
Legacy of the Dragons

Student Iori Nakamura is transported to the magical continent of Alduria, where he discovers that he has been chosen by the ancient dragons to be the hero who will save the world. Reborn as Eldarion, he receives a body blessed by the dragons and must learn to master his new powers. In a world divided between dense forests, volcanic mountains, icy lands, and regions full of adventures, Eldarion trains tirelessly to face the abyssal creatures that threaten Alduria. Guided by the wise dragons and motivated by determination and joy in his new life, he embarks on an epic journey of courage and self-discovery. "Legacy of the Dragons" is a story of growth, heroism, and the discovery of true power within oneself.

Rafa_s · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Arrival in Lórien: New Beginnings

After the intense battle and the mysterious teleportation, Eldarion and Zephyr found themselves in a new and unfamiliar territory. They decided to follow the road that stretched before them, hoping it would lead them to a safe place where they could rest and replenish.

The walk along the road was peaceful, and Eldarion enjoyed the surrounding landscape. The less dense forest allowed the sun to illuminate the path, creating a more welcoming environment. The birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind provided a sense of peace, a welcome change after the darkness and dangers of the dungeon.

After some time of walking, Eldarion heard the sound of running water. Following the sound, he and Zephyr arrived at a crystal-clear river that ran parallel to the road. The river seemed like an excellent place for them to clean up and refresh after the battle and the long journey.

"Let's go, Zephyr. Let's clean up and rest for a bit," said Eldarion, crouching by the river's edge. He dipped his hands into the cold, refreshing water, feeling immediate relief as he washed the sweat and dirt from his body. Zephyr followed suit, playing in the water and refreshing himself.

As he cleaned himself, Eldarion reflected on the recent events. The fight against the Skeleton King had been tough, but he felt stronger and more confident in his abilities. He also realized how valuable Zephyr had become as a companion, and how the presence of the small Fenrir encouraged him to push forward.

After a brief rest, Eldarion and Zephyr felt renewed and ready to continue their journey. They returned to the road, their clothes clean and bodies refreshed. The path stretched before them, and Eldarion felt a mixture of excitement and curiosity for what lay ahead.

Not long after they resumed walking, Eldarion spotted something in the distance on the road. A carriage pulled by two horses was approaching, raising dust as it advanced. Eldarion stopped, lightly gripping the newly acquired sword, ready for any eventuality.

As the carriage approached, Eldarion realized it was adorned with emblems of a noble clan, indicating it belonged to someone of high position. He looked at Zephyr, who was equally alert but showed no signs of aggression.

The carriage stopped in front of them, and the coachman, a middle-aged man with a serious demeanor, tipped his hat in greeting. "Good day, traveler. Do you need assistance? It's not common to find people alone on this road."

Eldarion smiled, relieved by the coachman's friendly tone. "Good day. My name is Eldarion, and this is my companion Zephyr. We're exploring the region and have just come out of a dungeon. Could you tell us where this road leads?"

The coachman looked at Eldarion with a mix of curiosity and respect. "This road leads to the city of Lórien, a safe place to rest and replenish. If you wish, we can offer you a ride. It seems like you two have been through a lot."

Eldarion exchanged a glance with Zephyr, who seemed equally interested. "We greatly appreciate the offer. We'll accept the ride."

Eldarion and Zephyr climbed into the carriage, settling in comfortably as it resumed its journey. The coachman led them down the road, and Eldarion took the opportunity to rest and watch the landscape pass by, knowing that a new adventure awaited them in the city of Lórien.

The journey to Lórien was peaceful and pleasant. Eldarion took the time to converse with the coachman, learning more about the city and its peculiarities. Lórien was known for its magic schools and thriving trade, as well as being a meeting point for adventurers from all over Alduria.

As they approached the city, Eldarion was impressed by the high walls and imposing gates. Lórien seemed like a welcoming and safe place, exactly what they needed after the intense journey in the dungeon.

The carriage entered the city gates, and Eldarion and Zephyr were greeted by a vibrant and bustling sight. The streets were filled with people, merchants selling their wares, children running and playing, and adventurers exchanging stories of their travels.

Eldarion stepped down from the carriage, thanking the coachman for his help. "Thank you for the ride. It was a great favor you did for us."

The coachman smiled and waved. "No problem, lad. Good luck on your journey. Lórien is a good place to replenish and find new adventures."

