
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Lainnya
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Chapter 11: Ruby's Complicated Feelings II

Hey everyone Novaflame6_Badal here. I do apologize for abruptly ending last chapter. I couldn't really find a good place to end it lol so I figured I should end it with Daikon and Weiss going on a "Date" of sorts. They're still a little bit a ways from truly going on one.

I figured they should get a little bit more development in last chapter, they'll get more and more development in their relationship as the story progresses. Hopefully you guys liked the interaction between Yatsuhashi and Scarlett. That one may take a little longer to really develop into something, I'm thinking probably during the Vytal tourney/festival is when their relationship will really start to develop.

The most interesting pairing I think may develop sooner than even the main pairing of the story is Turuk x Yang. Given Yang's personality and her.... preference for Turuk, it feels like it's only a matter of time until that one becomes a true pairing.

Anyways, that's enough rambling from me. Here's a few polls to get you started:

Who should Weiss ask to the Beacon Dance?

A. Neptune

B. Daikon


Should I stick with the cannon events surrounding the Beacon Dance (Weiss asking Neptune, but getting rejected/ Jaune going to ask Weiss, but running when she asks Neptune to the dance)?

I. Yes, stick with the cannon events.

II. No, go in a different direction.


Should Yang ask Turuk to go to the Beacon Dance with her?

I. Yes! Totally do that!

II. No. Have them meet at the dance, then continue from there.


Should I have Scarlett and Yatsuhashi stay as just friends or... should I keep pace with the relationship their building up towards?

I. Yes, keep it. Their relationship works.

II. No, just have them be really good friends. Go in a different direction like you said.


When should Mercury switch sides?

I. During the Fall of Beacon

II. During the Vytal Tournament, he has a change of heart.

III. Later in the story. it would be more impactful if Scarlett and Mercury were apart for awhile before reuniting.


Anyways, that's it for the polls for now. I hope you guys vote for each one. I think Shallot will come into the story, but it might be a little but later.

Disclaimer: I don't own Dbz/Kai/ DBS/DBXV or Rwby and their characters. I only own 4 of the 6 oc's. I have permission to use Tarro and Daikon from ComparedDreadX those are his characters.


The next day, team Rwby met near the dorms. Since no one could find where Nova and Ruby were the previous day, everyone just went back to their dorms intent on looking the next day. They would but, Ruby and Nova were back with their teams today.

That seemed to be a little suspicious, so Ruby's team confronted her about it. The red head was being uncomfortably pressured about where she's been during the early part of the morning lately. Knowing that she wasn't going to get away with dodging the question, Ruby sighed as she gave them an answer. She didn't tell them exactly what she was doing, but she gave an answer that would satisfy her team for now. And by her team, it was really Weiss and Yang that were asking all of the questions.

"U-umm.. I've just been having Nova help me with something is all..," Ruby nervously answered.

Weiss and Yang gave her look that was unexpected.

"That's all it was?," Weiss asked somewhat surprised.

Ruby nodded to answer her question.

Yang spoke up immediately after with a sly grin on her face. Ruby knew what was coming, considering it was her sister.

"😏 oh? You were with Nova, eh Rubes? You've been spending alot of time with him recently. Are you sure that's all it is?," Yang asked smirking.

Ruby blushed angrily at this and shoved her sister in annoyance.

"Yang, I told you it's not like that! It's not.. at least that's what I think? Maybe? I don't know!," Ruby said.

Yang raised an eyebrow at this, she'd never seen Ruby act like this before. If Nova really was the cause of her sister's strange behavior, he must really be something special. Not that she could give Ruby any advice on what she was feeling, Yang was new to the emotion Ruby was feeling herself. As the elder sister, she could at the very least support her sister if it turned out to be what Yang thought it was.

Blake was unusually quiet the entire time though. She obviously knew something about what was really going on here. But, she was pleasantly surprised to hear that Ruby may possibly be developing feelings for her brother. She loved both of her brothers very dearly. Even if they weren't blood related, they were still her siblings.

