
Legend Slayers

It’s time for humanity to fall and the city of Laserath is a wonderful place for the Chars to start it all. Legends slaughtering humanity stalk the walls of human cities. Cities guarded by magic barriers and energy guns. Places where children learn to fight, to defend themselves, and at fifteen that child must choose the path their life will take. That’s what Centra, DJ, Liza, and Jasper did. But not all children got to choose. Kyrie trained from the day he was born, for when Kyrie loses control cities turn to craters. He failed to protect his home from an English Dragon. Now he has a new life, a new team, perhaps new friends but his new start is in Laserath and the Chars are already there. note: I'm publishing the full books elsewhere with professional editing (probably Amazon). Please enjoy the teasers posted here and look out for the official full release starting in 2021. update: the book art is here!!! The first book will be off for proof reading by October 31st! :) Updated 11-2-2020 Book website: https://www.legendslayers.com/home

creativewritting · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

The Necklace

Kyrie turned on the lights for his room as he closed the door and slipped his hand into his pocket. He was home from the festival. And it was time to find out how much he'd lost. How much he'd let the boy take from him during the festival.

His wallet was gone. He'd need a new license and to disable his old one. The cash was gone, his pay chips were gone.

Kyrie slipped his hand into his other pocket.

The necklace was gone. The necklace Pele had given him was gone.

Kyrie spun and reached for the door handle. But he stopped as his hand brushed its cool surface.

He couldn't go to the police. If he did then… then that boy would have to pay the price of thievery. He'd be forced into work as a deep laborer. He'd have to complete his assigned work so deep in the lands of the legends that he may never make it back. And he'd lose his chance to attend Kondiara Academy.

Kyrie couldn't do that to him. He stepped back from the door and ran a hand through his hair as he paced. The license didn't matter he could replace that. He'd cancel his chips and that'd be taken care of. But the necklace.

Pele had given it to him. It… it meant Pele supported him – cared for him. That he wanted Kyrie to be safe. And now it was gone, stolen.

But what would he do with something he'd stolen. He'd probably sell it.

Kyrie could purchase it. He had connections he'd cover all his bases.

Kyrie flipped open his holo-display and set to work. He'd get the necklace back without putting the kid in more danger.

♢ ♢ ♢

As Kyrie put his legal and not so legal connections to use Jasper got a text.

*It's time for us to start your training.* And Jasper slipped out the front door.

♢ ♢ ♢

Liza sat on her bed. Her drawing notebook was open to a new page – what was a new page. She had the image. She had the skill to put it to paper, but she couldn't.

Her trembling hands clenched her notebook and pencil. She could taste the coppery blood on her lip. Feel the sting as a warm tear rolled down her cheek. It fell and smeared her horrid sketch.

It was supposed to be a sketch of her team at the festival. An image of the games they'd played, the fun they'd had. But, she choked back another sob, her stupid body wouldn't stop shaking. May never stop shaking enough for her to draw.

And it was her fault she'd relied on her father's battle necklace too much. If only her stupid body could store more aura. Then she wouldn't be so useless. She wouldn't be so weak. If she'd been able to store more aura she could've done more.

She could've kept it from getting this bad. She'd still be able to draw. She'd be able to do more than sit and watch in class. Sit and hope she hadn't pushed herself too far.

Liza sat her things on her bedside table with shaking hands. She wiped her eyes and unbraided her hair for the night. It took longer than normal.

♢ ♢ ♢

DJ and Centra sat on Centra's bed. Their arms were wrapped around each other. They'd gotten the message at eight o'clock. The tourney selections started in a week and their first mission in two. They were going to Saroff outpost. It was deep in the woods and near the Emerilla river.