
Legacy of the God of War

Trapped in a harsh life in Shanghai, Li Chen discovers he's the vessel for the ancient God of War. Armed with newfound strength, he confronts his oppressive in-laws and navigates the modern world. As he harnesses this power, he must protect his love and face those seeking to exploit his abilities.

FlameWitch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
355 Chs

Striking Resemblance

Sun Fang, a man in his twenties with chiseled features and an air of quiet sophistication, sat in the plush leather backseat of the black Ferrari truck. He wore a tailored charcoal suit that accentuated his tall, lean frame. His jet-black hair was neatly combed, and a pair of designer sunglasses shielded his sharp, contemplative gaze.

As he examined the file in front of him, his brows furrowed with concentration. Sun Fang was dedicated to solving the mystery of his aunt's disappearance. He bore the weight of his family's sorrow, especially his father's, who had never forgiven himself for that fateful day when Sun Jian, his sister, went missing. Sun Fang's own motivation for finding her was strong, intertwined with a deep sense of responsibility to heal his family's wounds and bring closure to his father.

Despite this noble intent, he harbored his own hidden agenda, a motive he had kept to himself, something that could potentially reshape his family's destiny and reveal long-buried secrets. He was prepared to do whatever it took to uncover the truth and bring peace to his loved ones.

Sun Fang's eyes lingered on the captivating photo in the file. The young woman stood beside a man, their expressions brimming with intimacy. She was heavily pregnant, yet her radiant smile and their closeness painted a picture of happiness. Sun Fang couldn't help but smile as he gazed at the heartwarming scene.

The driver's cough interrupted his reverie, and Sun Fang looked up. He noticed the peculiar behavior but decided not to dwell on it.

As the black Ferrari truck continued down the street, Sun Fang's sharp eyes caught sight of someone he recognized from a distance. The person bore a striking resemblance to the man in the photo, which stirred his curiosity. Sun Fang watched the individual for a moment but quickly rolled up his window, unwilling to be noticed as he continued on his quest for answers.

Sun Fang retrieved his phone and searched for the photo of the man he'd just seen. It was a part of a post that had circulated in the high society Facebook group of the city. He scrolled through his feed, scanning numerous images, until he found the post in question.

With the photo saved, Sun Fang zoomed in to get a closer look at the person's features. As he compared the man in the Facebook post with the couple in the file, he couldn't help but notice the striking resemblances. The man appeared to have inherited a mix of both the man's and woman's features, almost like a blend of the two.

A sly chuckle escaped Sun Fang as he began working on his phone, his fingers dialing a number. It was time to make a call and follow up on this intriguing lead.

Sun Fang quickly dialed a number, and it was promptly answered. He wasted no time and issued his instructions to the person on the other end.

"Investigate the Gu family's son-in-law for me," Sun Fang said firmly.

The husky voice of the man on the other end responded, "Yes, sir."

Sun Fang continued, "I want complete details before the end of the day. I'm sure that's not a problem."

The man replied confidently, "Not at all, sir. A complete file will be in your hands soon."

With the conversation concluded, Sun Fang dropped the phone and an evil smirk played on his lips. He had set a plan in motion, and he couldn't wait to uncover the truth.

Sun Fang continued to delve into the details of the file before him. The names of the couple, Wang Mengying and Li Xiaojun, were written in bold letters, and their story began to unfold.

Wang Mengying, the woman in the photograph, had been raised by an old lady in a nearby village before coming to the city for college. She pursued a degree in Genetics and had excelled in her studies, even gaining awards in international competitions. Her academic success was truly remarkable. In college, she met Li Xiaojun, her classmate, and the two of them started a romantic relationship. After graduating together, they quickly decided to get married.

Sun Fang couldn't help but notice the lack of information about Li Xiaojun's family. This raised suspicions in his mind, but he chose to set that aside for now and focused on Wang Mengying's background. The file revealed that the old lady who had raised her passed away when Wang Mengying was in her second year of college. According to the records, this old lady had three grandkids but they were never there for her only Wang Mengying was always beside her.

As Sun Fang pieced together the puzzle, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this story, especially given the striking resemblances between the man he had seen on the street and the couple in the photograph. There were secrets waiting to be unraveled.

Sun Fang's investigation took him further into the couple's history. He discovered that both Wang Mengying and Li Xiaojun were employed by a pharmaceutical company based in Beijing. Although the company was a major player in the industry, the file did not specify their job positions, another suspicious omission.

As he continued his research, Sun Fang came across photos of the car accident that tragically claimed the lives of the couple. The pictures told a grim tale, but they lacked any information about the child or whether the child had been in the car at the time of the accident. It was as though the existence of the child had been deliberately erased, leaving Sun Fang with more questions than answers.

