
Ch.26 Judas.

(Hope's Pov)

I have been stuck in this hell hole for god knows how long. I sacrificed myself so that everyone else could have a happy life. I gave up everything, everyone and now I am stuck in here with this annoying mudman. I have been walking for what feels like an eternity. I don't feel the need to sleep, eat, drink. I am just awake in this dark and empty world.

You would think for how long I have been walking I would have found someone other than Clarke but it seems that both of us have been isolated from the rest of the monsters. There have been some odd portals that have tried to suck me somewhere but Clarke has been helping me in avoiding them.

"Hey wait up, Hope!" I am trying to ignore him but he just keeps bugging me.

"Hope, you know this is just endless right no point in walking."

I said, "I don't care Clarke just leave me be in this damn hell hole."

He caught up to me and said "Oh, we are going to spend an eternity in here Hope, it's best if we don't become bitter in however long we have been here."

I just kept walking he then said "You know Hope, I am trying to understand you, but I just keep running into this wall. You come to save Landon, my baby brother, you fight me and a headless monster trying to save my brother the guy you said you liked and he says he likes you and tries to kiss you and you push him away, why?"

I was angry and turned around and said "I don't have to justify anything to you, Clarke. We may be spending eternity here and this may be hell, but I can make sure you suffer even more. So if I were you, I would stop running my mouth."

He smiled and surrendered and said, "Whoa, take it easy Hope, just trying to know you better, I mean you came to save him, so I assumed you liked him, but then you go on and push him away... What changed Hope? Do you like someone else maybe?"

I turned around and said, "If I hear one more word out of your mouth."

He smiled and said, "Okay, no more... But it is sad really... he will forget you like the rest of the world."

I thought to myself 'He'd never forget me'.


(Lucas's Pov)

After the therapy session, Aunt Linda said that I should come here again because I need to work more on my stuff. I didn't want to go but she insisted She said "You need to work on this not for your sake but for the sake of others." I wanted to refuse but I agreed to meet her as long as I am here.

I then drove back to the hotel and rested for a few hours and then I got a call from Uncle Amenediel.

He said "Lucas?"

I said, "Yes, Uncle what is it?"

He said "Come to this address. Lucifer has called us."

I then asked, "Do you know why?"

He said, "No he said to come quick."

I then got up and said, "Okay send me the address I am coming."

I then put on a suit and got in my car, the location was of a club called Lux. I pulled up and I saw Uncle and Grandpa. I then asked, "Do you know why are we here?"

Grandpa said, "Gladeil be patient we will find out soon enough."

We then went inside and father was sitting and was having a drink and Uncle asked "Lucifer, brother why have you called us here?"

Father got up and said, "Well, after finally listening to what dad has been telling me all along, I have realized that there is only one thing that will make his retirement fulfilling.

So, I enlisted Gabriel's help to make it happen. Did you know our sister can deliver a message anywhere? And I mean... anywhere" and then he pointed up and we turned around I saw a gorgeous woman coming downstairs and everyone looked bewildered, and I was confused why they looked so shocked to see her.

Uncle then uttered the words "Mom?"

She said, "Hello my sweet boy."

And I said "Wait what? I am confused?"

She then smiled at me and said "You must be my Grandson."

I looked at Grandpa and he nodded and I said "Hello, Grandma."

She walked up to me and hugged me and said "Oh, you are soo cute. You look just like your father." She then looked at Grandpa and said "Husband" which didn't really look like a great sign.

Grandpa then looked at her and said "Wife." he then moved towards her and I moved back. Uncle Amenedeil asked father, "How?"

He said, "Well, it isn't easy Mum says she has enough juice for this one time."

We then saw them reconcile and it was very sweet Uncle then said "What about that thing though?"

He said, "I have a plan for that as well." We then saw them kiss and it was very sweet Father then said "So looks like my plans for Dad's retirement have got off to a smashing start." They chuckled and father asked "So what it is going to be? Good old Florida, back up to silver city?"

Grandma said, "Actually we have decided to... move to my universe."

When we heard that it hit us like a truck uncle then said "What? But you are both here together and now you are just going to leave us again? Without any ability to come back?"

Grandpa said "Your mother has spent a long time in my world. It's my turn... to spend time in her's"

Father then said, "Dad, a-- a word please." He then walked.

Grandpa then looked at Uncle and touched his face and then he looked at me and said "Be patient Gladiel and learn to have faith in others. You will have the answers you want and everything will sort itself out. Just have faith." He then walked towards father.

Grandma then walked up to uncle and hugged him and said "I am so, so sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye last time."

Uncle said, "No I never blamed you, mom."

Grandma chuckled and said "Of course you didn't. My kindest, wisest, most perfect son and now the perfect Dad."