Weiss went over to Blake while Ruby was being interrogated by Yang.

"You have been awfully quiet, Blake. I take it you know something about what is happening?," the heiress said.

Blake just folded her arms and replied to the question. Though she answered it, she was pretty vague about it.

"I might know something about it. Though, I can't say I'm certain about it yet.," Blake said unenthusiastically.

Weiss was expecting Blake to elaborate on that answer, only to find that she never said anything else. This was about her best friend, so of course she wanted to know. At the same time though, she knew she couldn't force Blake to tell her what she knew about the situation with Ruby and Nova. The heiress decided to back off for now and walked back over to where Yang and Ruby were.

Yang figured she should just leave Ruby alone for now, since she obviously didn't want to really talk about the fact she was with Nova all morning the previous day. Before they could talk any further about it though, the bell for classes sounded. This signaled for them to gather their supplies and head towards class.

Weiss and Yang walked ahead with Ruby and Blake hanging back a little bit. Yang began to tease Weiss about her "date" with Daikon, much to the shnee's ire. Ruby began to think about what happened the previous day and all the commotion they'd caused. She felt a little bad about it, but she did get to further her training with Nova. She did appreciate any time she could spend alone with Nova as well, she liked him. The redhead shook her head as she felt her face flush red and her heart started pounding whenever she thought of the other teen.

"What is wrong with me? I don't see Nova like that. Or... do I?," Ruby thought to herself.

Blake looked over to Ruby before speaking.

"Hey, Ruby?," Blake asked.

Ruby got spooked by the sudden voice, but did her best not to show it. She then looked at Blake.

"Yes? What's up Blake?," Ruby asked.

Blake just looked towards Ruby and was just straight to the point with her question. She didn't want to beat around the bush, nor did she want to play any games, she just wanted the truth. And she knew Ruby understood that, she'd give a clear and concise answer.

"Be honest. Nova's been training you, hasn't he?," Blake asked.

Ruby's eyes shot open in surprise at this. She never said anything about it, so how would Blake even know? Then again... she was Nova's sister, so it made sense she'd figure it out.

"Yeah, he has. But, how'd you know? I never said anything about that.," Ruby asked a little confused.

Blake smiled and chuckled lightly.

"You didn't have to. I know my brother better than most do, training you seems like just the sort of thing he'd do after all.," Blake replied.

Ruby nodded. Now she understood. Blake said nothing else the entire time on their way to class.

Class was rough for Ruby though, she couldn't keep her thoughts from drifting to Nova. She'd be distracted during class and found that it was becoming hard to stay focused. No one really noticed it, except for one teacher.


After class was over, Ruby went to follow her friends to the cafeteria for Lunch. She was stopped by Sala, however. Her team as well as the others in JNPR and NDTSA looked at her worriedly, until Ruby herself spoke up on the matter.

"Don't Worry about me, I'll be fine. You all go ahead and go eat, I'll be there in a minute.," Ruby said looking at the concerned teens.

The other teens shrugged and proceeded towards the cafeteria. Turning back toward her teacher, Ruby did wonder what it was that Professor Sala wanted to speak with her about. Though, if she was truly honest, the girl more or less knew what it was going to be about.

"Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, miss Rose.You didn't have to as i understand that your friends and teammates are important to you.,"Sala told her.

Ruby shook her head and smiled at the woman.

"It's no problem, Professor. Whatever you have to talk to me about has to be pretty important, right? I'm sure the rest of the gang understands.,"Ruby said.

Sala smiled at the girl. She didn't really know all that much about Ruby, she'd just heard stories from the other students about her. She seemed like such a pleasant girl to understand more about too. Sala decided that she would truly make a conservative effort in getting to know her students.

"Well miss rose, i have noticed that you have been struggling lately. You're finding it very hard to focus in class, because of one or two things.," She said concerned.

