
Core theft part 1

"This is a nice lab. I'm surprised that Liam forked out the funds for this in the present budget" nice was an underestimation, to say the least, the place looked far too high-tech to belong to such a mediocre base.

The computers and machines looked nothing like any Mark had seen before and he had graduated from a somewhat reputed college with a research department. He did not need to be an expert in technology to know that these things had likely cost more than a few pennies.

"It's nice I guess but the people are a little..." the female trailed off here, her expression gaining a far way to look at it before she seemed to come to herself with an embarrassed laugh, "I don't think I'm cut out to be the research leader. I don't know what Liam was thinking"

Mark knew what the other had been thinking but there was no way he could explain it to the other without raising more suspicions in the process.