
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Lainnya
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24 Chs

Chapter 21: Lost Heritage IV (4); Yang's Surprising Power!

Hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter! Regarding the poll on Yang's mixed blood, she's actually a 3 part mixed hybrid. The origin may be revealed in this chapter!

As for who Blake ends up with on the poll concerning her pairing, it appears that Shallot is the winner of that poll! Sorry for the long wait! I was focusing on one of my other stories for awhile and waiting for that one to catch up in the storyline to this one. But I'm back now. Now without further ado... onto the story!

P.s.- I don't own DBS or Rwby and their characters. Those belong to Akira Toriyama/Toei Animation and Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum respectively. I only own the oc's and have permission to use two additional oc's from a friend.

Opening theme- The day (My hero academia op 1)

Visuals: Stills of each character walking, before the song picks up with the split screen for each group. When the song picks up, it transitions to each member fighting off the soldiers while Nova and Turuk fight Turles. The song then ends as the pair of saiyan brothers charge Turles.

Chapter 21: Lost Heritage IV: Yang's Surprising Power

Ruby and Nova's group had arrived just in the nick of time, but now they were a bit... surrounded at the moment. Things weren't looking too good at the moment.

"Umm.. Nova, you do have a plan to get us out of this right?," Ruby asked a little nervous.

Nova smiled at his girlfriend.

"Of course I have one, but first...," Nova said looking at the horde of soldiers charging towards them.

Ruby nodded and smiled.

"Right, we need to take care of these guys first!," Ruby said.

Both of them then slid into mirrored martial arts stances as they ignited their Ki around them. Ruby spun her scythe and channeled ki into the blade of her weapon before leaping forward and unleashing it.

"Crescent... Scythe!!!," Ruby cried upon unleashing her attack.

Nova immediately followed with an attack of his own.

"Giant... Eraser!!!," Nova bellowed as he shot forth an emerald green beam towards the horde of soldiers.

The horde of soldiers were blown away by the attack as gale force winds whipped around as a result of the explosions. The Evil namekian was intrigued by the arrival of these new humans. More of his men charged at the group, but were quickly dealt with by the teens. Slug smirked before shifting into a martial arts stance of his own. He momentarily paused before he rocketed towards the group of teens with his fist cocked back.

Luckily, Yang and the others were quick thinkers.

"Everyone, spread out!," Yang shouted.

Just as she intended, the group dispersed just as slug brought his fist down to the spot where the teens were but a moment before. His fist impacted the ground as large fissure like cracks appeared along the ground before it shook and caved in, giving way to a giant crater. After removing his fist from the ground, Slug looked to the group of teens out of intrigue. They had managed to dodge his attack after all, there weren't many who lived long enough to say that.

Looking to his left, Weiss was the first one to attack him. She used her rapier to summon her Ice Glyphs to attack the Namekian. Slug just grinned and opened his palm to blast apart the the shards of Ice that were hurled at him with his Ki. It was a pretty weak attack, to him at least. The shards of ice exploded upon contact with the orbs of light, this created a smoke screen. Unfortunately for Weiss, she wasn't used to fighting someone like Slug, and the Namekian took full advantage of that fact. While she was trying to locate him, he was able to sweep her legs out from underneath her before delivering a heavy blow to her gut. The impact of which sent her flying and sprawling on the ground and out of the cloud of smoke.

Team Rwby was confused and also horrified upon seeing the state of their friend.. It barely took him any time to knock out Weiss. And just from that one blow, Weiss could tell that she had a broken bone or two from the blow she took just now and it would take a little bit for her aura to heal damage like she had just sustained. Unfortunately due to her broken bones, Weiss struggled to stand. That was no good, now they were down a fighter. Scarlett looked towards Daikon, the saiyan didn't need to be told what that look meant.

Daikon nodded and went to go and tend to Weiss. The rest focused on Slug and his men, the evil Namekian smirked at this. Now he had the Saiyans attention, that was what he was after the whole time. Turles simply watched as Slug continued his fight with the group of teens.

The group could tell that she was still a little shaken by the revelation that she was at least partly a saiyan, the same as Nova and Turuk. Slug wouldn't underestimate the blonde brawler again. This time, he'd take her out first. He flared his Ki and charged forward again towards the rest of the group. Before he could get to the others, Yang stopped him again with her arm before lighting up his gut with punches again. She then quickly spun and kicked him away, sending the namekian flying for the second time.

Now Slug was annoyed, not once, but twice this... girl had caused him pain! He was not about to let her get away with that a third time. The namekian clenched his fists as he let his power leak out on purpose. The ground shook and fissure like cracks appeared along the ground surrounding him before it gave way to a small crater. The teens steeled themselves for what was coming as they were aware of Slug's growing power. Turuk could tell Yang wasn't quite ready to face Slug again, so he intervened.

Before Slug could even reach the blonde, Turuk zoomed past Yang and intercepted the oncoming threat. He was attempting to push back Slug through pure physical strength alone, this was all to buy Yang some more time. The teen grit his teeth and called upon his Ki that burst to life around him like a clear flame. He had forgotten hiw strong Slug was physically, that was was why he was straining a little to hold his nemesis back currently. Soon both fighter's Ki burst to life around them, causing the ground to shake once more.

