
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Change of heart.

        They had a call of change, I meant Clinton and Ekaris. After the very day they had that phone call, Ekaris hasn't been himself, every time his thoughts were directed to one direction; how to make things right. He knew it was only one phone call that will put everything in a perfect order if it went successful. But the restraining catalog was the courage and selfless mind with which the call would be done with. He missed Ella quite alright but according to his judgement, he wouldn't want to open a wound that was almost covered. So, considering that effect, he decided to swallow whatever he had to say to her and be on his own.

It was one of the primary thing he discussed with Clinton, that it wouldn't be very easy for him considering the fact that she was the one being offended. Though Clinton didn't mention to him that he had already spoken with Ella and she was halfway willing to forgive depending on the change of heart. He purposely hid it from him because he wanted Ekaris to have full resolution and change of heart and that was the main thing Ella needed to see for her to be sure of his repented heart.

       So that day, he finally picked up his phone and called. He had wanted to chat her up through a social media platform but hell no, she won't even reply. With a skipping heart, he dialed her number and it rang. Ella on her own wanted to make it uneasy for him, she wanted to make him feel every bit of what he has done; the emotional damage and loneliness he has caused her. She finally picked on the second ring.

        "Go-ood after-no-on", he greeted with a skipping voice that sounded rather like a stammer.

       "Yes, who's this and how may I help you?" she spoke like she was talking to a total forsaken stranger. She knew what she was doing. After she spoke with Clinton, she requested for Ekaris number, not that she wanted to call or text, no….she just wanted to save it for a day like that. She has been waiting for the call to enter and finally, it did.

          "Does that mean you don't have my number anymore?" He asked in total bewilderment.

         "Please call me back later, I'm busy in the kitchen." She said that on purpose in order to make him feel so bad. After she ended the call, she smiled and said to herself "you haven't seen anything, you will beg me before I listen to you". She didn't lie totally because she was actually cooking, but on a normal ground, that wouldn't be an excuse to end his call. She went back to her kitchen and looked after what she kept on the fire. As she checked the food, she continuously checked her phone as well to know if call entered likewise messages.

The call didn't enter that very day as she expected. She wondered if that guy was actually serious with his reconciliation plans.

       "I just hope Clinton didn't tell him anything about me", she prayed in her mind.

From the way she acted that afternoon and the following evening, it appeared she still loved and wanted him back so badly but her ergo couldn't allow her call first. She regretted why she asked him to call later even when she had no enough reasons to back it up. It was approaching night already and still there was no sign of him calling. She made up her mind that by next morning if the call didn't enter, she would call him by herself. That was her decision as she had waited for all day. She entered the bathroom to take her bathe, as usual, she normally go in with her phone as a company but ever since her phone attempted falling inside the cistern, she never ventured to try that again. As she was bathing, her phone beeped and likely it was a text message, she thought. Normally, irrelevant messages entered her phone regularly, so she didn't bother about that particular one. When she came out of the bathroom and was dressing up, it came to her to at least check her phone to read the irrelevance. To her greatest bewilderment, it didn't seem like it was totally irrelevant and it read thus;

          "let me start by saying a very big sorry to you. It's me Ekaris, I was the one that called earlier during the day. This is what I should have done earlier before now, but the courage and morale to do that was lacking in me. I feared how grieved and angry you were and probably you are …. I never meant all those stuffs to happen regardless that they have. It was my foolishness, selfishness and I that should be blamed….most especially me for possessing such bad and insane qualities. Whatever you feel right now is right, I really deserve no mercy. I know right from time, I couldn't just do things on my own, I normally use people cause I thought I was smart but the courage I'm using now was borrowed from Clinton. He motivated me to go ahead and open up to you. Please, find a little space in your heart to accommodate me once more. I come with a changed heart. Your call signifies your forgiveness. Goodnight."

She was reading and it was like she fused herself to the words. She read the text over and over again and beams of smile surrounded her face. Not because the words were soft and touching, but because she won. She never stooped low to call as she had earlier wanted the following morning. She totally forgot that she just came out of the bathroom and hasn't even dressed up in her night wears.

"So finally, I will sleep in peace. Should I text back or just call him in the morning for him to at least be happy that I have forgiven him?..... No, I will call him in the morning", she said as she laid down to sleep.