Ruby nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"It seems as though your mind is on something else, or rather.... someone else. Am i wrong?," Sala asked.

Ruby sighed. She looked towards her teacher and simply confirmed what Sala had already suspected was the case.

"I'm confused, Miss Sala. I'm... so confused. I really don't know what's wrong with me...," Ruby said dejectedly.

Sala raised an eyebrow at this, then closed her eyes and smiled. She knew just what this girl was going through, but there was only one way to know for sure.

"Miss Rose, or rather Ruby... do you mind if i ask you something rather personal?," Sala asked.

Ruby nodded in agreement. This signaled for Sala to proceed with her question.

"Do.. you have someone 'special'?," the elder woman asked.

This confused Ruby as she wasn't sure what Sala meant by that.

"Someone special? Forgive me, Professor S... I don't think i know what you mean. What is that?," Ruby asked thoroughly confused.

Sala's eyes softened and she smiled at Ruby. This girl was so innocent.

"Allow me to phrase it another way then, Ruby. Is there... any person who you feel happy around any chance you get to spend with them? Do they make your heart race when you're near them or by thinking about them?," Sala asked.

For a reason unknown to her, one person came to mind as soon as Sala said what she did. Ruby clenched her fist and put it on her chest. It.. felt like her chest was tight. Ruby's face then flushed red as soon as she thought about the answer to Sala's question.

"I.. uhh.. T-There m-may possibly be one person that comes to mind.," Ruby stammered.

Sala smiled at her again.

"Then you should cherish that person, Ruby. Let them know how much they mean to you and how happy they make you feel.," Sala said.

Ruby's face became an even darker shade of red at what Sala was implying for her to do. She couldn't do that, not yet at least. Then there was also the fact that she had no idea how to. These feelings were confusing and completely new to her. She had no idea what to do with them!

"M-Miss Sala?," Ruby asked.

"Yes, what is it Ruby?," Sala asked.

It.. was strange. The expression Sala wore as she talked to Ruby.. it.., reminded her of someone. Sala almost seemed as though she were a mother talking to a child of hers. But, that was impossible! She looked way too young to be a mother already. However, there was no denying or disguising that look. One couldn't fake that expression Sala had on her face, that... was the look akin to what a mother gave their child.

"Forgive me for saying this.. But, you sound as though you've experienced this before.," Ruby said.

Sala nodded as she gently stroked the top of Ruby's head.

"I most certainly have been through what you're experiencing now. I went through that with my own husband before we got married.," Sala said pausing before continuing.

"Though I don't know you that well, Ruby. I feel as though I was able to connect to my son in some way...," Sala said.

This surprised Ruby. She was still trying to process what Sala said to her.

"WHAT?! Miss Sala has a son?!," Ruby thought slightly bug eyed.

"You definitely have something Ruby, in fact, it's what all women experience at your  age. If you will allow me to, I can help you sort through all those complicated feelings and emotions you are experiencing.,"Sala told Ruby.

Ruby looked towards her and smiled. She still felt a little embarrased by what they talked about, but at least she had someone to help her get through something like this.

"Help her someone, my son certianly cna't beat his girl. Goodness, she's fallen hard for him. Hasn't she, Nova?," Sala thought to herself.

Ruby looked at her scroll and realized her friends had been waiting on her for awhile now. She needed to go and now.

"Pardon me, Miss Sala. But I really have to-," Ruby began to say before Sala chuckled and nodded in understanding.

"I understand, Ruby. You've kept your friends waiting long enough now I'm sure. Go on, we'll talk again some other time.," Sala told her.

Ruby smiled and nodded to her teacher before exiting the classroom, she ended up using her semblance to speed down the hallway. A few stray rose petals fell into her hand as she walked out of the classrom and into the hallway. She smirked at this.

"That girl. *chuckles lightly* This will certianly be interesting seeing how our son and that girl's relationship develops.," Sala thought aloud.

Rhubar, who was close by, came up to his wife. He was curious as to what the loud commotion was and checked to see the cause of it.

