
Leading the Leaf

He has everything planned as he enters the world of Naruto. All is set in stone, right? What could go wrong? PLEASE READ! I do not own Naruto, or any of the characters in the series. Likewise, I do not own Shuhei Hisagi, as he is based on the character from Bleach, and I do not own Bleach either. It is 99.99% CERTAIN, that there will be no further updates to this story. You have been warned.

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3 Chs

Part 1

A child, the age of 5, stood in the office of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato. Having just asked for the olyoung kage to get him copies of all jutsu, fuinjutsu, history, politics, warfare and anything else that the kage saw as a must know for a Hokage.

A lengthy discussion followed, that went back and forth. In the end, the child was wearing a backpack, filled to the brim with scrolls and a giant scroll attached to the bottom. Indeed, this was the Forbidden Scroll of Jutsus.

The child nodded to the young man, before speaking up "In precisely one year, I'll reappear here. Though my appearance at that time will be vastly different." the child said in cold confidence and raw determination, before an old style japanese door appeared in the office, slightly to the side, which the young man walked over to and slided open, before stepping inside, not to be seen for a year.

The child, Shuhei Hisagi, was a reincarnator, and a very lucky one at that. After dying, he instead of getting wishes or a system, had a chat with the higher being, where they sat down and talked about the entire setup and what he wanted. In the end, he got more than what he initially wanted, but the entity was almost appaled at the lack of overpowered requests so he added them in by himself.

What he ended up with was

- The appearance of Shuhei Hisagi from Bleach, except the blue line across would be black, and the '69' tattoo would instead be a kanji for 'Protect'

- With the appearance, he would also get Kazeshini, his Zanpakuto, though there would be one 'soul' in it, it would still retain all the same abilities, just rely on Chakra instead.

- Better physical and mental recovery.

- Hiding everything from mind scans apart from the new life and the backstory.

- At the age of 5, a training dimension would be available for him with a one-time use. He would be there for a year in the outside world, but could stay there however long he wanted, though he would still grow in accordance to the time spent there, meaning should he use it at the age of 5, and stay in there for 50 years, he would come out in the real world one year after using it, but would be 55 years of age.

- The ability to forge Zanpakuto

- A bank account with his 'supposed dead' parents inheritence in it.

- His affinities would be jawdropping high wind affinity, incredible lightning affinity and incredible water affinity.

All of that, while not seeming too broken, would quickly add up together, specially in the training dimension. To add to that, the world was 'slightly' altered, though not by much.

He spent his time in the dimension well. Scarily so. He had spent his first 5 years setting up his training regiment, though the physical and mental recovery was stronger than what he had initially thought it would be leading to some slight changes in the latter years.

His schedule was packed as it was

Year One (6 years old): Body Conditioning and basic chakra control

06:00-07:00 Wake up, personal hygiene and eating.

07:00-08:00 Warmup

08:00-12:00 Physical training and conditioning.

12:00-13:00 Personal hygiene and eating

13:00-15:00 Meditation

15:00-17:00 Chakra Control

17:00-18:00 Light physical training and conditioning

18:00-20:00 Personal hygiene, eating and reading

20:00-22:00 Meditation

22:00-06:00 Sleep


Year two (7), three(8) and four(9) was pretty much just an amped up version of the first year.


Year Five(10): Combat Training

05:00-06:00 Wake up, personal hygiene and eating.

06:00-07:00 Warmup

07:00-12:00 Weapon training

12:00-13:00 Personal hygiene and eating

13:00-14:00 Meditation

14:00-19:00 Combat training*

19:00-20:00 Personal hygiene, eating and meditation

20:00-23:00 Reading / Meditation

23:00-05:00 Sleep

*This he would do in the arena in the training dimension, where he could fight life and death battles with his death simply resulting in him being booted out and having to pick an opponent again.


Year six(11), seven(12), eight(13) and nine(14) were amped up versions of year five.


Year ten(15): Jutsu training, fuinjutsu study and elemental training

05:00-06:00 Wake up, personal hygiene and eating

06:00-08:00 Meditation

08:00-10:00 Studying

10:00-12:30 Jutsu training

12:30-13:00 Personal hygiene and eating

13:00-16:00 Elemental training 13-14; wind 14-15; lightning 15-16; water

16:00-17:00 Meditating and thinking about the training done.

17:00-17:30 Personal hygiene and eating

17:30-23:00 Studying and meditating


Year eleven(16), twelve(17), thirteen(18) and fourteen(19) were similar to year ten, just repeatedly harder.


Year fifteen(20): Mix training

04:00-05:00 Waking up, personal hygiene and eating

05:00-07:00 Studying and meditation

07:00-11:00 Body conditioning

11:00-13:30 Jutsu training

13:30-14:00 Personal hygiene and eating

14:00-18:00 Combat training

18:00-18:30 Personal hygiene and eating

18:30-21:30 Elemental training 18-19; wind 19-20; lightning 20-21; water

21:30-23:00 Studying and meditation

23:00-04:00 Sleep


Year sixteen(21), seventeen(22), eighteen(23) were spent in almost the same fashion, just on a higher level


Year nineteen(24) and the final year: Polishing

04:00-05:00 Wake up, personal hygiene and eating

05:00-06:00 Studying

06:00-09:00 Weapon Training

09:00-11:00 Body Training

11:00-13:00 Jutsu training

13:00-13:30 Personal hygiene and eating

13:30-15:00 Elemental training

15:00-18:00 Combat Training

18:00-18:30 Personal hygiene and eating

18:30-22:00 Studying

22:00-23:00 Meditation and thinking about the day

23:00-04:00 Sleeping


He had spent a few days preparing his return, and looked in a mirror to get a better sense of his appearance. He had spiky black hair, a black tattoo on the left side of his face of a black bar, running from the right side of his nose, under his left eye and to his hairline, under it was a red tattoo of the kanji 'Protect' and on the right side, 3 long scars running from the middle of his forehead down over his right eye and down to his right chin. His clothes were similar to Namikaze Minato's outfit with some changes. He wore a sleeveless mesh shirt covered by a pitch black matte jounin vest, black loose ANBU pants, black combat boots and to cover it all was a cape similar to Minato's own, though Minato's was white, whereas Hisagi's was black, sleeveless and without flame patterns at the bottom. His Zanpakuto was held in a black sash he wore. In all, everything about his outfit was black, except for one thing which drew the attention. His neck was covered similar to Hatake Kakashi, that went up to a face mask, all in black, but unlike Kakashi's, Hisagi had his face mask with a wide skeletal mouth painted on in snow white that stood out.

Nodding at himself in the mirror, he pulled down the face mask, grabbed the backpack he used when he was 5 to carry the scrolls and had the large scroll attached at the bottom to it, he put it on over one of his shoulders before heading towards the exit, the same style japanese sliding door he used to get here. He had already thought of a plan of action when he arrived back.

Part 1.

Words: 1265

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