
Array Competition (4)

"Hamish, you'll do the mock battle," Kyran decided during the ten minutes break before the start of the second phase of the competition.

The three of them were told to wait where Noir and Vaness were staying and they were currently discussing their strategy for the mock battle.

"Hamish?" Noir repeated looking at Kyran in surprise.

Hamish, on the other hand, was not surprised and instead said, "I will do my best."

Noir opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it after realizing what he wanted to say was inappropriate.

He initially wanted to ask Kyran why he would let Hamish do the mock battle when having him go was the better choice. But Kyran was not really part of the Blacksmith Order or even the Conclave. Letting him always take the role of the vanguard in their lineup was not right.

It was as if they were running him down and were taking advantage of him.