"What was that about?," He asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all dear. I was simply giving Ruby some advice.," Sala said.

Rhubar nodded as the two of them walked down the hallway, chatting before their next classes.


Ruby made it to the cafeteria a short while later. She grabbed her lunch and sat down with the rest of her friends. She knew they didn't have much time until lunch was over, so she scarfed her meal down taking care not to choke on it.

Team Rwby had wondered what Professor S had wanted to talk to Ruby about, because whatever it was, it sure took a long time to talk over.

"So.. Rubes, what did you and Professor S talk about?," Yang asked curious.

Weiss took the chance to speak up as well. She also wanted to know.

"I'm curious as well. You sure did take awhile.," Weiss said.

Ruby starting to sweat a little bit, mainly because the object of that conversation was sitting at the table with them. She had to think of something quick so they wouldn't catch on. The girl took a breath and just told them the general outline of what was discussed.

"Miss S-Sala just gave me some advice about something.,"Ruby nervously answered.

"Anything else, Rubes?,"Yang asked.

"O-Oh y-yeah. She also said she'd been noticing that I'd been distracted lately, though I never thought she'd notice.,"Ruby said rubbing the back of her head.

It took a minute for them to realize what Ruby just called or referred to the professor as.

"Wait... What did you just call the professor?," Weiss asked.

Ruby soon realized her mistake as sheraised her hands in front of her face, defensively.

"Rubes, you know we can't call the teachers by their first names right?," Yang said.

"I-I realize that! And i really did try to call her professor, but she told me to call her miss Sala. She wasn'thaving any of the formal addressal students normally call her.," Ruby said.

Blake then spoke up and surprisingly, she agreed with Ruby.

"If that's what the professor wishes to be called, then who are we to disagree with it?,"Blake reasoned.

Yang and the others thought about that, Blake's reasoning did make a lot of sense.

Over the short time they've known them, they'd come to realize that professor s. and professor r. weren't really fans of formalities. So the request did make alot of sense coming from her.

Nova rose to his feet after finishing his lunch and began to exit the cafeteria. Ruby followed and stopped him. She spoke, stopping him in his tracks.

"Nova, wait up!,"Ruby shouted after him.

The dark teen turned to face Ruby as she caught up to him.

"Ruby?," he asked confused.

"Do you have time right now? There's... something I need to talk to you about.,"Ruby said.

Nova smiled at her. That was perfect, he needed to talk to her too.

"What a coincidence. I've been meaning to talk to you too, Ruby. There's something we need to talk about.," Nova said.

Ruby nodded as the two of them began to walk away together. Yang smirked at this. The blonde then turned towards the others.

"Hmm? Those two have been going off together alot recently, haven't they? What do you suppose they're up to?," Yang wondered aloud.

"Yes. I've been wondering about that as well.,"Weiss said.

Although Turuk, Scarlett and Aiko were just as curious, they trusted Nova. They weren't worried, especially if what Daikon had told them was true.

The rest of Nova's team followed Yang, Weiss, and a reluctant Blake out of the cafeteria and down the hallway. 


Nova and Ruby were seen sparring with each other as they normally would be. The two were seen zipping around, clashing every so often, appearing as a line of emerald green and a line of deep sky blue.

The two phased into sight where they clashed, exchanging heavy blows with each other and cracking the ground after landing each blow. Ruby and Nova each threw a devastating kick that clashed against one another's, cracking the ground and creating a crater underneath them.

"Good! Very good, Ruby!," Nova said complimenting her.

Ruby smiled back him as they both landed on the ground, disengaging their blazing ki surrounding them as they did.

"I'm impressed, Ruby. You've imporoved so much over the past 2 months. I think your teammates and anyone else you face will definitely be surprised by what you can do now.," Nova told her.

Ruby smiled and slightly blushed, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Y-You really mean that, Nova?," Ruby asked.

Nova nodded.

"Yeah, I really mean it.,"Nova replied.

