
The Plan (Part-1)

People probably hate people of the same type as themselves, and Uchiha Mikoto and Kan Korimachi are no exception either.

They didn't have much communication along the way, and Kan even felt that his partner really want to tear himself apart.

They were running on trees with great speed when Uchiha Mikoto stopped suddenly.

"Six... close" She made a mouth gesture to Kan.

Kan nodded and made a gesture to his partner, as both of them flashed up and disappeared on the top of the tree and lie in ambush.

Because it was a hasty encounter, they didn't have time to set up any traps, otherwise, it would be easier.

Taking a deep breath, Kan observed the entire situation.

The opponent has only one Jonin, which is good news, but they also have two Chunins and three Genins, which is not a fighting power worth neglecting.

No matter how little the variation is, it can still prove to be the game-changer.

Underestimating the opponent just because they are Genins is foolish. And usually means death.

He made a quick gesture to Mikoto.

She immediately released very small fireballs, causing the genins to tilt their head as a small hole was created on their side forehead, causing them to fall on the ground.

The Remaining Iwa shinobis put on a formation and went on guard.

Kan placed his hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword, bends his knees slightly before revitalizing his body with chakra. At that instant, he takes one step forward, while drawing his sword at that exact moment out of the hilt

Moving at an extremely fast speed, rapidly slashing the necks of his opponents from various angles. Letting them fall onto the ground. While being covered in blood.

In a mere second, Kan was in his original place before returning his sword into the hilt the instant the technique is completed. It was so fast that his sword didn't get dirty by blood.

The sheer speed of this technique was enough to force Mikoto to open her Sharingan, even then only barely managing to witness the speed of the draw

'He is fast, fast to the level that could kill people', Mikoto thought as she looked at him, 'He is definitely not at the level of those fodders'

When both Mikoto and Kan came out of their hiding spot, only the Jonin was grunting in pain while the rest were dead.

Anyhow, Kan has been on the battlefield for so many years already... He is quite proficient with his skills.

When Kan first saw this scene years ago, he vomited his heart out. Now, he does not feel much while killing people.

"I will clean the battlefield, the smell of blood is too strong here. It's bound to attract attention", He sighed inwardly, but Kan was still very calm on the surface

She nodded, "Why did you leave him alive?"

"For you, Interrogate him, The more information we have, the safer we are"

"Oh, you sure are getting deep into your role as a leader aren't you? What's the use of this? You don't really think that technique will save you from me, right?", She asked while mocking him


Kan did not answer her. But instead went to do his side of the work. Uchiha Mikoto did not get affected by this, and she even showed some smiles.

"Sorry, blame me for being too straightforward. Maybe I should express my views in a cryptic manner?"

She then drags the guy to another side for Interrogating him.

He looked back at her retreating figure with flaring eyes, He could not wait to shred her into pieces.


As a member of Uchiha, the responsibility of interrogating naturally falls on Mikoto.

The characteristics of the Uchiha clan make everyone have a fixed understanding, that is, the people of their clan are very good at illusion.

It took almost a day, Uchiha Mikoto got the information she wanted, and, somewhat unexpectedly, she also obtained a very interesting piece of information.

"There is an escort team transporting Konoha's prisoners of war to the rear by Iwa shinobis", She passed the information directly to Kan

Kan fell into thought once he heard that.

"You... you want to save those people?" Uchiha Mikoto looked at Kan with shock, "Don't forget our mission, or do you plan to do the second Hatake Sakumo?"

"I am not the type that saves anyone. And yes, We are saving them"

"You are really unreasonable!" The anger on Mikoto's face became more obvious, "Are you planning to take us to death? Even if we manage to save those guys. we will only return to Konoha Prison to wait for the trial"

"What's the matter with you, with your status nothing will happen to you. It's all on me either way"

"Saving them is not something that you or I can take responsibility for. We both will be punished for this. Me too. No one can save either of us for this"

"We are going to do it, if you do not agree, kill me here. And good luck trying to kill me without making a single noise"


He looks at her with anger in his eyes, "Listen here woman, You attack me here, and you will be fighting the entire rear of Iwa by yourself. Right now, we are grasshoppers on the same straw"

Uchiha Mikoto shut up and glare at him with anger apparent in her eyes.

He is right, the two of them are grasshoppers on the same straw, and the two of them are the people of the same kind. It's obvious what the other party was thinking.

"Alright, what's the plan, Don't tell sneak up on them, I'm not that stupid, I'm eighteen, and I have been on the battlefield for 8 years already" Uchiha sighed

"Iwa Shinobi escorted the captives to the rear, but according to the information of the guy who was killed by you, they actually have some other places. Some ninjas holding Konoha", Kan said

"Isn't this normal?", Mikoto's hands ringed her chest, "It is the most stupid thing to keep all Konoha ninjas together, and Iwa nin are not good at sealing..."

Just halfway through the conversation, Mikoto Uchiha shut up. She first glanced at Kan vigilantly and then fell into deep thought.

"I don't know what you are thinking but exactly", Kan smirked

"Shut up", She glares a him

Konoha ninjas were detained separately to avoid accidents, and these ninjas were constantly tortured.

But at the moment Iwa is fighting hard on the frontal battlefield with Konoha, so there may not be too many people guarding Konoha shinobis, and even the task of clearing the battlefield will fall on the most ordinary and useless shinobis.

It's quite easy to save them.

"Alright, you convinced me. How's saving them help us then"

"You will know later. Just use your eyes and copy this letter's handwriting, Write what I am about to tell you", He handed her a small letter

"What's this?"

"I found it on the Iwa shinobi we fought earlier; while cleaning the battlefield. Just do copy the writing and write what I am to tell you, and leave the rest to me"

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