Both fighters began to roar at the top of their lungs as debris was now being lifted into the air as a result of their growing power. Turuk and Slug finally pushed away from each other as the ended their physical struggle against one another. Turuk got the jump on Slug as he kicked him in the face ,while Slug punched Turuk in the stomach. Both coughed up saliva as the two blows connected. While he was still reeling, Yang suddenly appeared in front of him clad in a clear flame like aura. The blonde unconsciously cloaked her fist in Ki and sent Slug spiraling into a nearby cliff. Slug emerged from the rubble only to be hit again by the blonde haired girl, feeling a searing pain in his chest as he was hit.

It was revealed that Turuk has simultaneously slashed the namekian with his Ki blade as Yang hit Slug. The evil namekian emerged from the new rubble he was buried under visibly angered. How in the world was this blonde haired girl causing him so much damage? It was hard to get to her too, due to Turuk watching her blind spots. Then another thought crossed the evil namekian's mind: Was.. this girl even aware she was unconsciously using ki when she attacked? But there was no way that could be the case, not unless she was... He had sneaking suspicion about something, he just had to confirm it by testing her on something.  Turles  chuckled as he recalled something from the past involving one of Yang's parents, or.. more specifically her mother.

Flashback: 17 years ago...

Aboard a certain spaceship  in a disc shape. It was blue and gold in color. This ship was tracking a pod that had deserted hteir fleet about a full year ago. Turles stood in the command center  with his commander, Glacial. This alien who stood beside was shorter in stature, but much more powerful then he, a saiyan warrior was at the time. He was also the commander of the Glacial Force. The lizard like alien with blue skin, white bio armor, and small black horns protruding out of either side of his head looked on before turning to the saiyan. Turles was his second in command as the two had similar goals, they decided to work together. Glacial's beady red eyes observed a particular planet with a shattered moon above it. 

"Turles.," Glacial said turning to his second in command.

"Yes, my lord?," Turles asked in response.

"I'm aware that two particular soldiers in your old unit recently went missing. If the two of them are indeed as powerful as you say, I would like you to find them for me. I know this is rather... personal for you since it is concerning two very close friends of yours and all..," Glacial said.

"Will do, my lord. My misguided friends Cassa and Sprowt were the ones who betrayed by leaving without any warning, milord. Further, they never had permission to leave the force. Rules state that no one is to question your judgement of our missions and your rule of us. They did and even went so far as to say you are a tyrant. I'm sure Cassa and Sprowt's judgement of your character is flawed, due to both of them losing their lovers at your hand.

"Hmm... yes, Quite. Meric and Eleri were rather nosy, too much sofor their own good. It was rather unfortunate that I had to silence them permanently. I do hope you don't mind.," Glacial said with a wicked smile.

"Not at all, lord Glacial. My former friends and their lovers were fools to defy you in the way they did. As such their lovers paid the price for foolishly going against you. I'll be on my way now, milord.," Turles replied.

Turles then got into a pod and launched towards the planet below. He was determined to hunt down his traitorous former friends and drag them back to Glacial if he had to. All he had to do was to track the energy of his two former comrades and he could then fly straight towards them. More than likely, they'd recognize his energy coming towards them. Although it had been a full year since they deserted the saiyans and the Glacial Force, they'd still recognize the Ki signature of their captain at the very least... right?

Short time skip...

Turles had finally managed to track down the first of his two targets, the Saiyan female he referred to as Cassa. Seemingly when he got to where he once sensed her, her ki suddenly disappeared. The saiyan frowned, this.. didn't make sense at all. How could a saiyan's ki just disappear into thin air? Turles grit his teeth and clicked his tongue in frustration.

"Tch! I finally find you, and then you disappear on me. Don't think you can hide from me forever, Cassa!," Turles said angry.

He looked down and noticed something, a blonde haired man panicking and looking around for something... or someone perhaps?

"Raven? Raven, where are you?!," The man called out.

Turles watched as the man then picked up a note, presumably from this "Raven" person as he read it. What turles saw next ,made him furious. It was a small child, a girl most likely with the same black hair, but lilac eyes. What he did notice was... the girl had a furry brown monkey tail behind her back. The girl then spoke.

"Poppa, where'd momma go?," The child asked.

"I.. don't know... Yang. But don't you worry! We'll find your mother, no matter what!," The man said reassuring his daughter.

Turles grit his teeth and curles his hands into fists out of anger. He then ignited his ki and shot off to find Cassa, or "Raven" as she referred to herself now.


After Turles left, Raven is seen tranforming out of her bird form as she looks on at her husband and daughter. Tears are seen to be streaming down her face as she looks back in remorse. She had to do this, though. It may have seemed cruel at the time, but it was to protect her family from dangerous people connected to her past.

"I'm sorry.. Tai yang, my husband... and Yang, my daughter. I do hope you can forgive me someday... Good bye..," Raven thought tearfully as she transformed back into her bird form before flying away.

End Flashback....