With Zephyr by his side, Eldarion entered the city, feeling refreshed and ready for what lay ahead. He knew that Lórien offered countless opportunities and challenges, and he was determined to make the most of his time there.

Eldarion and Zephyr walked through the streets of Lórien, marveling at the energy and beauty of the place. The shops were filled with exotic goods, and the aromas of the various food stalls were irresistible. Eldarion observed the happy people, each engaged in their own activities, whether shopping, chatting, or just enjoying the day.

However, Eldarion had a problem. He had no money to enjoy everything the city had to offer. His mind began to think of solutions. He needed a source of income, and as an adventurer by nature, the answer quickly came to his mind: the adventurers' guild.

"Zephyr, we need to find the adventurers' guild," said Eldarion, determined. "It's the best way for us to earn money and continue to strengthen ourselves."

Zephyr agreed with a slight bark, seeming to understand the importance of the decision. Together, they began asking passersby about the location of the guild.

Upon entering the guild, Eldarion noticed that all eyes turned to him. Conversations ceased, and a curious silence filled the place. People watched him with admiration and surprise, whispering to each other about his draconic features. After all, a half-dragon was an extremely rare and impressive sight.

Eldarion walked up to the counter, where a friendly but professional-looking attendant awaited him. She smiled politely, but he could see the glint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild," she said. "My name is Lyria. How can I assist you?"

"I would like to register as an adventurer," Eldarion replied, maintaining a firm and confident tone.

Lyria nodded, fetching some forms. "Of course, but first, let me explain how the guild works. We classify our adventurers into levels ranging from E to S, with E being the lowest and S being the highest. To determine your initial classification, you'll need to undergo an admission exam. This exam will assess your skills and power."

Eldarion nodded, understanding. "I see. I'm ready for the exam."

Lyria handed him a form to fill out and called an instructor to lead him to the testing area. The other adventurers in the guild continued to watch him with interest, curious to see how this half-dragon would fare in the exam.

Eldarion followed the instructor through the guild's hallway to a large hall where the admission exam would be conducted. The environment was spacious, with specific areas for tests of magic, physical strength, and simulated combat.

First, he was taken to the magical evaluation area. A guild mage, with long gray hair and a dignified posture, awaited to conduct the test. He looked Eldarion up and down, assessing him.

"Show me a demonstration of your magic," the mage said.

Eldarion took a deep breath and focused, opting not to use his most powerful spells. He raised a hand, summoning a fireball that hovered above his palm. The sphere glowed brightly before being extinguished by a jet of water he conjured with his other hand. The mage watched closely, jotting something down on his parchment.

"A solid demonstration," the mage said, nodding in approval. "Now, let's test your physical strength."

Eldarion was led to an area where large weights were arranged. He chose one of the heavier weights and, with a fluid movement, lifted it effortlessly above his head. Onlookers murmured impressed with his strength.

"Well, it seems that physical strength won't be an issue for you," one of the instructors remarked, jotting down once again on his parchment. "Now, for the final part of the exam: a simulated battle."

He was taken to an arena where an experienced adventurer awaited him. This was a muscular warrior, with scars that demonstrated his vast combat experience. They greeted each other with respect before assuming their positions.

The instructor gave the signal, and the battle began. Eldarion moved with impressive agility, dodging his opponent's strikes and responding with his own precise attacks. He used a combination of his physical strength and moderate magical abilities to keep the opponent at bay. The fight was intense, with both combatants showcasing their skills to the fullest.

After a few minutes, the instructor called for a stop. Eldarion and his opponent stepped back, both breathing heavily but clearly impressed with each other.

"You performed very well," the instructor said. "Your skills are notable both in magic and physical combat. However, to start, we believe it will be most suitable to classify you as Rank C. This will give you the opportunity to grow and develop further while facing challenges appropriate to your level."

Eldarion nodded, accepting the decision gratefully. "Thank you. I will do my best to prove my worth and rise in rank."

With that, he completed his registration in the guild and was led back to the main hall. The atmosphere was lively, with adventurers of all classes and levels interacting, exchanging stories, and planning their next missions.

At the counter, the attendant he had met before was waiting for him. She smiled upon seeing him return. "Congratulations, Eldarion. Now that you have completed the admission exam, it's time to receive your guild card."

She retrieved a small metal card that gleamed in the torchlight of the hall. The card had his name engraved, along with the guild symbol and his initial rank: C. She handed it to Eldarion with a respectful expression.

