
Legend of the Wind Mage

Illegal_3 · Fantasi
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19 Chs

whole story

Story about this boy (Kuroko) who is (an orphan because his father obandoned him at birth) the son of the demon lord (but is to be revealed later) and chose to learn the attribute for wind because of its extremely powerful air magic that it evolves into but can't because he doesn't have a teacher. It is then told that his town was overtaken by soldiers of the demon lord and was controlled by the demon general. The boy trains his magic everyday for 8 years (he is 15) and has only reached level 10 due to the fact that he doesn't have a teacher yet.

Kuroko should have 1 brother, the brother has been with the demon lord and has all the elements and the ability to combine any one of them. The more elements he combines, the weaker the result. He will have a female friend that will have light but is a thief that steals to survive and, by chance, they try to steal from Kuroko but unds up friends with Yui. They learn later that they are siblings.

(World plan: there are 6 elements - wind, ground, fire, water, light, dark and metal. Each of the elements have an upgrade that can be enhanced by reaching level 150 and a stone that matches the elements and the upgraded elements are: air, earth, inferno, liquid, divine light, shadow, and ore - there are also off branching elements that can be created such as, magma for fire and Cryo for water, and by going to certain shines and defeating the bosses or training and upgrading in certain places but a lower chance of success. And almost no one has enhanced their elements yet. It is also possible to choose which element to learn also to learn multiple but the effects are dampened severely).

One day he was practicing his magic and accidentally blew the cigar out of this old man's mouth - he was wearing a red on black uniform and had his hair tied in a man bun and was slouching but was very clear that he is involved with the demon soldiers - the man Insults the boy and tells him off and unsheathed his sword while the boy tries to attack him with his measly wind magic and amused him so he stopped and told Kuroko that he was going to to teach him the boy was happy but skeptical. Somewhere along the line of the general arc he meets a girl while practicing and accidentally blows her skirt up (idk anime logic) the girl blushes, eventually become friends [f friend 1] maybe some romance?

Gunna be a beach scene some time. Aim is to defeat the demon lord and all the soldiers and shit. He will have Kenji that joins in with the lessons with the old man and Kuroko shares a secret technique that he worked on. Kuroko will get the upgrade but before the beach and while they are there they will find the attunement stone. Normally upgrades would take around 3 days but for Kuroko it will take a year because of his bloodline and he will experience his friends maturing and Kenji betrayed him and has gone to the demon lord's side. After the upgrade, he uses his air magic to breathe underwater and find a hidden tomb of a dead general that says the demon lord had a child and abandoned it so Kuroko is a bit suspicious of it a bit.

{The demon lord has unlocked the 3rd upgrade} To defeat the demon lord, Kuroko would have to unlock the 3rd upgrade. How? I have no clue at the moment. Third upgrade would have a unique attunement that only you have. The boy's 3rd one will be 'gravity' and the demon lord's will be 'forbidden' because he has dark/shadow.

The siblings coincidentally join the same tournament because of the rare demon horn that is the prize. When the boy that gets brought up by the demon lord comes into contact with Kuroko, he says that Kuroko has the same name as the one the demon lord left and it clicked the fact that he was the lord's son. When Kuroko wins, the demon horns granted someone related to the demon lord, a special demon power that nobody realised except for the demon lord's boy. The power requires a sacrifice of blood for a true demon's ghost to enhance his attribute(s) for a short amount of time and with backlashes.