Yang was silently fuming after hearing Turles' story. To think he and this "Glacial" person were the reason her mother had to abandon her at a young age, it was infuriating. Turles was jovially gloating over the fact after telling the story.

"You see, girl? You're not a human, not in the slightest! You.. Are.. A.. Saiyan. If even your saiyan mother was too afraid to face me, what hope do you have?," Turles said laughing.

True, Yang was ticked off at her mother for abandoning her as a child without a word as to why, but she was more angry at this jerk who mocked her. Yang had so many questions about her own origin, this confusion then turned into something else... something far darker. The blonde felt an intense and burning hatred towards the man who laughed and mocked her like she'd never known before. Turles just laughed at her, it was as if he was mocking her very existence. It was this thought which caused something inside Yang to ultimately snap. Wind began to suddenly pick up as the sky suddenly had grown dark.

Lightning struck the ground, while thunder crackled overhead as the ground then began to shake violently. Dark lightning seemed to be coming off of Yang's body  as her hair then began to spike upwards. Yang's hair then turned a dark shade of orange as dark crimson colored aura then surrounded her. Her pupils disappeared and her muscles then bulged, causing Yang to become taller and more menacing. Turuk and the others didn't like this, Yang had gone beserk now.

"N-Nova what... happened to Yang?," Ruby asked frightened.

Nova looked on, not liking what he saw.

"I'm.. not sure, Ruby. But it's pretty clear Yang's lost control of her anger.," Nova said.

With a primal yell that sounded nothing like Yang herself, a dark orange and crimson pillar  of light then exploded from where Yang stood. Weiss, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nova, Ruby, Nova, and Daikon all stared in horror as Yang came out of the pillar of light not at all looking like her normal self. One could still tell it was her, but she looked far more menacing then she normally did. Yang's shirt had tears in it, and scars littered her arms which were huge now. Dark orange and crimson aura exploded from her body and surrounded her like a flame. Yang had transformed... but into what? What was this monsterous and hulking form Yang had transformed into?

It certainly wasn't natural or.. normal for that matter. The feeling every one of her friends got looking at her now was... This form Yang had turned into was.. twisted and very ominous feeling, not to mention cold and very dark. This.. wasn't the Yang Xiao Long that they knew anymore, she'd allowed her dark emotions to take control of her. Yang's friends could only hope that she'd return to her normal self once her anger had abated.

The screen then went black....

The screen comes back up as the teens are seen having expressions ranging from shocked to horrified at seeing their friend transform into what she was currently. Yang was more like a beast than a person right now. Her was dark, far too dark for their liking. Once the girl came out of the darkened pillar of light, Turles smirked. This was exactly what he wanted to see. He was rather curious to see how powerful this girl, the daughter of his former comrade was now. Yang wasn't herself right now, she couldn't think of anything at the moment. The only thought going through the girl's head at the moment was how much she wanted to just break something... or someone. Her gaze shifted towards Slug, who involuntarily took a step back in fear. Turuk saw Yang glaring at Slug with pupil less eyes devoid of anything but rage. He knew they needed to move, and they need to move like right now.  Turuk gained the attention of the other teens, telling them that they needed to move as soon as they possibly could. The other teens moved out of the way, just in time for an enraged Yang to slam her foot into Slug's stomach. The Namekian looked down in disbelief as he felt his stomach light up in unbearable pain as the two then zoomed past the other teens and into the distance.

*Insert: Black clover episode167 ost: Asta and Yami vs Dante*

Turuk and the others then focus on Turles, who'd uncrossed his arms at this point. Turuk, Nova, Daikon, and Ruby all slipped into martial arts stances while Weiss, Pyrrha, and Jaunne all drew their Dust weapons. The saiyan in dark armor then floated down with his arms uncrossed to face them. Turles then slipped into a martial arts stance as he prepared to face the group of teens. It was then that the girls noticed something, a giant tree was growing over the village and Turles was standing in front of it. Almost like he was guarding the tree against them, he made sure they couldn't see the roots of the tree. Or more specifically, what the roots were feeding off of. The teens did manage to see fruit growing off of the tree, but what was providing the energy for the fruit to grow?

To their horror, they saw what was being used as food for the tree to grow the fruit they saw. The bodies of all of the desceased villagers and their homes were what fueled the tree they saw. Weiss, Pyrrha, and Ruby all balled their hands into fists after seeing this.

"How... Horrible! How in Remnant could anyone be this evil? This is...," Weiss trailed off before Pyrrha finished her thought.

"Sickening, right?," Pyrrha asked as she looked at the Schnee heiress.

Weiss nodded.

"Yes. It's... disgusting!," Weiss said with an angered look.

Weiss, Ruby, and Pyrrha then all had a singular thought as the group teens got ready to take on Turles.

"Turles, You'll pay for this!," They all thought as Turles grinned evilly.


The group of Blake, Scarlett, Aiko, Nora, and Ren had just finished up their investigation of the village. Everything seemed like it was in working order... Unless you counted the giant tree that was growing over everything except the communications tower. Wait a sec... Giant Tree? The group had to do a double take before they recognized what they just saw. That was odd, there was never a tree THAT BIG when they got here? So.. why was it here all of a sudden?

