
Ch.09 Saving Pvt. Landon.

When we were done with the Necromancer it was daytime and I was still in no need of sleep. After becoming a demon I have no need to sleep physically that is. I still may need sleep for my mental health.

I then went to my room and slept in my room for the rest of the day and got a ring on my phone. It was Josie I picked up the phone and she asked: "Where are you I haven't seen you all day?"

I said "I was working for Prof. Saltzman. The whole night so I decided to sleep for the rest of the day."

She asked, "Are you coming to eat?"

I said, "Sure I will be down in a second."

I then got up and decided to only wear my shorts and vest because I was going to sleep again so no point in dressing up. I then went down and saw Josie, Lizzie and Ralf sitting together and I then got my food and sat next to them.

Lizzie asked "You look like you just woke up. Yet you still look amazing"

I said, "Thank you for the compliment I had been keeping a watch on the Monster but then he escaped."

Josie said "Yeah, we heard it all from Dad. So what did you find?"

I said, "We found that Malivore is a creature that has been created magically and is sealed by three locks one of which is the knife."

Lizzie said, "I don't want to talk about that..." She then ate a bit and said "So Josie told me you can shapeshift."

Josie gave her a look and I said "Yes, I can. Although I can only change into myself for now."

Lizzie said, "Can you show us what you mean?"

I then stood up and removed my vest and said "As you can see my rectus abdominis or a six-pack is easily visible but now" As I said that my six-pack became an eight-pack "As you can see they have now become eight-pack. And they are completely real and not an illusion. You can touch them to check if they are real or not."

As I was demonstrating my abilities many other people were also fascinated but who can blame them I have a very unique ability that they might have never seen. But particularly many girls were interested in it.

Lizzie said, "Yeah, Josie touch it." Josie then gave a look and Lizzie said "Come on look at him. Don't lie I know you want to."

Josie then touched me in my abs her touch was soft and comforting it somehow reminded me of Hayley, that bitch. Ralf looked amused and I then sat down.

Josie looked flustered and sighed and said, "Couldn't you have done something with your face?"

I said "Changing one's face is much more complicated than changing a very superficial muscle that looks mostly the same on everyone."

Ralph then said, "You are enjoying yourself."

I smiled and said, "I am."

Lizzie then asked, "Did you have any ex-girlfriends?"

I said "Well, there was this one girl that I liked... but she just used me and betrayed me so I wouldn't call her a girlfriend"

Lizzie asked, "Did you forgive her?."

I said, "No, for what she had done to me I may never forgive her." I then ate and said "Well, this is getting quite grim. Tell me Ralf how was your day."

He then told me about his girlfriend and I said "Did everyone's day suck?"

Josie and Lizzie said, "Our's was just normal."

We then just talked and after dinner was over I then went to my room to sleep. In the middle of the night, someone knocks on my door and it is Mr Saltzman and I asked "What is it do you want Prof. ?"

He said, "Get ready we are going on a road trip."

I asked, "Why and Where?"

He said "Landon is in trouble and Hope intends to help him and she gets all psyched up when it comes to Landon. So I wanted to ask you to come with us to keep her in control."

I said, "What makes you think I can control Miss Hope?"

He said, "Well you are more powerful than her so I just expect you to knock her out just in case."

I said, "Fine I will help, but I get two weeks off from school in return." I then offered my hand

He said "Fine" and he shook it and the ting was heard. I then quickly got dressed and took my phone and my charger and my AirPods and then got out of my room. I was wearing a black roll-neck sweater blue denim jeans and a black peacoat.

We then exited the school and went inside his truck and we were off I plugged in my AirPods and then listened to music.

After a few hours, we were out of the district and they were having some sort of a quiz. I then suddenly got a message from Josie. It said, "Are you up?"

I texted "Yes I am up I am on a road trip with Mr Saltzman and Miss Hope."

"Why are you with them and where are all you going?" -J

"We are headed towards Landon he is in distress."-L

"Why what happened to him?"-J

"I don't know, Miss Hope said that she had given him a bracelet that gives his location when he is in distress"-L

"She did that?"-J

"I mean she does like him, a bit too much if you ask me."-L

"Where are you now?"-J

"I really don't know they were playing trivia while I am listing to music so I didn't pay attention."-L

"Well, have a safe trip."-J

"Thank you, Josie, I will talk to you soon."-L

I then closed my eyes and slept for a while. When I was sleeping I had dreams about my mother and it was a terrifying dream. Every since I have turned into a demon I have these nightmares about my mother and Hayley killing my mother.

I need to fix this problem and soon. After a few hours of sleep I was woken up we were near Kansas and I asked "How long are we going to be in this car?"

Hope said "Rise and shine sleepy head."

I said, "Good morning to you as well Miss Hope, but how long until we are closer to Landon?"

Ric said "Still a few hours."

I said, "What do you think might have happened to Landon?."

Ric said "I don't know. He could be hurt or someone tried to kidnap him, could be anything."

I said "Miss Hope why is Landon here by the way?"

She said "He is here to find his mother."

I said "Huh... Do you suppose that she might have done something to him?"

She said, "Why would she do something to her son?"

I said "Well, she could be living a good life and an unwanted son walking up to her door could potentially ruin her life. Humans are also quite fond of their fragile pride."

She said, "You really think that she could have done something to him?"

I said, "It's a possibility another possibility is that he might be in danger from Malivore."

She said, "Why do you think so?"

I said "Well, if I have the facts straight from Josie, she said that Landon took the knife but he didn't know why or how he did it? So it is also likely that he as well as many other monsters that came before him were under the control of Malivore."

Ric stopped the car and Hope and Ric said "What?!"

I was surprised and said "What?"

Ric said, "So you think that Landon can be a monster from Malivore?"

I said "Well, he is a supernatural and Malivore eats supernatural. So my hypothesis is that his mother got impregnated by Malivore and that is why Malivore has some control over Landon and the second hypothesis is that he is a lying cheat. The second one is very unlikely."

Hope said, "That is a very long shot."

I said, "That may be the case but the facts are pointing in that direction."

Ric said, "Let's hope that Landon is a liar."


Hello readers

I hope you liked the chapter. I would like to talk about two scenarios that I have in my mind.

1. Is to mind break and turning Hayley and having a seen story.

2. Is to mind break her and leave her to re-live the worst memories of her life. And someone else takes revenge for her and so on and so forth.

And for definitely we are killing Mathews. That is a given.

So just tell me which you like the best kind of comment on theses to paragraphs to be clear

And also comment that I got for Harem was a small Harem of two. I don't really know how it will pan out but I am looking forward to working on it. And another thing this book definitely has crossover characters just throwing that out there.

I would like it if you guys leave any comments after the chapter. You can give suggestions about the plot, Love interests etc.

Thank you to the people who voted.

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please leave some comments it really helps me in writing

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