Sun Fang's curiosity and determination were ignited by the mysteries surrounding this case. He was determined to uncover the truth and piece together the missing parts of this intricate puzzle.

Sun Fang was frustrated and somewhat emotional at the thought that if the woman in the picture was his aunt, that meant she was dead. This realization meant his father would never see his sister again. Sun Fang sighed heavily and picked up his phone to make a call. The call was answered, and the man on the other end asked, "Is there anything else, sir?"

Sun Fang replied, "The file, it's incomplete."

The man responded, "That is the only information available. The other parts seem well hidden."

Sun Fang inquired, "You mean by someone powerful?"

The man affirmed, "They have to be very powerful for me not to find anything going forward after the accident."

Sun Fang questioned further, "So there is no information at all about the child?"

The man replied, "Nothing, sir. No hospital records, no birth certificate, nothing."

Sun Fang sighed and said, "Oh, okay, I understand. But keep digging."

The man assured him, "Okay, sir."

As Sun Fang put his phone down and closed his eyes, the car ride continued. It was a bit long as they were headed to their grandfather's place, as he had requested their presence. The drive lasted for about an hour. During this time, Sun Fang had spent roughly 45 minutes being engrossed in the file, and he didn't notice that they were drawing close to the massive Sun Family main mansion.

Sun Fang was deep in thought. He contemplated asking his grandfather to see the photos of his grandmother when she was younger. He wanted to determine if there were any resemblances between the woman in the picture and his grandmother. If he found such resemblances, it would mean he needed to focus his attention on the Gu family's son-in-law. He understood that people sometimes had similarities, but the level of resemblance he observed in the photo was far beyond the ordinary, almost like a copy-and-paste type of similarity.

The car glided to a halt at the entrance of the Sun Family Mansion, a sight to behold for anyone who laid eyes on it. The mansion, while old, exuded an air of grandeur and history that was truly impressive. Its exterior was a magnificent display of timeless architecture, proudly showcasing the family's rich heritage and influence.

The mansion stood tall and imposing, a true testament to its bygone era of opulence. The walls were constructed of sturdy, aged stone that had weathered the test of time, yet still retained their dignified presence. These stones had witnessed countless generations of the Sun family, silently preserving the family's legacy.

The mansion's facade was adorned with intricately designed wrought-iron gates and fences that added to its majestic appearance. These decorative elements were expertly crafted by skilled artisans of the past, and their work had truly stood the test of time. The patterns and motifs on the wrought-iron were not only visually striking but also held profound historical significance, a tribute to the family's enduring traditions.

As the car passed through the gates, the driveway opened up to a beautifully landscaped garden, a verdant oasis amidst the bustling city. The lush greenery provided a stark contrast to the urban landscape beyond the mansion's walls. Carefully manicured hedges lined the walkways, forming intricate mazes that gave the garden an air of enchantment. The flowerbeds were a riot of colors, with an array of blooming roses, lilies, and other vibrant blossoms. Each plant was lovingly tended to, a testament to the family's appreciation for the beauty of nature.

The driveway itself was made of polished cobblestone, glistening in the soft sunlight. It led the way to a grand entrance, where a massive set of wooden double doors stood, adorned with brass handles and fixtures. The doors were carved with intricate designs, depicting scenes from the family's history, from their humble beginnings to their rise to prosperity.

Above the entrance, a balcony extended out, supported by ornate stone columns that further added to the mansion's grandeur. It was from this balcony that the family would often address gatherings or make announcements to their guests. The stone balustrade of the balcony was adorned with sculpted statues of figures from ancient legends, embodying virtues such as wisdom, courage, and strength.

The roof was a work of art in itself, with its complex patterns of tiles, each one carefully laid in place. The sun-kissed terracotta tiles bore the marks of centuries, and their deep, earthy red color had mellowed over time. The result was a roof that seemed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding nature, as if it had always been a part of the landscape.

Towering windows adorned the front of the mansion, their large panes of glass reflecting the world outside. These windows, with their dark wooden frames and intricately designed shutters, were a perfect marriage of form and function. They allowed for an abundance of natural light to flood the interior, making the mansion feel warm and inviting, while also providing breathtaking views of the garden and beyond.

The Sun Family Mansion was a living piece of history, a testament to the family's enduring legacy and unwavering commitment to preserving their traditions. Its exterior was a visual symphony of art, architecture, and nature, a magnificent reminder of the family's roots and the generations that had come before.

This extraordinary mansion was not merely a house but a sanctuary, a place where the Sun family could retreat from the world and connect with their heritage. The exterior, though old, remained as splendid as ever, a timeless masterpiece that would continue to stand as a symbol of the family's enduring legacy for generations to come.