"Do you th-think we should contact, Nova's group?," Aiko asked.

"And tell my brothers what we found? Yeah. That's probably a good idea since we've been having difficulty getting in touch with Yang's group.," Blake answered.

Ren spoke up before Blake dialed to call their friends on her scroll.

"Before that.. I suggest we contact Professor Ozpin first.," Ren said.

"Ren's got a point. The headmaster did say to contact him if we found out anything.," Scarlett said shrugging.

Blake and the others nodded as she dialed the number for Ozpin. It was a few minutes before Ozpin answered, but he did eventually answer the call. As usual, Ozpin was calm as could be. However, once Blake relayed to him what they'd discovered, he frowned. He knew it could possibly be bad, but nowhere near as bad as what he heard from Blake and her team. While Blake was explaining the situation to Ozpin, Nora noticed a dark pillar of light that erupted from the ground a little bit away from where they were at currently. It had come from the direction Yang's group was in, not good.Whatever was happening over  with Yang's group, they needed to get over there and help.

"I'm sorry professor, something just came up and we need to go for now.," Blake said.

Ozpin more or less knew what was happening based on the noise he could hear in the background, so he simply smiled. He trusted that his students would somehow figure out a way to handle the situation.

"I see.. Be careful, Blake. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if something less than desirable happened to my students.," Ozpin told the faunus girl.

"We'll be careful, professor.," Blake said.

Blake then put her scroll back into the small pouch she had on her person, that way it wouldn't get damaged. The group then nodded before rushing to where all of their other friends were currently at. Blake just hoped that they were okay and that they'd make it in time before something terrible happened. As they ran towards where their friends were, they felt it. An enormous and terrifying power was just ahead of them. Whoever their friends were fighting was really bad news.

"What the?!," Scarlett said feeling the colliding energies ahead of them.

"What is it?," Blake asked.

"This.. Ki..," Scarlett trailed off.

"What about the Ki? Is everyone okay?!," Blake asked panicking slightly.

"Calm down, Blake. Everyone is alright. They're fighting off someone really nasty at the moment. But... You're... not going to believe this.,"Scarlett said as she tried finding the right words to explain what she was sensing at the moment.

Blake raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. Why was Scarlett being so secretive? Aiko knew why, but Blake was trying to figure out why Scarlett couldn't just tell her what she was sensing.

Scarlett was then silent for the rest of the trip over to where their friends currently were.


Tarro stared out of the window when he sensed an unstable power coming from a distance. It was unsettling enough to catch his attention.

"What in the multiverse? Hmm... another Saiyan, perhaps? But their power...," Tarro wondered aloud.

He then smiled, now he knew what was going on.

"Ah.. I see. Seems their Saiyan nature has only just begun to awaken. They don't know how to really use their power yet. Young Nova, and Young Turuk I hope whoever this saiyan is that i'm sensing you  two can calm them down. I'll be forced to intervene if this saiyan proves to be too much for you.," Tarro thought.

Professor Peach was walking by when she noticed Tarro staring out of the window with a serious look on his face.

"Professor Koizumi? what are you doing over there?," Peach asked.

Tarro turned and saw Peach staring at him, he cleared his throat.

"Ah, ahem! Professor Peach, I do apologize for alarming you. I was simply thinking about the students our dear headmaster gave a special mission to.," Tarro replied.

A look of recognition passed onto her face.

"Ah yes, that 3 team mission to investigate the strange silence and lack of communication from Tenkawa?," Peach asked.

Tarro nodded.

"Indeed, that would be the one.," He answered.

Peach raised a curious eyebrow as she adjusted her glasses.

"I'm not one to doubt your motives, professor... But is there a reason you have such an ominous look attached to your face?,"Peach said.

Tarro cleared his throat again in surprise.

"Am I THAT easy to read? I thought i'd hidden that fact rather well.," Tarro replied.

"A worried look doesn't suit you, professor. It's rather jarring when you do have such an expression.," Peach replied.

Tarro sighed in defeat.

"Seems I can't win against a scientist in an argument. I thought I sensed something rather worrying, so I was concerned for a short period about the students who were sent on the mission our headmaster gave out.," Tarro answered.

"Be that as it may... I'm sure everything will be fine, Tarro. Some of this School's best students are on the job, I'm sure things will work out.," Peach said reassuring the Saiyan.

Tarro smiled at Peach, to which she smiled back. Perhaps, Peach was right. Yes, they were mere students. But some of those students were saiyans, whom, in his off time trained with. Well... Nova and Turuk at length more specifically, but that was beside the point.  He could leave it in their hands.. for now, right?

Tarro and Peach both realized that they had some things to take care of, prompting Tarroto clear his throat as he blushed out of embarassment.

"A-ahem! Well, we should really be getting back to work. I apologize for bothering you in the middle of work, Peach but uh... perhaps you would deign to accompany me for dinner later this evening?," Tarro said embarrassed.

Peach fidgeted and straightened her glasses before turning away and replying to him.

"O-Of course, Tarro! I think.. I'd like to take you up on your offer a bit later.," Peach said slightly embarrassed.