"Well t-thanks. I did have an excellent teacher though.," Ruby said.

"You've improved alot, but don't let that get to your head. You have to keep up your training. Never settle for being second best, there will always be someone who's stronger than you are just when you think you've gotten as strong as you can. Surpass your limits.,"Nova said.

"Right! 'Cuz it doesn't matter if i'm only a human, i can become as strong as iwant to be if i put in the effort to be.,"Ruby said nodding.

Nova smiled at Ruby. She really took what he said to heart, that was good. If she became strong, he wouldn't have to worry about protecting her so much. He could trust her more to defend herself. That said, as a man he'd still protect her whenever possible.

"Now Ruby, i believe it's time to take the next step in your training.," Nova said to her.

Ruby's eyes lit up at this. Did this mean what she thought it meant?

"You mean we can move onto that?," Ruby asked.

Nova nodded in agreement. It was finally time for her to learn that particular technique.

"Yes Ruby. It's time you knew how to fly.,"Nova said.

The two of them then walked to an open clearing where they'd have more room to practice. Unknown to them, Yang, Weiss, and the rest of Nova's team were watching the entire time up until this point. To say that Yang and Weiss were shocked would be a gross understatement, both of them.. (but more specifically Weiss) were bug eyed at what they were seeing.

Turuk turned to Blake and eyed her before speaking.

"Tell me Sis, how long did you know that this was what they were up to?," Turuk asked.

Blake turned to answer as they others all looked at her as well.

"I had a feeling Nova was training Ruby, but.. I wasn't certain until recently.,"Blake answered.

"Until recently? What do you mean by that?," Scarlett spoke up, asking the question this time.

"Well.. I asked Ruby about it yesterday. She can't really hide anything, so it was pretty easy to figure it out.,"Blake replied.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to figure it out.,"Daikon said.

Weiss and the others looked at him in surprise. Well.. except for his teammates, of course.

"You're saying you knew the entire time what they were up to?! And.. you didn't bother to say anything about it?!,"Weiss shrieked.

Daikon covered his ears slightly due to how loud Weiss was. She was practically in his ear when she shrieked.

"Gah! Could you not scream into my ear woman?!," Daikon said.

Weiss felt like a vein was about to pop on her head after hearing this.

"💢💢💢WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! I do have a name you know! ,"Weiss snapped at him.

"Would you be quiet, Weiss?! They're going to hear us!," Daikon said as he slapped a hand over her mouth much to the heiress' displeasure.

The others looked to him, expecting him to explain how he knew Nova was training Ruby from the beginning. He clear3d his throat and explained that he'd also be awake whenever Nova left early in the morning.

"I would be training myself when I noticed our team leader meeting with [points at Blake before continuing] your team leader for some reason every morning before anyone was up. I happened to see them go into this forest together and come out sweating. That's probably when i figured it out that the two of them were training together. Also... they weren't exactly in their  uniforms for school. They had on what you see them wearing now.," Daikon explained.

Team Rwby blinked in surprise at this. They weren't expecting Daikon to be that thorough with his explanation and initial investigation into what Nova and Ruby were up to. Because of this, they were taken abit by surprise when we revealed how he knew the two were training together.

They figure they should leave them alone, now that they knew what they were up to and why Nova and Ruby were going off alone together so much during lunchtime. Plus, Ruby had promised to talk to all of the girls about what she and miss Sala discussed later. Little did Ruby know, that her female friends were going to hold her to that promise later.



Later that evening....

Location: Outside of Team Rwby's dorm room

Ruby and Nova had lost track of time and were now on their way back towards their dorm rooms. They stopped in the hallway as they now had to part ways until the next day.

"Goodnight, Ruby. Great work today.,"Nova said.

"Yeah. Thanks for the help today, Nova. Sorry you had to miss your training session with professor koizumi. Guess i took up all of your time today other than classes, huh?," Ruby said apologetically.

Nova smiled at her.

