

Hi, this story has been revised, so I deleted the older version. The newer version will be released on March 12, 2023. Please be patient and the newer, improved version of Lavender Eyes will return! Sorry for the sudden notice.

Ecargmura · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


To all my readers of Lavender Eyes,

Thank you so much for enjoying the story.

However, the long hiatus from the last update has a reason: I have been revising this story to make it easier and more convenient to read.

I did worry about long chapter lengths before I posted on here. However, I was too focused on trying to get published, so I sort of stopped updating here.

Not focusing on what I have bit me in the ass as I got into a situation where I almost had to pay a hefty amount of money to get a story published. Because I don't want to experience such a thing again, I've decided to focus on being an internet novelist.

Because of that, I've decided to delete Lavender Eyes by the end of this month.

HOWEVER, Lavender Eyes will return on March 12, 2023 with a better version--think of it as a remastered version of sorts.

I'm sorry for being fickle and slow on my updates. I've been trying to find what sort of direction I want my writing career to go into. I found an answer.

I will come back next month with a different story. Lavender Eyes will return on March.

Thank you for understanding! I hope we meet again!

-Arum Lee (Ecargmura)