

The whole city was blown with the revelations at the Sky Anniversary party.

It was like a huge explosion for everyone.

A big bomb that was being dropped willingly out of a sudden.

People were going crazy with the truth and not only that, for the first time, the Sky family had opened their door and let them see freely the feud in their family.

What is life to be a Bill Sky? or What's life with Bill Sky? or "What is there in the Sky?

In the city, certain gossip and speculations were spreading like wildfire.

Some were making jokes about it but most were focused and eager to clarify their curiosities.

Bill Sky was always living his best private life even if he was a very famous businessman.

With his money and connections, he could shut down a big network that would go against his privacy but tonight, Bill brought the media reporters inside to cover everything.

It wasn’t just local reporters but this also included international networks.