
Legend of the Earth Dragon

PolarBearWithWifi · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 11 - Construction

-Third General-

I watched the progress of rebuilding the arena with a smile. With the King dead, the curse he had placed upon the soldiers fell null. For the first time in centuries, I had more people to talk to than Ferrous

Ferrous had obviously been granted the role of King, none of the Generals wanted it and no other being was powerful enough to protect the city in its weakened state.

The arena was being rebuilt to be the home of a dragon. The surrounding neighbourhoods had already been converted into homes for the soldiers.

Since we were still stone, we had no need for food or water. We had moved to a different part of the city, in the southern district where the damage from the fighting was less evident. It was also where Ferrous's Lair was at. He hated calling it a Lair, but it was a running joke.

It had been around a month since the fight and now the soldiers numbered at just over 100,000. Ferrous seemed to love the new attention, he basked in the glory of taking down the king, it was nice to see him smile a little bit.


The previous month had been the best he had spent on this world, the people were united under the joint leadership of the remaining Generals.


Name: Great King Ferrous

Race: Young Adult Earth Dragon

Titles: King of The People, The Unbroken One (10% Aura power), The Bane Of Worms (20% Increased damage to Worm-kind)

Rank: Rank 6 (Initial)

Strength: 665

Agility: 624

Constitution: 664

Wisdom: 588

Intelligence: 567


Aura -> Dragon Tongue: Rank 2

Infernal Wrath: Rank 4

Earth & Gravity Domain: Rank 6

Flight -> Enhanced Flight: Rank 4

Deafening Roar -> Roar of the King Rank 2

Onyx Armour: Rank 9

Battle Frenzy -> Rage of the King Rank 4

I had finally become worthy enough to step out of the caves. I think it was time to see the sun.


It had been more than a month since I had left the capital and I already missed home. Food other than the dried strips of jerky seemed like ambrosia from the God's

My steed was set on this path and after travelling I arrived here. A cave. Then I noticed the bodies, maybe a dozen or of decayed corpses, I studied them closer, Human. Humans shouldn't be here. It was miles from the nearest Human city.

My mind sprang to attention, were these the kidnappers?, if so where was Belle? They must have taken her further into the cave.

I tied my steed to the nearest tree, muttering a prayer to the Elders as I did do.

I readied myself and dropped into the awaiting darkness.


I tore through the soft rock of the cavern ceiling, the caves now much too small to accept my stadium-sized body.

Due to the evolution, I had grown again, my spikes the size of cars and my eyes the size of trampolines. The best part was the skill I had gained once I reached Rank 6


Skill Gained

Human Form


I hadn't used it yet, I was planning on spooking Three.

I was close.

So close.


For the first time in years, I felt the sun.

I erupted from the ground, animals scattered beneath my presence as I leapt into the sky, I felt the sun stretch its golden warmth around my body and the gentle licks of the wing against my wings.

I soared into the sky, no longer hampered by the containments of the city below. I spotted a pack of what looked got be Wyverns, they panicked and dove to avoid my wrath.

I spent hours here, just sunbathing and soaring above the clouds, making sure to stay high enough to avoid detection.

-Stone Solider-

I was guarding the outside perimeter wall, making sure no trespassers entered.

I was bored

I had been hours and I was dying for an ale, we didn't need to drink but that didn't mean I didn't want to.

Even if something got by me, we are now protected by a Dragon, nothing would be stupid enough to fight a god damned Dragon.

A flicker of movement caught my eye. I raised my hand, signalling the others to fall in formation.

I crept forward, spear at the ready.

I saw it, it wasn't a bear or a monster, but a.... "Child?"