

Lawman follows the exploits of Relovan, a Human Police Enforcer stationed on the Blargonian Planets – a series of small planets on which pure Essence is mined, and refined into fuel. On his day off, he finds himself and his fellow Enforcers caught up in a fight between two Void Lords, beings of immense power, who answer only to the Council, after the pair of Void Lords touch down on the Station, seeking to refuel their respective Void Walkers. In the ensuing clash, Relovan punches above his weight and subdues a number of Void Knights – those in the service of the Void Lords – before becoming directly involved in the confrontation between the Void Lords themselves. His performance during the incident catches the attention of the current Police Chief, Nura, who essentially takes him under his wing, and assists him in various ways, including when he is summoned to answer before the Council for getting involved in the spat between the two Void Lords. The book ends after the conclusion of the Hearing. Relovan is a stickler for the Law – something that prompted him to learn not only the laws of various territories and planetary systems, but also the native languages and customs, so as to uphold the law as best he can. As a highly trained, and immensely skilled former soldier, Relovan’s abilities along with his latent talent regarding the use of Essence, allow him to hang with beings infinitely more powerful than him.

PK_Dionysus · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

Hearing. (4)

"So quickly?!" Nura bellowed in shock as he stood up. "Gotta go – I'm not supposed to be in here!"

The Adonian ran out of the room, and Relovan just sighed and stood up.

"Of course you weren't, Chief." He said more to himself as he walked to the door that led to the Chamber.

The Marshals appeared once more, and they all made their way to the Council Chamber, where the Council was already waiting. Things appeared to be a little tense between in the room, and after everybody had settled in, the Adjudicator tapped his gavel and spoke.

"Now that everybody is back, I would like to call upon Councilwoman Tameria to hand down the judgement of the Council."

The Councilwoman's visage hovered forward and even grew larger in size before she spoke.

"We, as the Council members appointed to this Z0-ND-0 Commission have come to a majority decision. Void Lords Juxtae and Vox, we have ruled that you two shall be placed under Planetary Confinement for a period of twelve Numarian cycles."

Nura immediately looked at Relovan and mouthed the words 'six months' at him, to which the Enforcer mouthed back 'I know'.

"You will both also make financial contributions to Blargon 5's First Planet, to replenish their funds as they have repaired the mess that you and your Knights made. This is becoming a major nuisance, Void Lords. You two continue to get into these increasingly frustrating quarrels that result in these Commissions that not only take time, but also money, and we are quickly running out of patience. Void Lord Vox, starting a fight every time Void Lord Juxtae rejects your advances is unbecoming of a being of your station, and it has gotten to the point where even the Emperor has informed us that we are to send you both to him immediately after this."

Vox simply scoffed and looked off to his right, displaying quite the attitude. Juxtae on the other hand nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"Void Lord Vox, it has also been decided that a special order will indeed be placed on you. You are hereby barred from coming into any sort of contact with Enforcer Relovan, be it physical, via Communicator, or any other method. You are to keep your distance from the Enforcer, and if you are found to be on the same planet as him, then you have breached the order and will be dealt with accordingly. That said, while you are prohibited from starting anything with the Enforcer, you are well within your rights to defend yourself should he attack you first If he does come at you, then you are permitted to handle the situation as you please."

Vox, who had been doing his best not to simply explode and lose his mind over the ruling, suddenly calmed down when the Councilwoman added the bit about retaliation. It even appeared as though he grinned a bit, before putting on his poker face and just staring at Tameria.

"And finally, Enforcer Relovan, for your actions both on Blargon 5, and within our very own city, you are to receive a special Commendation as well as a promotion. The details of both will be communicated to you in the coming days, so we request that you remain on Gaia for the time being. You will also be scheduled to take part in the Triple A Selection Test, however even with the promotion you will receive, you will likely still be underqualified. It will be up to you to see to it that you are able to take part in the test."

Relovan waited until for the Councilwoman to finish speaking, before saluting her and holding the salute. She nodded at him and her visage went back to its normal size, and wafted back to join the others. Void Lord Vox looked like he was about to spit, but kept his urge in check. The Adjudicator then looked at the Council members for a few seconds, before facing the others and tapping the gavel down on the strange formation emphatically, shattering the crystalline substance into many shards that fell down into the chasm below.

"With this, I hereby declare this Commission over. You may all leave the Chamber."

With those words, the Hearing was brought to an end, and the Marshals escorted everybody out of the Chamber and eventually, into the lobby, where they disappeared. The Void Emperor's Personal Knights known as the Regulators were waiting in said lobby, along with both Juxtae's and Vox' Personal Knights, before they surrounded the Void Lords. Before any greetings could be exchanged, the Void Lords and Knights were all teleported out of Union House by the Emperor's Knights, and they left the Enforcer and the Chief standing alone in the lobby. Nura, who was barely able to contain his pleasure with the verdict grinned at Relovan and gestured with his head for the Enforcer to follow him.

"I take it by the look on your face that things went well, Chief."

"Better than expected, Lawman. The fact that those old bastards even approved my request and granted the order is a victory that I cannot quite emphasise the seriousness of."

The Chief said this as they strode through the open doors of Union House, and looked down at the street and city at the bottom of the steps. The Chief then looked at Relovan and grinned once again as a convenient gust of wind blew and caused both of their ceremonial capes to flutter.

"Come on, Lawman – we've got work to do." Nura said as he made his way down the steps.

"Understood, Sir." Relovan nodded as he tipped his cap slightly and followed after the Chief.