. Suzu?"


"Good. Now excuse me for a moment."

Zachy went to the Prince and said directly

"If I thought for a moment of treachery, I'll kill you."

"Ho-How dare a normal human speak to me like that"

When the prince tried to call a rock stick, Zachy moved behind him and then hit his neck to get the prince knocked out.

Zachy sigh after that, and then he says,

"Now...How am I gonna clean up this mess?""

On the ground, Adean was so tired that she could not move.

"TSK- if I'd been told about that monster's weakness earlier, it would have been dead a long time ago."

All of a sudden, Adean heard an incoherent foot coming in her direction.

"Are you okay?"

Matoh checked Suzu and a Roky, before he went to Aden.

"I'm just tired not so big, but you're really crazy that the risk was really separating life and death for us, you've made a lot of tactical mistakes, and a lot of bad choices even the worst leaders don't make..."

Adean stopped for a second, and then continue.

"But since you're alive, it's your win."

For Adean, these words are words of gold, and most people will bend over to be heard by a genius like her, but Matoh was thinking something different.

"Girls...Really terrifying."