
Full Assault - 1

"Missed us? We decided that since you were not going to visit us first then we will have to be the ones to do so" Yun looked back at him, his eyes laughing at Mark's current position. Kuro just affirmed her position on top of Mark's body by putting her weight more firmly on top of him.

Mark let out a small laugh, his eyes pulling up in amusement as Kuro affirmed her position and Mark found it difficult to breathe. Kuro seemed not to notice but Yun did and he pushed at Kuro to let him go. The feline growled but finally let him go.

"If you are here now then that means you have your memory intact as well? How did that happen?" Yun shrugged, his eyes looking worried as well. Kuro did not answer, her emotions too content to give way to anything else. Mark knew she had no idea this all happened as well.