He said "I am far from it. But... I am trying my best."

She said in a low tone with teary eyes "That's what makes you perfect."

I then saw my father reconcile with his father they both were hugging and sobbing and my Grandma looked at me and hugged me and said "I am so unfortunate that I didn't get to spend some time with my grandson."

I smiled and said in a low tone, "I am also unfortunate, I finally had a Grandma, Grandpa, a family but now you are leaving."

She touched my face and said "We may be leaving Lucas, but we will always have you in our hearts. And I am going to give you advice that your grandpa may not give you."

I chuckled and said, "Very well, what is it?"

She said, "Don't wait too long to pull the ban-aid Lucas, it will only hurt more if you wait long and another piece of advice don't be afraid Lucas, give it you're all. I know you will find your happiness." She then hugged me and said, "I love you, Lucas." I cried a little it was painful for me somehow I just met her yet I felt the pain that she was leaving.

Grandma then said, "Time to go, my universe needs me."

Grandpa then came and hugged Uncle and then he hugged me and said "Take care Gladiel." I nodded.

They then walked to a stage and Uncle said "Wait, Dad, you didn't name your successor."

He said, "It's not up to me anymore." He then smiled and said, "You'll figure it out."

Father said, "Back to your mysterious ways already?"

He said "All part of my plan"

They then walked and opened the curtains and we saw a blinding golden light and Father asked "How much of this was part of your plan?"

He just chuckled and then both of them went inside and they were gone. I then sent a message to both of them "What are we going to do now father? Micheal may already have the blade."

He said in a low tone, "Not right now Lucas, we will talk later."

I then nodded and drove away in my car towards the Hotel. I just thought about what my Grandpa and Grandma had said to me. Once I reached my hotel I was done for the day. I had too much emotional drama for one day. I sat on my couch and pour myself a drink and just sat there until I heard the flapping of wings.


(Micheal's Pov)

As father left the Universe I set my plans in motion I have started to gather supporters in the coming war. I was waiting for Gabriel near the observatory, I had asked her to get the blade from Mother's universe.

I saw Gabriel in the observatory she was scared I decided to mess with so I snuck up behind her and said "Who is your favourite brother?!"

She looked terrified honestly and said, "Quit it, Dork!"

I chuckled and said, "Gottcha."

She said, "I did the favour you for Lucifer as you asked me to. I have to say mom's universe is pretty cool. I especially liked the centaurs."

I asked, "And you got the blade... correct?"

She smiled and said, "Yes, Micheal I got the blade." She then threw the blade at me and I caught it.

I then said, "Now we need only one more piece and we are done."

She asked, "So like have you got some people working on it?"

I smiled and said "You know it sister I already did. Did you hear Father name his successor? Did he name him?"

She chuckled and said, "No, father said it is all up to us now and I was thinking since we have the blade and we don't need him anymore how about we take care of him right now, you know test out the blade."

I thought about it I didn't need him and I hated that he had foiled my plans once and he was his favourite so I said: "Alright let's just deal with him now."

We then flew away and landed at his room, we entered his room and he was a bit surprised and he said: "Uncle what are you doing here so late?"

I had thoughts about killing him I wanted to see his blood and guts I wanted to see how it would make Lucifer feel when he sees his son like this. I said, "Nothing Lucas, we just came to see you since father is gone we assumed Lucifer would try and do something."

He said "Oh, maybe we should sit down and talk." he turned around and I raised the blade and stabbed him in the back and twisted the blade. He turned around I saw that look in his eyes he said as he gasped for air "Why did you do this?" He looked soo betrayed.

Gabriel started to laugh hysterically and said "Look at him brother, look he looks soo betrayed."

I laughed and said, "He does look a little... pale doesn't he?" I then grabbed his face and then removed the blade and plunged the blade into his heart and blood came gushing out of his mouth and I said "Because you aren't an angel... Fallen."

He fell on the floor and he died his eyes became lifeless, his body became cold, I checked with my feet to see if he was really dead or not.

Gabriel asked, "Is he dead?" I nodded and she said, "Now we just need to get the last piece, brother and then we can kill Lucifer."

I smiled and said "All in time sister." I squat down and I looked at him and said "Your father is next... Fallen."


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, I am going to change some stuff in Ch.12 Please also join the discord server some people already have and know about some upcoming stuff about the FF.

And I recently discovered that there are a Harem team and a non-Harem team on this platform.

And I am kind of looking for some beta readers for a new ff and I am dropping the Boruto FF. If anyone cared, I am dropping it because I don't really know much about Boruto and since the series is still going and honestly I don't remember that much of Naruto as well. I am sorry but I am dropping that one.

Thank you to SnowofBlood for the review, I hope I can keep this ff going.

Thank you to the people who voted.

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