
Kidnapped part 2

He had to keep himself alive and conscious, at least long enough to find out who had him and to be able to send a message back to his team.

There was one thing to take notice of once Mark started to walk forward, the air in his vicinity was starting to get colder all of a sudden. It should not be this cold in the starting months of fall but his body told him it was unnaturally cold right now.

Maybe it was the defect in his body's inability to feel temperature or a play by his mind even but Mark found himself shivering in the cold air of the cave. His captors seemed not to be suffering from this malady since he could not hear their shivering.

"They are on our tails. Should I distract them?" the second voice asked the first female. Mark had labelled them as 'the female leader' and 'the unknown person' inside his mind already. He had to keep it simple so that he did not waste a lot of mind power.