"How does 7:00 sharp sound?," Tarro asked.

Peach allowed a small smile to grace her face as she responded.

"That would be lovely. I.. I think I can work something out to spend the evening with you, sir Tarro.,"Peach said.

"Very well then, I shall see you at 7 then.," Tarro said walking away.

"Yes.. I shall looking forward to it, Tarro.," Peach said as both went their separate ways.

Back with Teams Rwby, OHRF, and JNPR...

The group of Blake, Scarlett, Aiko, Flare, Nora, and Ren all arrived where evreyone else aside from Yang were seen fighting off Turles. Blake and Nova eyed each other and came to a silent understanding of the situation. Turning to their left Blake then spoke as she almost, almost couldn't believe what they were seeing take place.

"Scarlett?," Blake asked.

"Yeah?," Scarlett replied in question.

"Was... this what you were struggling with telling me what was happening earlier?," Blake asked with wide eyes.

Scarlett simply nodded solemnly as Nora and Ren were in utter disbelief of what they were seeing. Yang... or what they assumed was their friend anyways... was seen to be pummeling a man with green skin. She had him on the ropes. But the power surrounding her... it was darker and more menacing than anything they'd seen before. The Namekian could barely keep up with Yang's speed and power. Each and every blow was more crippling than the last one was as Yang continued to rain down heavy blows upon the evil namekian. Nova's eyes narrowed, that form of Yang's... There was something... "off" about it. Almost as if this particular form wasn't meant to be used by humans, but he then noticed something. She had... A TAIL?! That was surprising. It would seem that Turles was indeed correct. Yang was in fact a bonafide Saiyan all along. But.. how was that even possible? The only way that could have been remotely possible is... That's when it clicked. Nova realized something they hadall been blind to or rather... something Turles had explained but they denied as just crazy talk.

Nova switched out with the others as they fought Turles, prompting Blake to come over and talk to him.

"Would you mind explaining to me what happened to Yang? About how she ended up like... THAT?,"Blake asked gesturing to the crazed brawler with the dark aura around her.

"Well... let's just say that one thing led to another and Turles over there ended up revealing to Yang how she's really a Saiyan. Also about the circumstances surrounding her mother quote, unquote abandoning her when she was a child. That caused Yang to shut down before she got really mad and then boom, this happened.," Turuk said from a distance while avoiding Turles' attacks.

"Okay... but, what's that got to do with how Yang's lost it?," Blake asked.

Nova sighed.

"Sis, she became a Berserk Saiyan.,"Nova said.

"A Berserk Saiyan?," Blake asked.

Nova  nodded and then explained.

"Master Tarro told me about it. That state is triggered when one has enough power to become a Super Saiyan, but doesn't have the mental fortitude for it. It's when your mind is taken over by dark emotions, think of it as the darker version of what myself and Turuk have.," Nova explained.

Blake scowled.

"I see.., so what you're saying is Yang's just lost in her own anger right now?," Blake asked.

Nova nodded in agreement. Blake was about to go free her partner from her crazed state of mind, but Turles fired a ki orb at her. Nova acted quickly and batted it away from his elder adopted sister. He glared at Turles who only smirked. Turles signaled to the other goons, who decided to fight the teens. The exceptions being Nova and Turuk. Turles was rather curious about these two saiyans, especially Nova. He smirked devilishly as he addressed the Saiyan brothers. Though, it was pretty obvious  that there was an air of arrogance in his voice. This was definitely something that annoyed the both of them, but they knew what Turles was attempting to do. He was trying to get underneath their skin and rile them up so they'd make mistakes. The saiyan brothers wouldn't let this guy have his way though. Two could play at these "mind" games Turles was so fond of.

"Well, well, well to what do I oew the pleasure of seeing a pair Saiyan brothers so far from their home?," Turles asked.

"Tch! Can it, scoundrel!," Turuk said venomously.

"What did you do to Yang?,"Nova asked with obvious vitriol laced in his voice.

Turles was taken back a bit by the venom in the voices of the young saiyans before him, but he did see something in their eyes that he liked. Nova turned to Turuk before speaking.

"Do you mind if I fight him alone , Turuk? There's something about him that just rubs me the wrong way.," Nova asked.

Turuk sighed. He knew he couldn't stop Nova, not when he was like this.

"Fine, go ahead bro. You know I can't stop you when you get like this.," Turuk said.

Turuk then backed off as he then went to help his other friends with the other soldiers. Despite Nova's calm exterior, Turles could tell... there was something deeper... and much darker in them. And that something was more... primal, like it was barely being restrained by the thinnest of margins. Turles looked behind him, the fruit was almost ready. He just needed a little more time. Taking on this teen may prove to be quite entertaining if the power he sensed deep within him was any indication of his true capabilities. Ruby wanted to help Nova fight Turles, but Turuk held up an arm to stop her.

"Why, Turuk?," Ruby asked.

"Turles is too strong, you know that.," Turuk replied.

Ruby hung her head, she knew he was right. But Nova was her boyfriend, she couldn't let him do this alone.

"Yeah..., you're right.,"Ruby pouted.

