
Legend of the Earth Dragon

PolarBearWithWifi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 9 - Interlude


A servant woke as usual. I changed and then descended into the plaza below. The party was full of nobles.



Even the thought of those creatures sent shivers down my spines, I would much rather be feed to a BloodBear than have to deal with those things again.

Each one somehow thought they were the greatest and most powerful beings in the world. I was like trying to herd cats when you were talking to one of them, you would talk about the weather or diplomacy and somehow, in less than five sentences, they would change the topic of conversation to be focused on them.

I sat in the balcony that watched over the Elven capital, Irasfil. The city was not constructed in a massive tree like the humans believe, we can harness the tree's power, not build in them.

The previous month had been.. painful.

Last month my little sister disappeared. The royal family have been in uproar, demanding the return of their kin.

Some say she was kidnapped by demons or captured by slavers. Others believe she had been eaten.

She was only six years of age, only able to cast Healing Hands. A bee could have killed her.

My heart throbbed, she was the reason I kept going.

I sat up, the time to mourn was over. Unlike my sister I was a Rank 2, a powerful warrior and mage.

I exited the plaza and went down to the stables, where a thoroughbred stallion waited me, I had all my provisions, my water, food and equipment.

As I left the palace, I hoped to return here one day, with my sister by my side.

-King Aeroeth-


I turned round, a servant waited there, a message in his hand. "Sire, your daughter has left this"

I scrambled to the servant and snatched the note from his grasp. My eyes widened, s-she had left in search of Belle.

I crumbled to the floor, my wife, now worried rushed to my aid.

"Whats wrong, why, why are you crying?"

I watched in horror as my wife joined my decrepit state. In one month the two greatest gifts had been taken from me.

"You, put a bounty on my daughter, anyone who can bring her back will be paid the core of a Rank 3 beast"

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty"

I hoped I would see them again.


I had been watching my Champion for quite a while now, the evolution of the skills had been interesting as well as this alliance with these "Generals"

I whisked my view over to the elf child, she had been kidnapped and brought to the entrance of the cave system Ferrous was in.

The kidnappers had long since died, they had been torn apart by plants on the travel.

I watched the child descend the caves. It would be mighty interesting if she made it to the city.

It was improbable, nigh impossible, literally anything in those caves could kill her easily. Those caves were names "Ancient" by the mortals for a reason.

I sighed to myself, perhaps Ferrous was rubbing off on me.

I flicked my hand, tendrils of spirit wrapped round the child, if any creature were to see her, they would see a BloodBear instead.

A simple illusion.

I moved my view again, this time to the older princess. She was going in the right direction I suppose, but she would end up far away from the cave at this point.

I gestured to the horse, deep inside its brain, something twitched and changed, all of a sudden he was heading directly to the entrance.

I smiled to myself

Being a God was lonely.

At least this way I can have some fun.