"Don't worry about that. Besides, Teach said it was all good. Said he was busy today anyways, so it was a good thing i never showed for training.,"Nova replied.

This seemed to relieve Ruby a little bit. She was glad he didn't have to miss anything important because of her. Although, she was happy that she got to spend the entire day with him almost. That thought did cause her to blush a little.

"Weird... there's that odd feeling again... So strange. It only seems to come around whenever Nova's involved for some reason, weird..," Ruby thought to herself.

"Well, g-goodnight Nova.," Ruby said.

They both turned to leave when Ruby stopped and spoke again.

"Wait, Nova.," Ruby said.

Nova turned just as he was about to enter his dorm. He turned to face Ruby.

"Yes, what's up Ruby?,"He asked curious as to why his friend stopped him.

Ruby blushed again. She knew she did like Nova, she just wasn't sure in what way yet. Was it as a friend or... as someone.. more than that? Ruby did want to give him something as a thank you and as something to look forward to, once she confirmed what her feeling were concerning the dark skinned faunus (saiyan not that she knows yet lol :P).

"Um.. Nova? D-Do you mind if I'm just a little bit more selfish for one more time today? I want to give you something.. you know as thanks for today.," Ruby said.

The girls who waited for Ruby peeked and were watching the interaction between the two. Yang was slyly grinning the whole time, while the other girls had a mix of other expressions ranging from curious to surprised.

Nova looked at her and smiled.

"Oh. Sure Ruby, whatever you want. But before you do... uhh.. you mind if i say something first?," Nova said.

Ruby nodded for him to continue.

"No, I don't mind. Go ahead Nova.," Ruby said.

"I umm... I want to make it up to you for... what.. happened the other day. So.. the next time we have a day off... would you like to go with me the next time I go into Vale?," Nova said nervous.

The girls who watched inwardly squealed at this.

"Oh my...," Scarlett started.

"Did he just-," Yang continued.

"Ask-," Aiko added.

"Her-," Pyrrha continued.

"Out?! As in... on a date?!," Weiss added finishing all of the girls thought.

Ruby's eyes widened before she then smiled at him.

"Sure. I'd be glad to go with you, Nova. Also..,"Ruby said trailing off.

Nova thought she would say something else, but instead got the surprise of his life. Ruby had stood up, on her her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek! Ruby then slank back to her normal height and smiled at him.

"Well, 'night' Nova.," Ruby said turning towards her dor room and walking in.

Nova stood there, completely bewildered at what Ruby just did. He was not expecting Ruby to do something like that. He had to admit, that while unexpected, it was... nice.

He turned and took hold of the doorknob to his dorm room before walking in with a smile on his face.

"That Ruby... She really is an odd girl..," Nova thought as he closed the door to his room behind him.

Meanwhile Ruby closed the door behind her after walking into her dorm room. The girls who saw the whole thing had quickly retreated to what they were doing before so Ruby wouldn't suspect anything yet.

Yang looked towards Ruby, who just stood at the door shaking.

"You okay there Rubes?," Yang asked.

All of a sudden, Ruby put her hands on her face as it became as red as a tomato. Steam was seen coming from her head, as the realization of what she just did hit the redhead like a sledgehammer.

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! No! No! No! No! What did I just do?! What have I done?! What have I done?! What have I done?!," Ruby screamed and ran around the room in embarassment.

Yang then stopped Ruby by standing in front of her and grabbing her shoulders.

"Ruby! Look at me, calm down. It's going to be okay Rubes.," Yang assured her.

"Promise?," Ruby whimpered.

Yang sighed and smiled at her.

"Promise.,"Yang said.

She continued.

"Do.. you want to talk about it?," Yang asked.

Ruby calmed down and nodded, now feeling calmer. Though, she couldn't help but feel as though she thoroughly embarrassed herself in front of her friends.

"So.. Ruby, would you mind telling us what it was that you and miss Sala talked about earlier?,"Pyrrha asked.