"Plus... I think Turles wants to fight my brother alone. I believe he's rather interested in my brother.," Turuk said.

"Interested in him? What do you mean by... eww! You don't mean like uhh... THAT kind of interested, do you?," Ruby replied.

"uh...," Turuk said not sure what to say concerning Ruby's ideas of what he meant.

Weiss bonked Ruby on the head as she had a reddened face by that thought.

"Ow! what was that for?!," Ruby said rubbing the bump on her head.

"That was for being an idiot! I really don't think that's quite what Turuk meant.,"Weiss said embarassed at Ruby's suggestion.

"I'm with Weiss on that front, Ruby. Even if he was, Nova has you as his girlfriend. Why would he want that kind of relationship with Turles when YOU mean the world to him?," Blake replied.

Ruby blushed and smiled at the thought. She'd almost forgotten for a moment that she was Nova's girlfriend.

"A-Ahem! Getting... back on track. It's the person Turles is interested in, it's more like his power.," Turuk explained.

"His power?," Pyrrha asked as she knocked away a soldier.

"Yes. Ever since I can remember, Nova's always been... stronger than other kids his age. Abnormally so. I've sensed the same thing Turles most likely has about Nova.," Turuk explained.

Nora then spoke up, chiming into the conversation.

"Which is.. what?," Nora asked.

"There's something... deeper beneath the surface of my brother's power. Almost... darker, more primal in nature if you will.," Turuk said.

"So... you're saying that there's a hidden side to Nova that not even he knows about?," Ruby asked.

"I... wouldn't say that he doesn't know. It's more like... he's not very aware or sure of it yet.," Turuk said.

"Oh. Nova...," Ruby said a little worried.

"Don't worry too much about it, Ruby. You know more than anyone just how powerful Nova is.," Turuk said reassuring Ruby.

"That's... not what I'm worried about, Turuk.," Ruby replied.

Ruby explained  to Turuk that what she was worried about not only involved Nova, but it also involved himself as well. She was getting a very bad feeling that Turles was up to something and whatever it was, it wouldn't be good.

*Insert Dragon ball kai ost: Formiddable Foe, the Saiyan*

Nova slipped into a martial arts stance after he had circle around Turles for a few minutes. Turles took this act as the dark teen sizing him up to see just what exactly he was up against. Turles slipped into a stance as well. There was a moment of hesitation before either of them made a move. Ruby tightened her hands over her chest as she was now silently praying for her lover's safety and victory. Turuk could tell that Ruby was worried, this prompted him and Blake to put a hand on each of her shoulders as a silent reassurance that things would work out just fine.  The explosion in the distance, most likely from Yang's fight with slug, was the signal both combatants needed to begin their fight. Both fighters rocketed towards each other with their fists reared back as they flew forward in a burst of speed, their auras leaving a trail behind themselves. Once they were both in range of each other, both fighters threw their fists forward. Their fists impacted one another, not but a second later. The ground and air shook from the impact of both blows colliding with each other at full force.

A crater was formed as a result of the initial impact, both fighters than began to throw more punches and kicks at each other in the seconds that followed the inital collision of blows. Each blow seemed to be matched with equal force, creating a short deadlock. This lasted for a moment before both increased their speed to where it seemed to most watching that they vanished into thin air. The only reason why people like Weiss. Pyrrha, Jaunne, Flare, and Blake could keep up with the fight was due to the shockwaved that occurred as a byproduct of how fast both fighters were moving and striking each other. Ruby and the others could barely keep up with the fight until they received some advice from the Saiyans in their group of friends.

"Wha the heck? Where'd they go?," Ruby asked confused.

"Relax, Ruby.," Turuk said.

"But I can't see them! How am I going to know where they are?," Ruby replied.

"He meant relax your senses, Ruby.,"Scarlett added.

"Just try it, miss Ruby.," Aiko suggested.

"Well..., Okay.," Ruby said.

Ruby did as she was instructed to do by taking a deep breath in and then exhaling immediately after. As she did so, something began to come into focus as she relaxed her senses. It was blurry, at first.

"Clear your mind, Ruby. Just focus on finding Nova's energy. Pay no attention to your surroundings, and just listen.," Turuk instructed.

"Okay, I'll do that.," Ruby said.

The others joined her in doing as instructed by Turuk. It was blurry still, at first. The image eventually began to come into focus, and they heard something. The sound of... fists? Ruby focused more on that sound until eventually..., she saw them! It was Nova and Turles duking it out at high speeds. A flurry of punches here, a barrage of kicks there, it was all becoming crystal clear to her. From what she could see, Nova and Turles were about on equal footing with each other. The momentum of the fight seemed to constantly be shifting , so neither fighter was completely dominating the other. Ruby's eyes widened when she saw Nova finally gain the advantage in the fight, he was pressing it to overwhelm Turles. She was snapped out of her thoughts when something had slammed into the ground. The ground shook before there was a large cloud of dust. The dust cloud dispersed giving way to what looked to be a large trench, at least a mile wide. Turles was at the end of the trench, slammed into the facing of a cliff. When he fell, the cliff shattered and fell on top of him, burying him in rubble. Not even a moment later, purple light erupted from the rubble as Turles had blasted through the rock that were previously on top of him. He hovered back to the ground as the purple aura surrounding him had dissipated. Nova also floated back down as he then stood accross from his opponent.

