
Chapter 24 24

Justice cannot be for one side alone but must be for both.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Two days later/Kemi's first trial

Lara opened her eyes as the smell of hospital disinfects, invaded her nostrils. She blinked at the light that was above her. She looked around the white-painted room and it did not take seconds to realize that she was in a hospital. She groaned and sat on the bed.

A nurse walked into the ward and quickly called the doctor. When the doctor entered the ward, Lara was already standing on her feet.

"Miss Johnson!" the nurse shrilled and earned a glare from the doctor.

"Miss Johnson, I need you to come to the bed so we can examine you," the doctor said in a calm tone.

"How long was I out?"Lara asked as she stared at the doctor and nurse suspiciously. "Who bought me here?"

"You were out for two days as a result of the heavy blood loss. A man bought you here," the doctor explained.