
Leader In The Space: Prototype

Hunter A.K.A Rose Arroen is trying to be a worthy leader in her new mission with her friends. The mission also give her the trauma she had when she was 5 ,because the enemies was the people who colonize her planet back then.With the help of her friends she was able to make realized that it not her fault her people die to save her because she is the princess, but it because they were trying to save their princess that their love so much. Will Hunter become a worthy leader as she desires? read it to find out!

Nierou_Yokasu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Episode 7[Best friend broken bond]

"actually who is this 'HE'?" I Said while looking at Kusandawata in curiosity

Kusandawata look at me and said "He was my best friend..." his face become sad all of sudden

Syafz interrupted "Was?"

kusandawata said "yeah I already told you that he is the dark emperor"

"well you said friend not best friend?"

Sunny look at me with a straight face "shut up captain"

Me and Rendou shock to hear that.It like the end of the world

Rendou shout with worried face "S-S-Sunny! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!????" he go and check Sunny temperature before he continue "you not sick.....are..you JUST TOLD CAPTAIN TO SHUT UP!????"

"Sunny did I do something wrong?" I kinda worried "you...you never told me to shut up....are you hate me?" I make a sad face

everyone looked strangely at what happened Syafz speak up "Wait.. can't she said what in her mind?"

"ye..yeah...but she never talk back or told me to shut up ...."

Rendou continue "mhm... especially to captain and every leader she follow.."

Sunny look at me and Rendou "am I that scary now..?"

"no,no it just too strange for you to told me to shut up.."

Kusandawata look at what happens with a smile on his face before he ask "where is the orange haired girl? what his name again?"

Syafz said with a straight face "Azwa?" before looking around

"yeah where is she?"

Sunny look at me then said "she told me she want to go find a toilet"


Kusandawata sigh and said "let's go find a place to stay first"

"but we need to wait for Azwa first!"

he continue "hmm alright someone follow me and the rest wait here.."

"okay, Syafz follow him"

Syafz shock with a funny face "why me!?" he look so funny

the other already laugh

"you are the one I trust the most" I wink at him and he turn completely red

as he turned red he said "Fine! just this once!" then he turn to kusandawata with 'thanks to her I follow you' face

I never knew he like the praise so much