
Learn Love

Falling for a person that's off limit is not common to be honest, we have our differences and status in life but even so love is love. I'm Mafuyu and I fallen inlove with Tachibana-Sensei, She's my teacher at my school. Age Gap and Status, It doesn't matter. I'll become an adult and show her how much I love her. You might think I'm insane but this is how I feel. I hope she'll feel the same

Yamisen · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

How Come I Should Suffer?

My weekend ended of me just getting tease by my little sister, not that I dislike that but it's nice that she putting attention to me, it makes me forget about Tachibana-Sensei too.

But it's really hard to even move on, because I loved this woman for a long time that I don't even recall when was the time I've fallen for her.

And I can do it to move on, I just have to believe on myself that I can move on.

" Good morning students! don't you slack off k? ".

A familiar voice he then heard and immediately turned around as he about to enter his classroom, and It was Tachibana-Sensei walking next to Olga-Sensei.

They look happy and so close that they're almost touching, I'm in college now and I already know that Tachibana-Sensei is already an adult, but why should I see this?

Mafuyu is staring at them in the middle of the school's hallway and he's clenching his fist as he feels his head getting lighter and his vision getting blurry.