"This card identifies you as an official member of the adventurers' guild," she explained. "In addition to serving as proof of your affiliation, it also records your rank. As you complete missions and gain experience, your rank can be upgraded."

Eldarion took the card and examined it. He felt the symbolic weight of the object, a key to new opportunities and challenges. "Thank you," he said, tucking the card into a secure pocket. "I'm looking forward to getting started."

"We're happy to have you with us," said the attendant. "If you need anything, feel free to ask. And good luck on your adventures."

Eldarion left the main hall, feeling officially part of this new world of adventurers. He looked at Zephyr, who was by his side, and petted his head. "Let's begin our journey, friend. We have much to explore and many adventures awaiting us."

With his new guild card in hand and his loyal companion by his side, Eldarion was ready to face whatever came his way. The world was full of mysteries, treasures, and challenges, and he was determined to discover it all while growing stronger and climbing the ranks of the guild.

And to start these dreams, he needed to take his first step. With that in mind, Eldarion went to the guild's bulletin board, where various missions were available. The board was a large wooden structure, covered in scrolls and papers pinned by pins, each detailing a task or challenge that needed to be addressed.

Eldarion carefully examined the missions, looking for one that was suitable for his rank and availability. His eyes passed over several missions of different difficulty levels until he found one that seemed perfect to start with: "Defeat monsters on the road near the city gate."

The mission detailed reports of attacks by small groups of goblins and wolves on the main road, disturbing the merchants and travelers entering and leaving the city. It was a simple task, but ideal for testing his newly assessed skills and gaining experience.

Determined, Eldarion removed the mission scroll from the board and went to the guild counter to formalize his choice. The attendant from before smiled upon seeing him approach with the mission in hand.

"Have you chosen your first mission, Eldarion?" she asked, checking the scroll.

"Yes," he replied, nodding. "I thought this would be a good start."

"A sensible choice," said the attendant, stamping the scroll with the guild seal. "The road has been dangerous lately, so it's good that someone with your skills is going to deal with it. Good luck, and don't forget to return to report your success."

Eldarion thanked her and tucked away the mission scroll. With that, he turned to Zephyr, who was by his side, observing everything with his attentive and bright eyes. "Let's go, Zephyr. It's time to start our first official adventure."

Zephyr barked in agreement, and together they left the guild, ready to face the challenges that awaited them outside the city walls.

As they walked through the guild's large wooden door, Eldarion felt the cool breeze on his face and excitement growing in his chest. He walked through the bustling streets of the city, watching the inhabitants coming and going, busy with their own lives and chores.

Finally, he and Zephyr reached the city gate. The guards greeted them with nods, and Eldarion returned the greeting before passing through the gate and heading down the dirt road that stretched before them.

The surrounding landscape was bucolic, with green fields and gentle hills in the distance. Eldarion kept his senses sharp, alerting himself to any signs of danger. He knew that monsters could be hidden anywhere along the road.

They walked for some time, enjoying the serenity of the environment, until they finally heard noises ahead - the sound of hurried footsteps and guttural voices. Eldarion signaled for Zephyr to stop and crouch down, while he himself crouched down, silently approaching to observe.

In the distance, he spotted a small group of goblins, accompanied by some wolves, who seemed to be planning an attack on a cart parked on the road. Eldarion's heart raced as he saw the perfect opportunity to fulfill his mission.

"Zephyr, get ready," Eldarion whispered. "Let's show these monsters that this road is no longer a safe place for them."

Zephyr growled softly in agreement, his eyes fixed on the enemies ahead. With one last look of understanding between them, Eldarion stood up, summoning the magical energy pulsing within him, ready to attack and protect those traveling along that path.

With determination and courage, Eldarion and Zephyr advanced to face the monsters, beginning their first mission as members of the adventurers' guild.

Eldarion and Zephyr silently advanced along the road, taking advantage of the cover of trees and bushes. As they approached the goblins and wolves, Eldarion felt the adrenaline rise, and his senses sharpened. He knew that, despite his level and abilities, he couldn't underestimate the enemies, but he was confident in his capabilities.

The goblins were distracted, discussing in their guttural language and laughing grotesquely. The wolves, on the other hand, sniffed the air, but had not yet detected Eldarion and Zephyr's presence. This was the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack.