Turles had a noticeable frown on his face for a moment, before it then turned into a grin. This young saiyan was far more powerful than he could've ever predicted. If he continued as he was, this Siyan would undoubtedly be the death of him.  The gap between his power and Nova's was... obvious at the moment. The Dark teenaged Saiyan was.. at the very least three times as powerful as Turles was right now, luckily he had a way of fixing that. The fruit from the Tree. If he could eat one or two of those, then perhaps he could close the gap in terms of their power currently. There was just one problem with that.. He knew Nova wouldn't allow him to just go right up to the tree and eat the fruit to increase his power. He'd catch on to what Turles was planning. He needed a way to distract the saiyan, his eyes then landed on Ruby. From what he had heard and could tell, The boy was very close with the girl. She seemed very important to the dark teen, he'd rush in and save her if it came down to it. If the girl's life was put in danger, he'd prioritize the girl's safety over paying attention to what Turles was doing. This would give him the time he needed to go and grab some of the fruit the tree produced. Turles would grow exponentially stronger, due to the fruit and the zenkai boost from being beaten badly by Nova. However, in the recesses of his mind, Turles had a feeling that Nova was still holding back alot of his power. So even if this little stunt of his worked, the possibility existed that it still may not be enough to defeat the young saiyan. So what then? Turles then noticed Nova's tail, this gave him a truly wicked idea.

"His Tail... If I can somehow get him to transform, then I may not have to even lift a finger at all to defeat him. He'll be too out of control and acting on instinct. This could work... I doubt this kid has ever been exposed to the wrath of the Great Ape form before on a personal level, so i doubt he'll be able to control it. But then again... there is that silver eyed girl.. Where have I seen that particular eye color before? ," Turles thought to himself.

As the evil Saiyan thought about it, he remembered. There was another human whom he fought a long time ago that had eyes the same color as the girl he saw currently. Was it just him, or... did that human look similar to this silver eyed girl too, just a bit older? As he eyed Ruby, he swore that he saw a flash of older woman with similar hair and the silver eyes. She had a white hooded cape and a similar black dress to Ruby. Just as quick as the flash appeared, it had disappeared. Turles wondered, could the woman he saw and this young lady be related somehow? Were the two connected?  Refocusing, Turles slipped into a stance with Nova mirroring the action.

"I'm impressed, kid. Seems the rumors about you were faulty, you're much stronger than they indicated.," Turles said chuckling.

"You're not bad yourself, but it's over now.," Nova said.

Nova had decided he was going to end the fight here, unfortunately, Turles had a little something extra up his sleeve.

"Over is it? haa... haa.. I think not, this is only the beginning of our fight, boy!," Turles said smirking.

Without warning, Turles summoned his Ki and launched a deadly blast towards Ruby. Nova's eyes widened as he had to suddenly forego chasing after Turles in order to make sure Ruby and the others were safe from the blast. Nova dashed towards Ruby and the others before igniting his Ki and rocketing over there. He was in front of Ruby and the others in a matter of seconds. The blast was too big and too powerful for Ruby to deflect without being hurt, so Nova had to make sure no one was hurt. The dark teen deflected the blast out of the way and into the distance  where it exploded upon contact with  Slug, who was still fighting an enraged Yang. Nova turned towards Ruby and the others as he spoke.

"Ruby, are you all okay? No one's hurt, are they?," Nova asked.

Ruby's eyes were wide, but she managed to stay strong in front of her boyfriend.

"Y-Yeah! No ones's hurt, we're all okay Nova.," Ruby said.

Nova sighed in relief. He was glad no one was hurt.

Luckily, the stray blast happened to help out Yang, who was starting to have a little trouble with Slug. Since the stray blast threw Slug off guard by hitting him out of nowhere, he was very unprepared for when the Berserk Yang came at him again. Thanks to the opening that stray blast created, she now had the advantage again. It was an advantage, even in her crazed state that she pressed. The Namekian had trouble against Yang before and now was being reminded of a simple fact. When it came to battle prowess, there weren't many races who had more potential than saiyans did. Slug tried fighting back, but it was no use. Yang was too fast and too powerful right now for him to have any chance of fending off. Slug could do nothing as Yang pummeled him mercilessly. Once Yang felt she had done enough damage to the Namekian, she began to pool her power into her hands. Slug was panting, just trying to catch his breath at this point. Unfortunately mo matter how much he tried to, he couldn't even move a muscle. He no longer had the will to keep fighting, Yang had broken his will. He chuckled, feeling the absolute irony of being killed by the very race he hated above all others in the universe.

"Darn you, Saiyan...!," Slug thought just before Yang evicerated him.

Yang thrust her hands forward as twin dark colored beams combined into one before washing over Slug, instantly incinerating him. An enormous explosion resulted in the aftermath, shaking the ground and leaving not even a trace of Slug left behind. Yang could feel herself slipping out of consciousness, this caused her to shake her head and take off towards Turles. As she neared the evil saiyan, she was suddenly kicked in the stomach by the same guy she had seen mere miliseconds ago. Yang went flying and skidded accross the ground right in front of Blake and the rest of Team RWBY. Blake wanted to rush over to her to her teammate, but Turuk held her back.

