
Legendary Game Makers

In a world where the idea of full-dive virtual reality games is nothing more than an imagined pipe dream, the sudden appearance of a strange game has not only the world in a total uproar but also the government itself who is trying to uncover the mysteries behind its creator. According to the rumours, when you install the game, you will find your consciousness leaving your body, finding itself placed into the game world. Whether or not you decide to believe in this ridiculous rumour is entirely up to you. Speculations rose. Maybe scientists have discovered a revolutionary technology? Is this some form of hypnosis? Or perhaps this game is the work of an actual god? In reality, sometimes the mysteries behind such miracles are much simpler than people come to believe. After all, this miraculous game was created by a simple young teenager and his younger brother sitting in their room.

ShatteredTranquil · Komik
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The Game Makers

Before this all starts, this story is inspired by the work of NunuDX. More specifically, his/her story called "Marvel: Game Maker System". If you haven't read it yet, I do highly recommend it as I enjoyed reading it quite a big deal.


A hellish blaze.

That was what took the life of two siblings, resulting in the sadness of not only his family and friends but also anyone else they were potentially close with. The people most affected, of course, were the parents of these two children.

Upon having learned of the horrifying death that their children suffered, you could only imagine the despair that washed over them. They loved their children, more than anything else they had in the world. Losing them was much the same to them as losing everything.

As months passed by, which soon turned into years, the father and mother of the young boys that died that day continued on with their lives. However, they were always heavily impacted by the death of their sons, never having been able to truly move on.

The only thing they could do was hope the two boys were okay up there in the heavens...

Well, perhaps that would have been the case, if not for the fact that the two males in question weren't in heaven. In reality, the two had been reincarnated into a world much like their own, in fact, it was practically a carbon copy of the world they once called home.

In this world, the two brothers were reincarnated and found themselves already living in an orphanage. It was there that they grew up together, for the second time. They spent their years there until the older brother became fifteen years of age, and having been able to convince the caretakers of the place, moved out together to live in an apartment on their own.

Of course, due to their young age, the caretakers obviously had to be their guarantors until they were old enough. The older brother had his own set of funds to use for themselves, he didn't just sit in the orphanage doing nothing these past few years.

At the present time, both brothers could be seen sitting in their respective chairs in their apartment. Both of them had their eyes fixated on their computer screens, seemingly not blinking at all as their focus was entirely on whatever it was they were doing.

The first male was obviously the older one, appearing to be no older than fifteen. He had a lean yet decently athletic physique, along with fair skin and straight smooth black hair. Under the black hood he had on, you could see a pair of blue eyes that reflected the computer screen's light.

Beside him was his younger brother, who looked no older than possibly eleven or twelve. Similar to his older brother, this male had a lean physique with fair skin, although with much less of a muscular frame. He shared his brother's black hair, although the strands were shorter and his pair of blue eyes were rounder at the edges.

"Reiji, I've finished designing the Overworld mobs." The younger brother spoke without taking his eyes off the screen. On his screen was an open program with various tools, and at the centre of the screen was a strange creature that was walking in a stationary position. "I'm sending them over to you now."

"Got it." Reiji, the older brother, responded simply as he continued his own work. Soon enough, just as the younger brother said, the files appeared on Reiji's screen with a small ding. "Nice work, Yuta. We've only been working on this for what, two hours now? We've pretty much recreated the game with all the basic components."

"I mean, with these special programs the System provided along with these computers, the workload has been reduced immensely." The younger brother chuckled as he said this. "It'll be no time at all before we can finally release it. Wonder if it'll be a hit."

"Hopefully that's the case. It was a major hit back in our old world." The older brother added as he continued typing and clicking away at his computer. "I doubt it'll be too popular at first though, we don't exactly have the marketing that Markus had."

"Nor do we have the gathered popularity prior to official release..."

"It doesn't matter, if it flops, we just make a new game and hope for the best."

Despite having been able to gather up a sizable fund for themselves by doing small jobs during their time at the orphanage, they couldn't just go around buying anything they wanted. They lived in a relatively expensive apartment, but nothing crazy at all.

They were lucky that the system provided them with these overpowered computers for free.

Before any of this continues, to clear up a bit of confusion. Recently, something calling itself the Game Maker System appeared to the both of them. The purpose of the system was in the name, it allowed them to create games.

While many would probably be disappointed by it, they were not. Especially considering they were living in a world where there was truly no reason to be an overpowered entity, the desire for something like a Gamer System wasn't too high in their minds.

If anything, this Game Maker System was far more appealing to them.

