
Chapter 5

(A/N: Still in Amethist's part)

We left in a rush when we arrived. I was given a tour around the castle. Gosh! It's big. Am surprised I haven't lost all my energy. Since that took the whole day I was guided to the dinning room to have dinner with Esfer and his family before I went to sleep. "So, Amethist i heard you're quite the energy preservist." Esfer's older sister Carsy said. "Yes, I am." "Y'know it's not proper for a lady to be as lazy as you." His mother commented. "Well pardon me, but I preserve energy for the important things. Not using it willy nilly on shopping for fancy dresses and jewelry" I fought back. Everyone seemed to be quite shocked. Esfer's mother looked angry along with Esfer. I assumed Esfer was angry at her for calling me lazy. Although I am a bit hurt, Esfer didn't stand up for me. Everyone else seemed to be holding back a laugh. "Excuse me miss? I like your hair you look really pretty" Esfer's little brother demian said. He is so sweet. "Baby brother! Please, get your own wife, I don't want you stealing mine" Esfer said in a humorous tone, I giggled at his comment. The rest of the dinner went rather decent. I was getting read to go to sleep when Esfer barged in. "Oh, Esfer1 You scared me for a second," I said smiling. After that i received...….. A slap? I was slapped so hard I landed on the floor. "Why'd you do that Esfer?" I cried. "How dare you offend my mother in that way!" He yelled then kicked me. "Ahh~ She offended me first!" I argue back. "You were meant to keep quiet, not insult her!!" He slapped me again. "Am sorry" At this point i was sobbing. He slapped me and hit me. I was covered in bruises. "Next time act like you should. Or I'll make love to you and I won't be as gentle as you think i would" He growled as he kicked me again. I was on the floor breathing heavy sobbing. "Go get cleaned up and come to bed" He yelled. I simply nod. "Use your words you lazy woman" "Yes, Esfer". He smiled satisfied. I never knew Esfer could get like this, he wasn't like this at my home. This is why I didn't like the idea of marriage to begin with. He made me believe he loved me. When it was all lies. I AM NOT GOING TO STAND FOR THIS. I got ready for bed and the first thing in the morning was going home.


I was packing my things when Esfer walked in. "Amethis? What are you doing?" He asked as if he didn't just beat me! "Am leaving, am going home." I say while holding my composure. Am so sick and tired of being treated like a cow. "You can't do that!" He yelled. "And why's that?" ii give him a frustrated look. "Because am your husband and i said so!" he yelled. "Really? Would a husband hit his wife? Would he prefer his mother to his very own wife?" i yell back "...." "No, a husband wouldn't. Thank you for taking care of me while you were nice to me." I began to carry my things but right when I reached the door he said. "Listen! Amethist am sorry. My mother made me. I promise I'll stop. Just please don't go, I love you. If it comes to it you can even stay in a separate room just plz don't leave i can't bare without seeing you" H-he loves me? No it can't be why'd he hit me then? But he already explained that. It was then I dropped my things and hugged him. "I love you too Esfer just please promise you'll stop" "I promise Amethist even if it means death i won't break that promise." He gave me a kiss on the chick and that's when I broke into tears. Hours later I kept wondering Did Esfer do that to his wife as well. Did his mother make him do that to his wife too? Was she too scared to leave the abusive environment? I'll do some investigation on it for now. I'll trust in Esfer to keep that promise.