
Chapter 25

Despite Lavinia's vocal impatience to explore the city, Seraph still demands they follow procedure and has everyone wear their rings. It's the same ring Lavinia slipped off of Neibor's corpse, the one she intended to use as an invitation to the city. Though it's only now she learns that was a lie on Jonn's part. In truth the rings only connect you with other rings you've made connections with, allowing you to communicate through them with but a sliver of Essence as the cost.

It also happens to be how Seraph pulled off her escape, the rings alerted Jonn the moment they got within range and he organized Ulx goblins and enlisted the help of another squad of Trirax to rescue Seraph. Lavinia learns all this from the condescending tones of Seraph's grinning boasts and Jonn's timid confession.

Being deceived like that doesn't bother Lavinia, after all, she ended up in the city like she wanted and Ulx's has promised her Essence when the time comes. Though she'd rather hunt when she pleases, having food come to her at scheduled, predictable times is nice enough to sacrifice the thrill of a spontaneous hunt, at least for the time being.

Lavinia leads the way in long strides, her shawl billows about her in the brisk pace uphill a natural incline of the cities sanded streets. At the peak height of the elevated road Lavinia stops and stares out the gap in the city wall, the constant activity around it hasn't ceased since she first saw it but the hole has shrunk significantly.

Catching up in a huff, Seraph scowls over at the scar in their defences, "Is that what you wanted to come outside for? To see the wall?"

"Who destroyed it?" Lavinia asks as Jonn joins them at last. The wall— among other things— has been on her mind ever since Ulx presented his offer in Deran's Litter. He was keen in emphasising her usefulness as a protector or guardian for the Trirax— a trump card he'll feed Essence should she do better than the drooling green-skins and Trirax squads he's had in charge since.

Seraph's mood sours even further at the question and she falls silent staring at the gap, fingers curled into a tight fist.

"That? It could be any one of the roving wannabe Noble Generals that often try to siege us." Jonn says, slowly regaining his voice around Lavinia. She turns her attention to him and he stutters, "B-but, a lot of Trirax think it was done by one of the Primes, because they want us to go back to the way we were before Ulx became Lord Crimson."

Lavinia's brows furrow at this, "Who are the Primes? Noble Generals and what is-"

Seraph scoffs, "Of course you're too young to recognize even the Noble Generals. They aren't noble at all, of course, they've just usurped an old title of legend, back when all of Reais was in a state of constant warring."

"Some of it still is." Jonn chips and gets a growl from Seraph for his contribution, "I'm just saying. Some layers are still without any sense of lasting peace, even ones with Dark Red tiers."

"Dark Red is a myth. Have you seen any demon reach those heights? Don't answer that, this isn't about that." She groans, rubbing her temples as she takes a deep breath and turns to face Lavinia, "The Primes are the three Lords of Corym, each of them are Lord Crimson to their demons as Ulx is Lord Crimson to us. They're all high tier Crimsons with potential of seeing BloodOrange but most don't, it's been centuries since there was a BloodOrange Prime."

Lavinia nods along, ears perked to absorb all of Seraph's interesting words. She points over at one of the looming towers, the one closest to the Trirax's settlement, "Prime attacked Trirax?"

Seraph shakes her head, "It's not so simple or maybe it is and someone is just lying." With a sigh she starts walking off towards the tower, Lavinia and Jonn trail behind her, "Ulx isn't wrong, Trirax aren't battle demons, at least not effective ones anyway. We produce and sell. Magic, food, clothes, weapons…even cities. We're best at creating than we are at destroying but I promise you we can do both."

Jonn matches her pace and shrugs, "Maybe we can, but if Ulx's suspicions about the Primes funding that attack to terrorize us back into buying their protection is true then…I'm not sure how much time we have to get as good at killing and destroying as we are at creating."

Lavinia trails quietly in the middle of the two, watching as Seraph nearly explodes raising her point, "What are you even talking about? Don't you listen to the stories of how all of this was created? We were part of the first peaceful demonic city, we standardized Essence tokens, we made the layout for several, if not all of the demon cities that stand in peace today, including this one!"

Jonn rolls his eye, "That doesn't mean we can fight and win. Look what Lavinia did to us and you're no exception just because you're excited to be violent, a Pinkie Vampiric was all it took to put us down."

The tip of the tower is lost to the clouds as they approach. Lavinia stares up in marvel at the dark twisted thing, the scent of wonderful meats waft into her nostrils and beckon her into the settlement. Seraph snatches her arm, her single eye narrowed as she wordlessly shakes her head at Lavinia.

With a deep sigh Jonn says, "We don't want to go in right now. Things are tense in Corym…Ulx accused the [Kimpe] of supporting the attack since they watched as several Trirax were murdered in the break-in."

"It was an invasion!" Seraph yells out loud, spitting and glaring at the familiar, curly-tailed demons going about their business within, "Corym was attacked, not just Trirax! Don't act like it doesn't concern you!"

Here Lavinia is confused and says as Jonn ushers Seraph away from making a larger scene, "You didn't pay for their protection. They didn't protect you." It made perfect sense to Lavinia that the Kimpe, Primes or whoever wouldn't risk themselves without reward.

"It's not that simple, Lavinia." Jonn quickly says before Seraph can scream a fervour filled response. "Corym and all the demon cities like it exist as a safe haven for demons that want to escape the chaos, that don't want to be eaten and are sick of killing to survive. The Primes, individually are meant to curate a space for their species and work with other Primes to integrate with other species so an actual peaceful city is feasible."

Seraph completes the next part as she turns down a corner, "And collectively the Primes are meant to protect the city as a whole. And the [Kimpe] and [Caldri] failed to hold up their end, taking advantage of our weaknesses to extort us of Essence tokens and even living space. Trirax have given several concessions already and now that Ulx says we won't give anymore…"

Humming, Lavinia nods in understanding, "Duty."

"Yes! That's right, Lavinia!" Seraph yells, throwing her hands in the air as passer-by goblins and sneering curly-tailed [Kimpe] trudge past, "The Primes bear a duty to all of Corym and its demons! Trirax are not humans or monsters, we're demons!"

Jonn chuckles sheepishly at the odd stares tossed their way and Lavinia turns to him, "So…who can I eat?"

"Uh..uh..that's something for Ulx to decide but it won't be the Kimpe or Caldri. Their Primes failed us, not them." He says, trying not to shrink under her intense stare he adds, "But what about you? Vampiric demons aren't rare but they're sort of like us Trirax; in the wild we don't survive long. How did you get your name, Lavinia?"

Seraph joins to ask, "Yeah, I'm also curious how you got that staff, Ulx is amazed by it. Oh and those scars on your face, demons rarely have scars."

Lavinia blinks at their interest and curtly answers, "Lucy named me. Lucy left it with me, Lucy is dead so now it's mine." Her fingers drift to the plethora of dark curves scarring her face, fingering them as the memory of Henry searing hands erupts in her mind, "I was curse marked. A man wants to find me again and use me but I am preparing to kill him."