
Late Night Fairy Tale

A collection of short stories with fairy tale themed. New chapter (almost) everyday.

aripuspon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Quest over Wedding

Alfred was a young knight who had been training under the guidance of his mentor, Lady Eleanor. He had always looked up to her and admired her strength and bravery. So when she announced that she was getting married, Alfred was overjoyed and eagerly agreed to attend the ceremony.

The day before the wedding, Alfred received a quest from his captain to join him and his squad on a raid of a bandit camp in the nearby forest.

Alfred stood before his captain, a look of concern on his face. "Sir, I understand that this is an important mission, but Lady Eleanor's wedding is tomorrow," he said. "I promised her that I would be there to stand by her side. Is there any way that I could be excused from this quest?"

The captain looked at Alfred with a mixture of understanding and firmness. "I feel your dilemma, Alfred," he said. "But I'm afraid that duty must come first. The kingdom is counting on us to take out this bandit camp, and I need all of my best knights on this mission."

Alfred's heart sank as he realized that he couldn't avoid the quest. He knew that he had a duty to serve his kingdom, but he also knew that he didn't want to let Lady Eleanor down.

"I understand, sir," he said with a sigh. "I'll do my best to complete the mission and be back in time for the wedding."

The captain nodded approvingly. "I knew I could count on you, Alfred," he said. "Just make sure you stay safe and come back to us in one piece."

Alfred knew that this was an important mission, but he also knew that he needed to be back in time for the wedding. He hoped that the quest would be quick and easy, but as he soon found out, things didn't go quite as planned.

"I'm sorry, Lady Eleanor," Alfred said as he packed his gear for the quest. "I know that the wedding is tomorrow, but I have to go on this mission. I promise I'll be back in time."

Lady Eleanor placed a comforting hand on Alfred's shoulder. "I understand, Alfred," she said. "Your duty as a knight is important. Just make sure you come back to me safe and sound."

On their way into the forest under the cover of darkness, Alfred tried to push aside his worries and focus on the task he had. The raid on the bandit camp was a dangerous mission, and Alfred and his squad knew that they would be facing a tough fight. As they approached the camp, they could see that it was heavily guarded, with a large number of bandits standing guard.

Alfred and his squad knew that they had to act quickly and decisively if they wanted to take out the bandits and complete their quest. So they launched a surprise attack, charging into the camp with their swords drawn and their battle cries on their lips.

The bandits were caught off guard by the sudden assault, and they stumbled as they tried to defend themselves. Alfred and his squad fought with all their might, taking down one bandit after another.

"We have to hold out!" Alfred shouted to his comrades as they fought off the bandits. "We can't let them get the upper hand!"

Despite their best efforts, the bandits seemed to be endless in number. Just as they thought they had almost eliminated the entire group, reinforcements arrived, forcing them to continue the fight. The quest was taking longer than expected, and Alfred knew that he was in danger of missing the wedding.

As the battle raged on, Alfred's mind kept drifting back to Lady Eleanor and her impending nuptials. He couldn't bear the thought of letting her down by not being there to support her on her big day.

"We have to end this now!" Alfred yelled to his squad. "I can't miss Lady Eleanor's wedding!"

The battle raged on, with Alfred and his squad fighting fiercely to defeat the bandits. Alfred was determined to complete his quest and return to Lady Eleanor in time for her wedding.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the battle was won and the bandits were defeated. Alfred and his squad emerged victorious, but Alfred was exhausted, covered in bruises and blood, and running out of time.

In the chaos of the battle, Alfred had completely forgotten about the wedding ring that Lady Eleanor had entrusted to him. It was still clutched in his hand, a symbol of his love and support for his mentor.

Determined to make it to the wedding on time, Alfred mounted his horse and set off at a gallop, racing against the clock. He knew that he had to get to the cathedral as quickly as possible, and he hoped that his horse could get him there in time.

He keeps riding through the forest, Alfred's thoughts were filled with Lady Eleanor. He knew that she was probably worried about him, and he couldn't wait to see the look of relief on her face when he arrived.

"Come on, Alfred," he muttered to himself through gritted teeth. "You can do this. Lady Eleanor is counting on you."

As the sun began to rise, Alfred finally caught sight of Norwich City and the cathedral in the distance. He was so close, but he knew that he wouldn't make it in time if he didn't push himself to the limit.

Ignoring the pain in his body and the fatigue in his legs, Alfred sprinted towards the cathedral, his heart pounding in his chest. As he burst through the front doors of Norwich Cathedral, still clad in his armor and looking every bit the battle-worn warrior, he saw Lady Eleanor standing at the altar, a look of shock and concern on her face.

Breathless and exhausted, Alfred stumbled towards her, holding out the wedding ring as he collapsed at her feet. "I'm sorry I'm late," he panted. "I had a quest to serve."

Lady Eleanor reached down and helped Alfred to his feet, tears of joy streaming down her face. "It's okay," she said, smiling through her tears. "You're here now, and that's all that matters."

As Alfred stood at her side, still feeling the adrenaline rush of the battle, he knew that he would always be there for Lady Eleanor, no matter what challenges came their way. He had proven to himself and to her that he was a true knight, and he would always stand by her side, through thick and thin.

The ceremony continued as planned, with Alfred standing proudly at Lady Eleanor's side. Alfred couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond that they shared when he saw Lady Eleanor and his husband exchanged vows and exchanged rings. He knew that he would always be there for her, no matter what the future held.

After the ceremony, while they're celebrating with their friends and family, Alfred couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had overcome great odds to be there for his mentor on her special day, and he knew that he had finally earned his place as a true knight.

As the night went on and the celebrations continued, Alfred knew that he had found his true calling in life. He was a knight, through and through, and he was ready to take on any challenge that came his way, as long as he had Lady Eleanor by his side.