
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Phone discussion.

     "Hi...good day "

                                       "  How are you pretty diva?   "         

    "Hi handsome.."

                                                      " I'm good

                                              Thank you for texting."

That was what the beginning of their conversations looked like. Seems like prince charming has found his princess diva. Love is more to what we take it for, lustful love, infatuated love and true love. These above mentioned are like three-hydra headed sword that can ruin or save someone's feeling or emotion.  Let us examine the case of these two lovebirds and know the category they fall into.

Enola walked up to her phone as it was ringing one Sunday evening, behold it was her prince that was calling..,...

"Hello pretty", with a deep and exquisite voice, Bruno spoke.

The voice was like a cup of vintage wind added couples of iced cubes to chill the nerves. She could not hold herself from the silly smiles of which was caused by the voice and time of her love.

"Are you there", he asked, so anxious to know if it was the network that was breaching all these while.

"Hi handsome, I was lost in the fantasy of your voice, honestly, your voice can calm down a heavy storm and it becomes still. Don't you think you should consider becoming a singer?" She ended her long talk as both burst into great laughter.

You know this situation whereby two lovers are making ecstasy out of their talks and feelings. As if they could see the love inside, as if they could see themselves in ecstasy. Most times, listening to themselves gives them the inspiration to carry on with the feelings. 

       "I would rather become your songs, to have you sing me at all time. The thought of you makes me imagine a whole lot. I wonder how pretty you would look without clothes, just the beauty I'm beholding each time I see you gives me that thought"..... Bruno paused and continued,

"I couldn't keep my eyes off your body, I was wondering if you were made in a different day, or maybe you were just sent down from heaven as an earthly angel from heaven".

"You can fit a romantic novelist, and you are silly too. How would you actually see me without clothes when you are stuck inside your house. Not even for once have you come visiting, if that's not ok by you, we can hang out for a dinner. I'm sure I can, that's if it's ok by you though", she suggested. 

The joy Bruno felt at the moment knew no bounds, he felt so accomplished, his aims are easily coming to be achieved. He quickly made urgent calculations in his head in order not to give a long or wrong answer. He wanted everything he would say to sound affirmative, surely, that was what he already wanted. So, hesitating would not turn out to be an option for him.

"I guess you have a point there, I would be happy to honor that request. Before weekend, I would come up with an idea", Bruno who was very good at what he does concluded.

The conversation ended up that both of them had almost the same thing in mind, with a pre-planned meeting and working agenda, Bruno had to keep his head straight to come up with a perfect location. This lustful desire did not even allow any of them sleep. Bruno had already created a world of fantasy, an experimentation of how soft the lips would be, how sexy the curves were, the beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder. Enola, was almost wet, she imagined being held in the sexy arms of her lover, she already felt his hands moving round her body like the crawling movement of a snail, the feeling and expression left her tumbling on her bed like someone that has restless itches on the body.

The closeness of Bruno and Enola became so obvious and oppressing. He hardly make out time to be with his peers unlike before. No one questioned him, they knew that whatever that is hot would still get cold sometime. Talking with Enola on the phone became very distracting and disturbing, they talked on the phone quite very often and they end up fantasizing everything. There was one night, Bruno could not sleep because of the thought of his lover, the lustful thoughts kept all his body awake. He was having the thought of calling Enola before his phone vibrated. It was a text message that read thus,

"The thought of you couldn't let me sleep, my whole body is very hot as I write to you, if you feel the same way, call me on video". As he read the text, it was as if his mind was being spoken.

He developed even greater urge than before and without hesitation, he fled to the video app for the call.  Enola picked up the video call and was putting on something lighter than air. They actually had a long romantic conversation which led from showing themselves different parts of their bodies to the satisfaction of their different sexual urges. Enola's body was quite sexy and spotless, the fairness of her body was like the setting west sun, could make any man look countless times as she walked pass by. Her brown eyes and full lashes made her looked more like one of the sexy paintings of Leonardo da vinci or Monalisa. The lips were so soft and pinkish, a natural suction for kiss thirst. The legs were straight and fine, with highly commended endowments of the breast and hips. She was just a definition of a pretty lady, why she had to fall for Bruno, one has not yet figured that out. 

One would ask how many girls had already been into Bruno's life,.....an answer to that is here.

Bruno had already been with different girls of which one of them was Anita. She was not as pretty as Enola, but one would not deny the fact that she was pretty on her own. She was very independent and hardworking, caring and friendly. She was the one that would have completed the peers to six, but not long enough she started being with them, the family relocated and that was how Bruno and Anita stopped communicating for long and the feeling died off. Whether Bruno loved Anita was one thing that confused the peer, it was not his first time, that was the same case with one girl called kiisi, that one was a black angel....she was the most pretty black girl one would see in that location. Kiisi got a job somewhere very far and had to relocate alone. That was how everything ended too. So, they knew Bruno as a short time man, like , he do not allow relationships last not the other way round though.

So, after he met Enola, everyone really wished he lasted for sometime. Not really everyone, Ekaris was not part of the wishing plan. He also had crush on Enola but decided to keep it on a low.                     I said something about quiet people earlier, they are not foolish or weak, they patiently wait for a perfect time to attack and defend simultaneously.