
Legend of Enchantment

"Fate is the chapter written on the paper of time, and we are the authors of our own."

xYUrxx · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 14: The Debut in the Arena of Magic

In the weeks that followed, the students of Class F continued their rigorous physical training in the unforgiving halls of the Ice Temple. Eric Stone had transformed, growing tougher by the day, his body acclimating to the biting cold. His physical prowess surged with each day's practice.


Yet, amidst the grueling regimen, Eric couldn't shake the enigma of the mysterious ring, the presence of the black cat, and the cryptic laboratory concealed deep within the Ice Temple.


Every night, under the shimmering moonlight, he would don the Otherworldly Ring, transported into a surreal dimension to face challenges that seemed all too real. Here, he tested his mettle against deadly foes and honed his skills in the art of magic and combat.


His progress was undeniable, and even the fragile vine that dangled from his neck, a gift from the Elder Tree, began to flourish and bloom, its tendrils growing more elegant with each passing day.


The astute eye of Nightshade hadn't failed to take note of Eric's remarkable evolution. She observed the students of Class F carefully, but her focus remained fixated on Eric. She pondered his untapped potential and how to harness his talents for her own purposes.


However, a sudden twist of fate awaited them during the next Night Hunt.


As night descended upon the frozen realm, Eric and the other students of Class F embarked on another treacherous Night Hunt. This time, Christopher was absent, allowing the students to venture alone into the perilous wilds, their objectives defined, and their fate in their own hands.


Their journey to the designated collection area went smoothly, but on their return, an unexpected and bone-chilling cold swept over them. The frosty gust of wind grew stronger and stronger, as if an unnatural force was determined to overtake them. In a matter of moments, students were collapsing, their faces contorted in agony, their breaths ragged. Despite their enhanced resilience, the overwhelming cold proved too much for even Eric to bear.


Gasping, he rallied them, "We need to return quickly, there's an unknown danger here!" They struggled to stand and hastened their retreat. But the sinister cold pursued relentlessly, sapping their strength. It was as if an evil force lurked in the shadows, wielding a power far beyond their understanding.


One young boy tugged on Eric's cloak, tears streaming down his face. "Eric, my ID badge, I think I've lost it!"


"What?" Eric frowned, realizing that without an ID badge, one couldn't re-enter the Ice Temple. The boy's eyes brimmed with despair, "Maybe I dropped it where we collected the Moonlight Grass, but I'm too scared to go back alone. What should I do?"


Eric checked the time, realizing there was still hope, and tried to console the distraught boy. "Don't worry. Take my ID badge and rejoin the group. I'll return to the collection site to search for yours."


"But..." the boy stammered.


"It's okay. I'm stronger and can handle this. Just focus on safety and wait for my good news."


The boy nodded, still anxious but trusting Eric's words. He rejoined the group, leaving Eric to retrace their steps and search for the lost ID badge.


Eric ventured back into the cold, unforgiving night, where he discovered the glimmer of an ID badge, hidden under a blanket of snow. Yet, as he reached for it, a bone-chilling gust of wind overwhelmed him, as if the world itself had frozen in place.


The frigid air pierced through him, and the freezing cold gnawed at his very core. Eric's enhanced body and determination barely withstood the unnatural assault. Realizing this was no ordinary weather phenomenon, he clutched the retrieved ID badge and retreated in haste.


However, as he hurried away, Eric suddenly slipped and tumbled into a mound of snow, his vision obscured. When he struggled to his feet, a looming and obscure gateway was before him, concealed beneath the blankets of snow.


What was this gate, and where did it lead?


Eric, perplexed and intrigued, pushed the door open, discovering an entirely new realm. A colossal signboard read, "The Arena of Magic," captivating Eric with its radiance and aura of enchantment.


Standing at the threshold, Eric Stone found himself in the grandeur of an arena, spellbound by the spectacle that unfolded before him. The arena was colossal, with towering walls adorned in resplendent gemstones, casting a shimmering light that gave the place a sumptuous ambiance.


In the center, a vast sandpit lay, marked with cryptic symbols and runes, signifying various battlegrounds. The arena was teeming with spectators, their faces lit up with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the upcoming battles.


But what struck Eric the most were the elevated platforms displaying an array of weaponry and spellbooks, all radiating a profound magical energy. Each was a reward for the victor, and each one was coveted by students for their power and forbidden knowledge.


"Welcome to the Arena of Magic. I am your attendant, Novus," greeted a dapper, suited figure. "Are you here to participate in the magical duels? Please, follow me inside."


He extended a hand, guiding Eric forward to explore the enigmatic arena's depths.


In awe, Eric followed Novus, delving deeper into the labyrinthine heart of the arena. The grandeur and thrill of the spectacle filled the air, intoxicating him with the electric atmosphere of magic.


"Your luck is quite remarkable," Novus commented, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes. "The prize for this cycle's novice contest is none other than the Flame Eye, a precious grimoire of fire magic. It's exceedingly rare, I assure you."


Novus continued his explanation, his words flowing smoothly, "The competition is set to commence shortly. If you wish to partake, I'll take care of the registration process at no cost to you. You'll have the opportunity to engage alongside other novice contestants, using any skill to secure victory. We value a diverse array of talents, and rest assured, the last standing shall be recognized as the champion, deserving the grand reward of the high platform."


"Any skill?" Eric inquired, captivated by the idea.


"Yes," Novus affirmed with a nod, "We hold contestant abilities across all realms in high regard. As long as you possess strength to defeat your adversaries, we delight in the exhibition of diverse skills. This arena welcomes the strong."


He paused, gazing intently into Eric's eyes. "But please remember, regardless of whether you choose to compete or not, caution must be your constant companion. The competition here is anything but a casual game."