"YANG!!,"Blake cried in concern as she tried to rush to her teammate.

"Blake, wait!," Turuk said holding her back.

"Turuk, let me go! She needs my help!,"Blake argued.

"I.. understand how you feel sis, really I do. But, Yang isn't in her right mind at the moment, there's no guarantee that she won't attack you.," Turuk argued back.

"Yang...," Blake said somberly.

The cat faunus grit her teeth in frustration, she knew her brother was right. It hurt her deeply to see Yang in such a state. Blake and Yang had been through so much together already in their first year at Beacon that Blake in some ways considered Yang to be like a sister to herself. Watching and not being able to do anything to help Yang while she suffered metally was.. infuriating and almost heartbreaking for her. Turuk, Ruby, and Weiss all put hands on Blake's shoulders to comfort her. Blake closed her eyes and squeezed her brother's hand as a sign of appreciation. When the teens looked over again, Turles had what looked like a fruit in his hand before he quickly crushed it. When he did so, he powered up. The teens felt uneasy because Turles power was through the roof now.

Nova clicked his tongue and grit his teeth in frustration as he realized that Turles had planned that stunt just to get to fruit so he could power up. Nova glared at him as he ignited his ki again, a blue aura surrounding him this time. Turles looked towards Nova before giving him an evil grin, all of his previous wounds from battle had healed! He was now at full power again and it felt wonderful.

"Ahh... That feels so much better now! Well, Saiyan? Ready for round two?," Turles said chuckling.

Nova felt a nervous bead of sweat roll down his face. He could take Turles before, no problem. But now... he wasn't so sure he could defeat Turles completely.

"I need to be careful here. This guy is... he's alot stronger than before, but how? Must be due to that fruit he ate.. Ah! That's what he was doing! I completely fell for it too!," Nova thought.

Nova balled his hands into fists and grit his teeth in frustration for making such a rookie mistake. He was a fool for not realizing that's what Turles had planned to do all along. Nova hated being tricked like that and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Turles... this piece of.. no, this evil scumbag calling himself a saiyan.... HE WOULD PAY FOR THIS! While Turles grinned devilishly, Nova set his jaw into a thin line. He was not happy at all. His blood was nearly boiling because of what Turles just pulled. Ruby felt it, she didn't like the look Nova had on his face right now. Something inside of him had snapped. This... wasn't the Nova she knew and was deeply in love with. She could tell, something.. was "off" about him and it scared her.

Ruby had no idea of knowing just how right she was about Nova. Can Nova defeat Turles before he loses his mind?

As if the sky sensed the tension in the air between Nova and Turles, it started to rain. Thunder and lightning crackled overhead as though the sky trembled due to the enormous power of the two combatants staring at each other. Ruby clasped her hands together and prayed for her lover's victory as she watched, worried. What will the outcome be of this conflict?

To be continued...

Ending theme: Black clover ending 12: A walk by SOLIDEMO

Visuals: Nova by himself walking for a bit before coming face to face with a future form of himself. He then sees his friends ahead of him before stopping. It transitions to shots of each of the main cast's weapons. It even shows  a pan of Tarro briefly. Nova continues walking during the build up of the song as it shows each member from the main cast of this story. It briefly shows a closeup of a future form Nova will transform into as he stops to face it. The song continues to build as it then shows a pan up of Ruby's face looking into the distance. It shows a closeup of everyone's dust weapons for a second before the chorus starts. The chorus begins showing the dust weapons as the images range from the chracter's backs to them turning around to welcome Nova into their circle. There's then a flashback of the previous battles everyone's been through so far in the story before transitioning back to Nova rejoining his friends as they walk off into the distance.

Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it took my so long to update this story, life has gotten kinda busy for me recently so I haven't had as much time to write. I'll update whenever I have time to. But hopefully this chapter answered at least one question you all had about Yang's origin. I plan on expounding upon her origin a little bit further in upcoming chapters. I even threw in a little development for Tarro and Professor Peach. She was mentioned in Rwby, but since her character was never really delved into I decided to give her at least a little personality. We'll see where that goes. I'm not going to drag out this mini arc too much further as next chapter is the finale of the Tenkawa Crisis Arc, after that, The rest of volume 3's story proper can begin. Before we go, I'd like you guys to vote on the poll(s) below:

Who should Aiko's love interest/pairing be?

A. Giblet

B. Oscar

C. Mercury

D. Sun Wukong

E. Neptune Vasilias

F. Jaune Arc

Who should the next big threat for our saiayn characters be?

1. Glacial (Freiza character of this story)

2. Kanba/Cumber (Dragon Ball Heroes)

3. Mira (Xenoverse)

4. Cell (Dbz)

5. other (write in suggestion)

That's all for now guys! I'll see you guys in whichever story updates next!

Next time- Chapter 22: Lost Heritage V(5) (Finale): Primal Rage