Upon receiving the System and the computers it gifted them, the two immediately went to work on making their first-ever game. They had no experience in game making, nor do they know anything about programming. However, with the System's computers, the job was incredibly simple.

The game they were wanting to recreate was something that became immensely popular back in their old world, having been enjoyed by both children and adults. Even to the present time, its popularity was incredibly high. In fact, it seemed to be growing even more popular.

The game they were making was none other than Minecraft.

Minecraft had an astonishing number of players active monthly, reaching over a hundred million players who play on a monthly basis. The game has an incredible appeal to the audience, with his blocky graphics and design being one of the main selling points. It was what Minecraft came to be known for, blocks.

The reason they chose Minecraft for their first game was not only because it would appeal to plenty of individuals out there, at least that's what they're hoping for, but also because it was a much faster game to create compared to something like Call of Duty, Dark Souls, etc

The game wasn't overly violent, it didn't have anything like blood, unless you have something like a mod or resource pack that would add such. It was because of this that the game was not only good for children but also for adults who also came to love the game.

Minecraft was a game of infinite imagination.

Players could build and do whatever it was they wanted, as long as it was within the player's capabilities within the game. People have created worlds with incredible structure, servers with countless different games for players to enjoy and more!

Basically, Minecraft was a game where players could let their imaginations run wild.

For now, since the System told them that they could provide updates for their games in the future, they were just going to implement the basic elements of the game. Such as health and hunger, as well as mobs.

At the moment, while Yuta was in charge of creating all the mobs and other elements as well, Reiji was developing the game structures and worlds, such as the Overworld, Nether and End. At the current stage, they were holding back on adding Multiplayer as a feature, they wanted to build up a player base first before adding anything like that.

Plus, they wanted their players to know the basics of the game first.

"Alright, that's the Overworld structures done." Reiji gave a tired sigh as his face formed a small smile. He had just finished recreating the Ocean Monuments, for those who don't know, are massive structures found underwater that house the Guardians. "I'm gonna go in a check it out."

"Good luck, check the mobs that we've already put in while you're there."

"Will do."

Reiji gave a simple response before minimizing the program and clicking on the game launcher present on the desktop screen. Once he did, he clicked the play button after it fully opened up. He already logged in with his personal account, so there was no need to do so again.

"See you in a bit, good luck with the mobs."

Before he could hear any response from his younger brother, Reiji felt his consciousness slip away as his body went limp in his chair.


Upon opening his eyes, Reiji's eyes immediately widened in amazement upon noticing the change in scenery. He wasn't fully in the game just yet, he was actually physically standing in a void with a few options in front of him in the form of holographic screens.

Despite not being in the actual game yet, Reiji was truly amazed by the System's capabilities. Yuta and himself had already been told about the games they developed being capable of full-dive, but experiencing it first-hand was truly something else to behold.



● Singleplayer

● Skin Customization

● Quit Game


Ignoring the other options, which weren't many, Reiji tapped onto the Singleplayer option on the screen before quickly naming the world simply as 'Test' before clicking the generate button. As soon as he did, the world around him shattered before building itself, quite literally.

Reiji watched amazed as the world itself formed rapidly block by block, first came the grassy ground, the distant mountains, the surrounding trees, and then the sky high above. Soon enough, Reiji found himself dropped into the world as his feet landed gently on the ground.

"Incredible..." Reiji smiled with clear amazement in his eyes, bending down and plucking out one of the dandelions from the ground. He rubbed its stem between his blocky fingers, honestly in disbelief at how real and strange it felt in his hands. "Crazy..."

Standing back up, Reiji looked down at his body to see that his figure was now replaced with the basic character of Steve, the original 'protagonist' of the game. He'd definitely create his own unique skin in the future, but he was just testing everything out first.

Unlike normal Minecraft, his player model had blocky fingers and the clothing he wore was actual clothing and not just stuck to his body as if it were his skin. The movements and feelings of everything around him were realistic as well, including his model's movements, the cool breeze that swayed the grass, and even the heat of the sun.

In the distance, Reiji could see a blocky white sheep eating away at the grass while standing amongst the field of grass. Other sheep were also around it, along with a few other peaceful animals. Walking over, Reiji stayed back a bit as the sheep gave him a curious look, at least from what he could tell.

Seeing that Reiji meant no harm, it continued eating as Reiji walked up calmly and gently rubbed his hand against its wool. Reiji's smile widened a bit when he felt just how soft the sheep was, Yuta certainly did an incredible job with the mobs if this sheep was anything to go by.

"Alright, no wasting time. Let's get testing!"