
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Reconnected to one.

         As everyone had made his or her rightful decision, there was indeed an intense secluded moment amongst the remaining ones that are yet to travel as Enola had embarked on her own travel. Enola went to stay with her father at the coast side. She had no other option as to where to go. What would she be doing in the house when her boyfriend had gone away to a very far land. She had no better choice than traveling back to at least ease off a lot of emotional and psychological burden that weighed her down. She really thought of what to do in order to make things right, but nothing was eminent to her.

 Life in the Coast was different. Back there with Bruno and friends, she felt loved and occupied. She had time to talk to people and make new friends as well. She also went out on dates and partied too even to the extent of having a lover and running stuffs with him. Life seemed fulfilled and meaningful to her back then not until the ugly occurrence took place. She wondered what she would do to make things come back to normal. It gave her sleepless nights and restless moment just because she felt extremely guilty for the whole thing. Things were even worst as she didn't talk to Ekaris or Bruno. It appeared like they used her and kept her in the middle of the sea. That wasn't the case though, Ekaris wanted so much to reach on her but his guilt and selfish attitudes made him ashamed of himself as such, he didn't want anything that would complicate issues more. That's why he stayed on his own exclusively. 

Living with her father was something totally different. It was solely a life of loneliness and boredom, repeating same thing every damn day. Of course, why won't she be tired and frustrated. Also for the fact that she was yet to start working, she felt totally messed up. Her father would leave in the morning for work and comes back late in the evening. Once everyone had gone to work in the morning, the whole neighborhood would be like a place they planned war. So quiet and scanty like no one ever lived there. Trust me, that wasn't the kind of environment she wanted to find herself in, but she was out of choices. Even, she and her father had little or no time to even talk to each other. Apart from morning greetings and goodnight bade, they hardly sit down to discuss sensitive stuffs. To worsen the whole situation, she had no reasonable friend over there, and she wasn't that kind of person that was out for relationship or friendship scouting.


On one very cool night, she decided to at least change her cost. To know if her life meaningfulness would continue.

       "Hello my love, how are you doing?" she sounded so soft and worried as she called her lover on the phone.

There a deep breathe, followed by a little suspenseful delay before he finally spoke out.

       "Hey dear, I'm doing all good. It's been a long time though, where are you now?" Bruno asked Enola as he was trying to put himself in the best mood for the call to end well.

       "I have been where you left me since, after that incident, you never talked to me again….why?" she softly demanded to know.

        "To be very honest with you, I couldn't stay with the shame and pain I caused you, that's why I had to ready my visa for immediate evacuation. Secondary, I felt maybe you were still mad at me and would never forgive me...but I'm really very sorry for everything", he ended with a simply apology.

          "That's where you went wrong. I would have forgiven you besides, we both committed the same crime"

          "I have really missed you", she ended.

It looked like they would settle theirs so easily and amicably. Truth be told, they loved each other as we have learnt and they were living up to that even when things went abnormal. After the call that very day, it appeared that Enola's mood changed entirely. To kill the boredom and loneliness, she was always speaking with her re-united ex lover. Either they were chatting or they would be on eternal phone calls. If only other ones decided to come back just the way Bruno and Enola did, maybe things would sound better. If they did that earlier, there wouldn't be any course for anyone traveling to anywhere…..but in other words, essence if life of varieties.