Eldarion raised his hand and invoked his Elemental Breath ability. He decided to use fire, knowing that goblins had a natural aversion to flames. He took a deep breath and, with a quick motion, exhaled a powerful blast of fire towards the group.

The flames engulfed the goblins in an instant, their screams of agony echoing down the road as they were incinerated. The wolves, frightened by the fire, tried to flee, but Zephyr was already upon them. With his sharp claws and keen senses, the young Fenrir attacked with precision and speed, taking down two wolves in the blink of an eye.

Eldarion wasted no time. He used his enhanced physical strength to attack the remaining goblins. A precise blow with his fist crushed a goblin's skull, while another was sent flying into a tree with a powerful kick, breaking its bones with a dry snap.

The remaining goblins, in panic, tried to retaliate, but their primitive weapons were no match for Eldarion's dexterity and strength. He easily dodged a dagger and counterattacked, landing a blow that sent the goblin flying away.

In a matter of minutes, the fight was over. The goblins and wolves were defeated, and the road was safe again. Eldarion looked around, checking for more threats, but everything was quiet.

He turned to Zephyr, who was by his side, licking his claws. "Good job, partner," said Eldarion, patting Zephyr's head. "Let's check if the cart needs any help before we return to the guild."

They approached the cart, where a scared and grateful merchant was waiting for them. "Thank you so much, sir!" said the merchant, trembling with relief. "You saved my life and my goods!"

"We're just doing our job," replied Eldarion with a smile. "Just make sure to inform the guild that the road is safe now."

After ensuring that the merchant was okay and that there were no more imminent threats, Eldarion and Zephyr headed back to the city. The feeling of accomplishment filled his heart, and he was eager to report his success to the guild and continue his journey as an adventurer.

Upon arriving at the guild, Eldarion handed in the mission scroll and reported the events to the receptionist, who recorded the completion with a satisfied smile. "Congratulations, Eldarion. That's a great start to your career as an adventurer. Keep it up, and soon you'll be climbing the ranks."

"Here's your reward." She handed Eldarion a bag containing shiny coins, the familiar sound of Cenarium softly echoing as he held them.

Curious about the currency system in Alduria, Eldarion asked the attendant about the values and how the world's monetary system worked.

The attendant smiled, appreciating the curiosity of the new guild member. "Of course, let me explain," she began. "The currency of our kingdom is called Cenarium. It is divided into four main denominations: Bronze Cenarium, Silver Cenarium, Gold Cenarium, and Platinum Cenarium."

She continued, explaining the values of each of the coins and how they were used in daily life. "A Bronze Cenarium is used for small purchases and services, such as basic food and local transportation. A Silver Cenarium, on the other hand, has a more significant value and is used in medium-sized transactions, such as stays at inns and repair services."

"Gold Cenarium is a valuable coin, reserved for high-value transactions, such as the purchase of weapons, armor, and magical items. And finally, Platinum Cenarium is the most valuable currency, used in elite negotiations and among the most powerful in the kingdom."

"So, depending on your need and what you want to buy, you can exchange your coins according to the value of the transaction," concluded the attendant, offering Eldarion a clear understanding of Alduria's monetary system.

Now armed with this knowledge, Eldarion thanked the attendant and asked where he could find a good inn to rest after a day of adventures. With a smile, the attendant indicated a nearby inn, wishing him good luck on his future journeys.

Still speaking with the attendant, Eldarion asks where there is a good inn.

With a gesture of gratitude, Eldarion thanked the attendant for the information and headed towards the recommended inn. He was looking forward to a well-deserved rest after a day of adventures and battles.

Upon arriving at the inn, Eldarion was warmly greeted by a friendly host, who led him to a comfortable and well-equipped room. The cozy atmosphere of the inn was comforting, providing Eldarion with a quiet refuge where he could recharge his energies for the challenges that awaited him.

After settling into his room, Eldarion decided to take a look at his reward for the completed mission. He poured the shiny coins into the palm of his hand, watching the gleam of the Cenarium in the soft light of the room. Each coin represented not only a monetary value but also the experiences and achievements he had attained on his journey so far.

Satisfied with his reward and grateful for the hospitality of the inn, Eldarion relaxed on his bed, letting himself be carried away by the feeling of comfort and tranquility. As night fell over the city of Alduria, he drifted off to sleep with the promise of new adventures waiting for him on the horizon.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Rafa_screators' thoughts