Ruby flinched, she was hoping they'd forgotten about that. It figures they wouldn't forget that. She sighed and then began to explain what she really discussed with Sala.

"M-Miss Sala figured out what was b-bothering you Ruby?," Aiko asked.

"Yeah... she did.,"Ruby replied.

"She figured out that you have a crush on someone, right?,"Blake asked.

"Which is why you've been so distracted lately." Weiss added.

"Because he's all you can think about lately.,"Pyrrha said.

Ruby nodded.

"Well, it's like prof- I mean, miss Sala says. You're at the age now to where you would be thinking about things such as.. liking a particular boy among the students at this school.," Scarlett said.

Yang then spoke as shye'd been thinking about all the boys hersister could posibly like. After thinking about it for awhile, the clues pointed to one guy, just one. And that guy was.. Nova Belladonna, Blake's brother.

"You have a crush on Nova, don't ya Rubes? Aww... that's so cute!,"Yang said.

Ruby's face suddenly went red as steam came fromher head. She went into panick mode.

"W-What?! No! I-I don't like him like that! W-We're just friends is all. ha ha ha ha!," Ruby said with her face flushed red.

"Hmm? 😏 Then what was with that reaction just now? And the one you had after coming in here?," Yang added smirking.

Ruby pulled her hood down in embarrassment while groaning.

"Don't... remind me of that...," Ruby said groaning in embarrassment.

"You kissed him on the cheek too. There's no denying that. Take responsibility Ruby.," Weiss said.

"😳 Y-Y-Yo-You mean you guys s-saw that?!,"Ruby said having an even darker shade of red on her face.

"Sorry Ruby, we... we couldn't resist watching you.," Pyrrha reluctantly admitted. 

"Please forgive us, Ruby.," Scarlett said in apology. 

Instead of being angry, Ruby pulled her hood over her face in embarrassment. She'd really done it now. How could she even face Nova after what happened?

"Ohhh... Nova will think I'm a weirdo now... I don't want him thinking that..," Ruby groaned embarrassed. 

"Ruby, look at me.," Yang said getting her sister's attention.

Ruby looked up and stared into her sister's eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with liking someone okay? You just happen to really like the guy who's probably the strongest student here is all. There's nothing wrong with that. It actually makes me happy that you have a crush on him. I think you two would be cute together.," Yang said.

"Yang...," Ruby said.

"We're all here for you.," Scarlett said.

" Y-you can talk to us you know?  I think it's great you get along so well with the captain.," Aiko said.

"Any time you need to talk, let us know Ruby.," Pyrrha added.

"That goes double for those of us who are your teammates.," Weiss said.

"They're right you know.," Blake added. 

Ruby looked around the room. They were right. She hesitantly nodded, her cheeks flushed deep red.

"You're right... I.. I do really like Nova. A-And not just as a friend either. But these feelings... they're so.. confusing. I.. I've never felt this way about someone before.," Ruby said blushing.

" It's okay, we're new to this too Ruby. We'll help you figure out what .. no how much you care for Nova with miss Sala.," Scarlett said.

Ruby smiled, she was glad to have friends like these girls. Tomorrow was  a new day for her, she would discover for herself what this emotion she felt for Nova was with the help of her friends...and miss Sala.

To be continued in chapter 12: Investigating the White Fang.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this two part filler. It was more focused towards the main pairing, but the others will get time to shine too.

This was just to develop the pairing between Nova and Ruby a little more. Don't worry Ruby isn't going to confess... yet at least. She'll be confessing a little later. I'm thinking towards the end of volume 2 will be when she finally confesses to Nova.

The reveal to Blake about Nova and Turuk's parents is fast approaching too. That one will probably be near the end of volume 2. So essentially,  Blake will be wrestling for the whole of volume 3 whether or not to tell her brothers about their parents. This is partly due to the fact that she doesn't want to lose them , she loves her brothers. 

Anyways that's all. See ya in the next one!