
legend of scarlet darkness

A boy met a girl who will change his life forever. more will be added later.

yuki2022 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Chapter 13 - a new life.     

"Yukimura are you alright?''

A lady asked me.

"Yeah, and where I am right now and this place and the year," I said.

"Oh, you are in the year 2107 why," she asked me.

"Wait, you already know," I said.

"Oh, right your Yuu Kun is not what Sayuri told me that my daughter would regain your memories, so it was true," she said.

"Wait, you just said daughter and why I am your daughter since I was a guy before this," I said.

"Yes, my name is Yukia Kauai. I'm 34.

Nice to meet you," she said.

"How could it be this many years since my passing leaving my 3 lovely angels all alone, what a bad father I was," I said.

"Who was your daughter again," Yukia asked.

"Riku and *** and Yuian plus her daughter Yukiua Chan were immoral at the age of 9," I said.

Then I saw a flashback of me meeting a young girl

. "Takuai San, I don't care if you're a bad person, please leave the Yasha clan and join?

Mine the Kauai clan," the girl of my past life said.

"Shiuya Chan why I loved you, why did you disappear back then in December 1866," I said.

Then a man walked into the room.

"My wife is this true, the youkai is here," the man said.

"Yes, kodota Kun our daughter is his 2nd incarnation other than the former head who passed away 40 plus years ago but why did it take that many years to tell us Yuu Kun /Yukimura Chan," she said.

"Ha-ha, you're ready to hear his story Nii San is a liar," a known voice said.

"Sayuri Chan, what are you doing here and where is my daughter and grandchild Yukiua," I said.

"What are you talking about, I live here now and the others are still there I am right now the head of the Japanese dragon saving program wants to join again," Sayuri asked me.

"Why and I will think of it I know what happens when you get mad," I said

. "Oh, right I broke your phone, TV, laptop,2nd phone, almost killed you while being brainwashed.

*, see chapter 11.

And many things," she said.

"Oh Sayuri, can you tell me where Shiuya Chan was buried, pleased this is Takuai speaking," I said.

".....," everyone said.

I then told them that I can wait to meet her, and everything calmed down.

The next morning.

"Yukimura time for school," she said. I then came downstairs.

"Good morning, Yukia, I mean the mother of my current life," I said.

"Hey, why did you call our mother that," a girl said.

"Calm down, little sis, it didn't mean to happen," an older boy said.

"Wait, whoever you are, stop fighting, please," I said.

"Oh, right, you remember us," both of them said.

I then saw memories from this life,

"Is your name Shizuka and kotuku Kun is that right," I said.

"Do you know our age, little sister?

I mean Yuu Kun," Shizuku said.

"Yes, you are 7 and kotuku is 16. Is that the right answer," I said?

They then left.

"Here are your favourite Yukimura Chan pancakes with a happy face," father said.

He then gave me the pancakes.

"So, this is her favourite food, I mean mine," I said.

I then took a bite and ended up eating the whole thing in one bite.

I went outside, and a car was waiting outside for me.

Later at the school.

"Okay class, listen up today we are going on a trip," the teacher said.

"Where teacher tell us, "The girls and guys said.

Then a small girl appeared in the room, and she was wearing just underwear and a bra.

"Hey, I am sorry for causing this to you. I even have my rights as a goddess taken away, and the boss even fired me and took my clothes. Do you have any clothes, ``Yukiua said?

"Yes, I do use this for now," I said and passed her a bag of clothes. "

Thanks a lot," she said.

A few minutes later, she returned wearing the clothes I gave her.

"Sensei, where will the trip be," I asked her.

"The Yasha clan," she said.

"You do know who I was before this right teacher, SU," I said.

"No, I don't and that trip will not happen due to water leaking," she said.

Later at lunch...

"It looks like most of them fell asleep," she said.

She then walked over to me, and I was fast asleep.

The teacher then turned on the dream machine that allowed people to enter the other dreams.

She turned it on and plugged it into me. In the dreamworld.

"Teacher, please teach me how to fight," a young girl said.

"Sorry, miss," Zu said.

"Hey, are you trying to bully my girlfriend Zu San," I said.

"No, I wasn't trying to hurt Shiuya Sama," he said.

Zu and Shiuya disappeared, and my form changed back to normal for a weird reason.

"Yukimura, where are you," she said.

"Master, where are you," Verna said.

He then spotted me and ran towards me, and he is a cross dresser.

"Over here," I said, and both of them were right next to me in a matter of 0.5 seconds after saying that.

"Hey, where are we, master?

Do you know this location," he said?

"Yes, I do, this place is where the school I attended in my last life and the home of Elena the scarlet darkness and many people of that town," I said.

"Okay Yukimura but shouldn't you wake up by now," she asked me.

"Yeah, I should--," I said, then being punched in the gut and woke up to Sayuri sitting on top of me and me in the arms of teacher SU.

"Yuu Kun where are you," a known voice said.

We looked behind us and the teacher was shocked.

"Princess Fukui, what are you doing here," I said.

"Mama asked me why," she asked me.

"Where is your mother, the queen, does she want to see me at all," I said.

Then her tone changed.

"Did you forget that I became immoral around the same time you died, and you killed the whole royal family," she said.

"Fukui calmed down now, it wasn't his or her fault," Sayuri said. "

Sayuri's right," SU said.

"No, it was me who killed the royal family that many years ago, please kill me," I said.

Then I woke up.

"Nii San, you didn't wake up," Sayuri said.

"Oh, sorry," I said.

It was just a dream and SU sensei is over there.

"Ne-San let's head home," Sayuri said.

"Wait, why did you call me that, oh right never mind, let's go," I said.