
The bee infestation part 2

"This way" Mark pulled Alan after him as he took the next turn. It was a sharp turn to take and the bees lost them.

"W-We need to make sure they don't follow till everything is read here" and the factory came into view. With the bees lost, they did not wait a single second to enter the factory. They had a lot of ground to cover after all.

"They have the trucks and the hose as well. It was a success" Alan was the first one to find the trucks. Mark hurried toward him at a slower pace. It was not really urgent for him to get to the other so he took his time to observe the place.

Huge cylinders covered the walls and other spaces that could be seen. They spanned from the ground to the ceiling fully. Safety suits were available in the vicinity of the huge tanks which lined the walls.

"Darn it. The tank is empty and we will need to refill it" Mark made his way finally and the words made him think that it was the petrol that needed filling.