
Lay Your Hands On Me

Violet Elanor, an unwanted orphan, desperately wished to live in Blackwell Mansion happily. Unfortunately, her eyes were brimming with tears… of suffering. After a president of a well-known conglomerate supposedly sought her out for a paternity test in secret, she assumed she would live in opulence like the rich patients in the mental asylum she came from. However, one of her stepbrothers assumed she was going to be their father’s fourth wife and the youngest stepmother they had ever seen so far. Annoyed, Violet played along with the misunderstanding and dug her own grave even deeper. What made matters worse was that their strict father always skirted around the subject on why she was going to live there and why they had to be kind and respectful towards her. Unfortunately, the step siblings had drawn their own conclusions and convinced themselves it was the truth. It turned out that that their father and her late mother had something going on before she disappeared on him without warning. Despite searching her whereabouts for years, the DNA test revealed that she wasn’t specifically his daughter but still the daughter of the woman he loved. Upon realizing that her mother was the reason for Mr. Blackwell and his second wife's divorce, the awkwardness she felt around their second son, Arthur, almost urged her to run away from Blackwell Mansion, never to be seen again. Should she return to the mental hospital or should she stay in the mansion and accept Mr. Blackwell's strange offer that she marry either one of his sons to ensure her bright future? Now, why would he arrange one of his children to marry a penniless orphan in the first place? If this was just a cruel prank, what would he do if she actually pursued the love she was craving for despite possessing a bizarre syndrome that nobody had even heard of? She wasn’t even sure if she could live past thirty once her brain tumor started growing again. Who would she even choose among the stepbrothers? Would it be the eldest, Liam, the workaholic CEO and heir of Blackwell Corporation, Arthur, the rebellious top high-fashion model of their generation or should it be Charlie, the moody yet genius artist behind the pseudonym ‘ishikawa’? Whatever. Shouldn't she find a job and earn some money first?

Cole_Ainge · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Did this drunk sleepyhead just assume she was his personal pillow?

Why was she the only one being careful so that he wouldn't wake up and make this situation more embarrassing, anyway?

Indeed, nobody told her to do it but she felt compelled to stay still for his sake.

It definitely wasn't because the striking man was the chairman's son or he was built like a male model for luxury brands.

Nevertheless, Violet's cheeks flushed with warmth as she gave his thick blond lashes darting glances.

How could he sleep peacefully after showing her the most adorable smile she had ever seen on a resting man?

She was scared that the heart, hammering in her ribcage, was too intense to give her a heart attack.

If this was a cat sleeping, all cuddled up in her lap, she would have been more understanding and leave it at that.

However, this was the chairman's son and, god forbid, her stepbrother.

Well, she shouldn't put any malice to it and just think of this as a kind gesture towards an intoxicated 'sibling'.

She might not be able to move her legs as his head rested on her thigh, but she was willing to stay that way for a while if she could just get a glimpse of his eye color the moment he woke up.

The man's breathing was slow and deep but he didn't snore.

Still, she could tell that he was exhausted, probably from a hectic schedule, from partying all night or whatever nepotism babies do with their life.

Why else would he doze off while drinking alone?

He even had that slice of lemon glued to his cheek that she wanted to peel so bad from his ivory skin.

The chairman's son slightly tilted his head to the side where her knees were facing and a few strands fell over his smooth forehead, brushing her gloved fingertips.

From up close, she couldn't help but notice how this fine man really resembled a well-carved Greek God sculpture especially if he was asleep.

Violet's eyes widened, her gloved hand pausing mid-air.

'Did she just caress his stray hair strands with her fingertips?'

It would be dangerous if she got caught.

But since she started this already and nothing had born consequences yet, she might as well trace the chiseled jawline she was curious about.

She nodded her head in agreement as she stared at him.

Did he have an unapparent stubble or was it as smooth as it looked as the rest of his face?

She found out later that the texture around that area was a bit rough----

The man's eyes suddenly opened wide.

When his pupils had dilated, they almost took over the green orbs until it disappeared completely.

When he blinked several times while maintaining eye contact, it gradually returned to normal.

"What are you doing?"

"AH!"Her gloved hands flew back to her chest in shock.

The man winced as if her shrill voice had pierced his eardrums.

"Do you have to shout?"

As she heard him speak for the second time, his voice seemed so deep and rich that her heart pounded despite his displeasure.

Was he aware of what she just did?

What if he thought she was in love with him or worse----that she wanted to kiss him?

She didn't want him to misunderstand!

"Why were you touching my face earlier?"

The man's soft, raspy drawl made her toes curl in chagrin.

Oh my god!

He knew what she had done and she had nowhere else to hide.

The only thing she could do was to cover her blushing face with her gloved hands.

"Am I too attractive that you can't help it?"

It was a mistake to remove the hands blocking her eyes at that moment because she had to endure seeing the chairman's son smirk.

"D-Dream on!" She whispered indignantly as she tried to avoid his gaze. "There's a slice of lemon on your cheek. I was about to peel it off if you didn't wake up."

His green eyes held her captive as he peeled the slice of lemon himself and threw it on the ground along with his luxury items.

"I swore I felt you stroking my hair. Who are you?" The man's gaze remained locked on hers as he lifted himself up on his elbows to get a closer look at her features. "Are you a stalker?"

In case he wasn't in on his father's plan, Violet tried her best to inform him in the calmest way possible.

"Your father actually wanted to bring me to your mansion."

"Oh, right." The man nodded slowly as he slurred his words further. "I guess I was too drunk to recall. You seem too young and plain to be our stepmother. But I had already decided these recent years that I shouldn't yuck my father's yum. "

Young and plain?


Who the hell said she was going to be his stepmother?

Violet wasn't going to visit their mansion to become the chairman's wife!

She was going there to see if she was the daughter the chairman had been looking for a long time.

The chairman's son was being ridiculous.

And, did he just deliberately announce that he thought of her as disgusting?

"By the way, thank you for offering your thigh to be my pillow." The man patted her knees twice before rising from the leather couch. "At least you look kinder and more innocent than the previous ones."