
Legend of the Divine Archer

Blinded and left for dead, ex-professional archer Yan Jin embarks on a blood-boiling fantasy adventure in the world of Pi. Amazing adventures, in otherwordly territories, utilizing the Dao of Archery, he rises to the top, dominating geniuses and toppling kingdoms. Yan Jin's journey is one of relentless determination and cunning strategy, as he overcomes immense challenges. In a land where power is paramount, Join us as Yan Jin carves his path to greatness, seeking vengeance, thrill and glory. MC Is blind a thrill seeker, Chaotic Neutral, Strategic and Calculated. Bow and Arrow as only weapon. We will dive into the Dao of Archery and strech it to its limits. #Welcome to a world of Blood.

Judejayden · Seni bela diri
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25 Chs

Chapter 13: Soul Energy

A week Later in a luxurious mansion, in the west side of Pine City, A young man could be seen shooting arrows at lightning speed, he had long and slick black hair with a very well defined figure. He wore braces on both arms and legs, you could tell by his expression that they weighted a ton.

The young man was Yan Jin, so much had changed in a week, he went from blind beggar to nouveau rich. After shooting a few more arrows he went into a split to stretch his muscles ending his morning workout. This has been the routine since he move into the mansion. The braces were his solution to train his speed, each adding a 50 kg surplus to his original weight. It took a week for him to finally be able to move comfortably while circulating his bloodline without his cultivation base he could not lift his hand. He was constantly circulating his bloodline and could finally do it subconsciously.

He also learned after communicating with Lan Zhan the new attendant that his cultivation base could not be detected, that was the effect of Soul Power. Soul Power had many applications that he had yet to discover.

He had received the blood accumulation technique " Winter Oak Method" from the Treasure Pavilion. It was royal grade accumulation method that made you think of the body as an oak tree, allowing the blood energy to simmer through the roots nourishing the three improving progressively the quantity of the blood. He could sense the barrier of the next realm. In the awakened realm the goal was to have sufficient blood to produce energy through circulation. The Purification realm was about improving the density of the blood, refining enough so the blood could condense a resonance core at the Resonance realm.

Right as he was done with his stretches, Lan Zhan appeared with a towel "News Young Master, the BloodSmith said refinement would begin tonight. Also Manager Xiao said she found the blood tool and she will receive it tonight at the shop." " Thank you Lan Zhan, let Manager Xiao I will be heading there later tonight. Any news in Pine city?"

" The hero of the Meng Family; Purple Spear Meng obtain a Resonance grade Blood spear with celestial ore. Also the Yan family has acquired some celestial ore, the source of the ore is unknown. There is a rumor that a fight had occurred between the Yan and Meng family, the Yan family had lost 2 purification grade in the beast forest and another one had lost his arm."

This was consistent with his expectations it seemed that the Yan family had received his gift. Yan Jin was very satisfied with the result. "Thank you Lan Zhan" he said walking toward his chambers for a shower.


Yan Jin stepped out the mansion for the first time since he came to Pine City, only Lan Zhan would come in and out handling chores and commissions. Sometimes Xiao Xiao would pay a visit to talk about her daily life with her aunt. She started an official school, and she was learning trade with her aunt.

Yan Jin was dressed in a black robe, to complement his jet-black hairs, he had black ribbon decorated with golden broderie of dragons and phoenixes, giving him a devilish appearance. His steps were slow and heavy due to the braces, but it gave him a semblance of nonchalance adding to his haughty air.

The workshop was an impressive blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern efficiency. As Yan Jin stepped inside, he was greeted by the rhythmic clanging of metal and the intense heat emanating from numerous forges. The walls were lined with racks holding an array of tools, from hammers and tongs to specialized engraving instruments, all meticulously organized and maintained.

The heart of the workshop featured several large anvils and workbenches, each equipped with its own set of tools and materials. Massive bellows pumped air into roaring furnaces, casting a warm, flickering glow throughout the space. The air was thick with the scent of molten metal and burning coal, mingling with the occasional whiff of various alchemical substances used in the forging process. Overhead, a complex system of pulleys and chains allowed for the movement of heavy materials and completed items with ease, highlighting the workshop's capability to handle even the most demanding projects.

At the far end, a separate, well-ventilated area was dedicated to the finer aspects of blood smithing. Here, artisans focused on the intricate work of vein pattern inscription, their faces illuminated by the eerie glow of soul-powered techniques. This section was quieter, with an air of concentration and precision, contrasting with the bustling activity of the main workshop.

He discreetly sat in an inconspicuous corner of the room and let his domain englobe the workshop as he focused on sinking in all the information he sensed in his mind.

The blood tool being crafted by the bloodsmith was an impressive armor, even in its incomplete state. It featured a sleek black, contoured design that perfectly balanced protection and mobility. The armor's shape was crafted to follow the natural lines of the human body, offering maximum coverage while allowing for fluid movement. The metal used was a high-grade steel alloy, known for its durability and resistance to wear, giving the armor a robust yet refined appearance.

Yan Jin, despite his strength and cultivation, found the armor to be impossibly heavy. Even at his full power, moving the armor would prove to be a herculean task. This weight was not merely a function of the materials used but also a testament to the immense energy and power the armor was designed to channel. " Even Purple Spear Meng probably cannot handle the pressure of this armor" He though

The armor's presence was almost tangible, exuding an aura of killing intent and animosity that seemed to fill the workshop. It was as if the armor itself had a spirit, a predator ready to pounce, brimming with lethal intent. The closer he looked the more threatened he felt.

On the side the old man hammered the final piece of the armor, molding the vein patterns with resonating and precise knocks. For the first time, Yan Jin observed another application of soul energy. The bloodsmith's soul energy condensed into the form of needle-like nails, which were hammered into the blood tool, creating the pathways for the blood veins as they resonate in sync.

"This is quite ingenious, it's similar to nodes in a mesh system.." He could not help but marvel.

The second application involved coating the hammer itself. Much like blood energy but without explosiveness, this technique helped steady the hammer by absorbing recoil, adding a layer of precision to each strike. "This is a combination of Telekinesis, and magnetic fields…" 

After finishing the hammering the last port, the bloodsmith moved on to refining the celestial ore.

He released his inner flame, a red, intense heat that immediately raised the temperature of the workshop. "So this is an Inner Flame, the aura steam, from his bloodline but at the same time it seems like his soul power is depleting too… blood to generate Heat, blood energy as fuel, and Soul Power as Oxygen"

The red flame was controlled by his soul's energy. It engulfed the ore, burning away impurities bit by bit. A sizzling sound echoed through the workshop, drawing sweat from every worker present.

The ore melted slowly creating a larva puddle, leaving a shiny orange Core that pulsated with blood energy. Once the impurities were removed, he meticulously divided the ore into six parts—two for the feet, two for the arms, one for the chest, and one for the helmet.

The old man's face was now pale, his eyes devoid of color and his hand turned blue, a clear sign of Extreme anemia. The symptoms of blood energy depletion were extreme and deadly. Another point for him to watch out for in the future.

 A steward walked up to barely breathing old man and offered him a vial of blood and another cocktail that he downed one after the other. The effect was instantaneous , his bloodline ignited and the outline of a Fire bull emanated above him. Turning from a fuzzy shape to a more visible bull, ready to trample the world.

"This world is really interesting, there is so much to discover." Yan Jin gleamed.