
Legendary Hero

"It is your duty to protect this realm." "A hero's blessing should be used for good." "A hero not fighting on the battlefield is a waste of talent." 'I was kidnapped from my world and now they expect me to obediently fight their battles? Well, they have another thing coming.' Daniel Reinhart one days finds himself along with his classmates in another world filled with magic, unique abilities and monsters. In this new world governed by different Factions an expansive narrative unfolds. With many eminences vying for power he needs to become stronger in order to survive and try not to lose himself in the process.

UnoriginalTomato · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


The heroes entered the throne room along with prince Marvin and Princess Telles.

The throne room was enormous in size. It was as big as a cathedral. There were giant pillars on the two sides of the room and under the arches between them were giant tapestries that were depicting battles, coronations, beheadings and other major events from the history of the Lionheart Kingdom.

The tapestries clearly had some kind of magic weaved into them because the characters on them were moving. In the middle of the room was a wide red carpet that extended all the way to the enormous golden throne that was shining brightly by reflecting the light that was coming through the glass dome that was acting as a ceiling giving the room an ethereal vibe. On both sides of the carpet knights, nobles and other important people could be seen eagerly awaiting the heroes reception.

The heroes were mesmerized by the sight and anxious about all the people that were looking at them while whispering between each other. They slowly walked toward the throne stopping a few paces in front of the king. After that they kneeled before the king and paid their respects.

The king was a middle-aged man with long silver hair and a short gray beard. He had blue eyes and stunning features. His face was stern and his expression unwavering. A suffocating aura was emanating from him that could be felt throughout the whole room. He looked like a deity.

He was sitting on the golden throne. Behind the throne were standing two giant figures clad in shining golden armor. The one standing on the right had a golden helmet that looked like a golden lion's head and the one on the left had a golden eagle's head. They were both holding golden spears. The two figures were so still that they could be mistaken for statues but in reality they were elite soldiers.

"Great heroes! Thank you for answering our call," said the king. His voice reverberated throughout the entire throne room making the people present shiver.

"On the continent of Fantasia there are four kingdoms that were established a thousand years ago in the age of legends. They were established by the four legendary heroes. Their names were Avalon, Orcus, Sylphia and Lionheart. I am Lionheart's successor and the one who summoned you with the magic I inherited."

"My name is Leopold von Lionheart and I have decided to summon you so that you may assist us in the crisis that has befallen our kingdom. Our southwestern neighbors, avalons, have moved their troops toward the border a while ago and there has been a large wave of immigrants coming from the south."

'So essentially, this old man kidnapped us from our world so that we may participate in his territorial war,' I thought.

This sinister thought sapped almost all of my strength.

"We will make sure to properly nurture you and take care of you for the time being. From now on becoming stronger and protecting our kingdom is your duty.

"If you need anything or have trouble prince Marvin is the one responsible for solving it."

I noticed that the princess made a complicated expression after hearing her fathers orders but it was so quick that I doubt whether it wasn't just the blinding light bouncing from the golden throne.

"You will attend a baptism ceremony now so that you may receive your blessing."

"Any questions?"

"Blessing? Is that like a magic power?" someone asked.

"Yes, that's exactly what it is."

I felt anticipation and anxiety after hearing this piece of news. 'So this world is similar to what you read in novels. However this situation isn't good at all. I would rather not have magic powers and live a leisurely life than participate in a war.'

I was not the only one thinking like this. A girl from my class raised her hand and asked: "Is it really necessary to fight and get stronger? I am sure that there are other ways that we can be of service."

"Heroes are special because of their unique abilities. Having you work an office job is an utter waste of your talents," the king menacingly glared at her.

The girl quickly hid herself behind one of her schoolmates and refused to make eye contact.

'So we have truly been kidnapped and the only way out is being sent to the front lines?'

Such thoughts were troubling me as I exited the throne room with my schoolmates.

In front of the palace there were carriages waiting for them. They entered the carriages.

Next to me sat a youth with jet black hair and blue eyes wearing similar clothes to Daniel.

"I can't wait to see what my abilities are. What about you Daniel?" the schoolmate asked me.

His name was James Mann. He used to be a scholarship student and Daniel would always copy his notes because they were so good. He was a straightforward guy who helped everybody and was seemingly good at everything.

"I'm kind of worried,"

"Me too. Like what if I get burned at the stake for having a heretical ability?" said the girl sitting opposite me.

Her name was Amelia Wright. Her family owned a hotel chain and she was just as rich as Daniel. Not like it mattered here. She had brown waist length hair and was wearing a green dress that nicely contrasted with her green eyes.

"There is no way that is going to happen," said the always optimistic James.

we soon arrived at their destination and got out of the carriage and ascended the temple stairs.

The temple looked like a giant replica of the Pantheon built out of white stone. The giant marble pillars sparkled in the candlelight creating an air of mystery and solitude.

The interior of the temple could only be described as grand. There were seven giant statues sculpted out of pure white marble exuding an aura of serenity. On the floor of the temple were thousands of lit candles that enlightened the many ancient murals that adorned the temple walls. As they walked around the hill made out of candles they spotted a figure wearing white clothes and a bishop's hat.

"Welcome to the temple of the United church," said the bishop with a smile on his face.

He resembled a kind grandpa talking with his grandchildren but Daniel did not make the mistake of underestimating him.

"I have so much to say to you but lets not delay the ceremony any longer."

we followed him till we reached a magnificent altar. An ornamental masterpiece crafted out of marble and gold. The altar was shaped like a giant cup and there were golden flames dancing inside it, creating a mesmerizing game of shadows on the walls.

Everyone received their own candle and they approached the altar one by one and lit their candles with the golden flame.

The Bishop lifted his hands in silent prayer and after a moment that seemed to stretch into infinity the light contained in the marble cauldron swirled as if it suddenly gained a life of its own.

The flames shot toward the candles the heroes were holding and connected with the small flame wisps that started glowing larger until they engulfed the heroes entirely but instead of pain a calm feeling of serenity overtook them. The wax melted in their hands and dripped onto the floor creating many small puddles but no one seemed to notice as they were all shocked by the profoundness of the situation.

A few seconds after the phenomenon was over I came back to my senses.

"So how do I know what blessing I received?"

As if the universe was answering my question I felt my mind stir and an answer naturally came to me.

I was nervous. This was it. I am going to found out what abilities I received.

"Status," I said with a shaky voice.

What I saw terrified and excited me at the same time.


Name: Daniel Reinhart

Age: 17

Race: Human



Strength: 1

Perception: 1

Stamina: 1.5

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 4

Charm: 2

Mana absorption: 1

Mana capacity: 1


Unique ability:

[Weaver Of Destiny]

You can permanently rewrite reality at the cost of your own power (attributes). You can write abilities or alter the nature of objects.


[Celestial Aegis]

You are immune to all negative status effects.




A small smile tugged at my lips.

'This might get a bit dangerous.'