

Lan Wangji was exhausted from fighting but he still continue looking for Wei Wuxuan. After an hour he finally find him.

" Wei Ying! " He shouted.

" Lan Zha- " Wei Wuxuan's word was cut off when suddenly a sword pointed on his neck.

" We Finally met, Hanguang Jun. " said the man who's holding the sword. Lan Wangji ignore him, he's focused was too Wei Wuxuan. " Let him go. "


A moment later the man spook " Hah! You really didn't change. You're really annoying as always. " Lan Wangji ignore him again. The man was starting to get pissed. " Hanguang Jun. You two must really love eachother. What a shame, One of you will die today. "

Lan Wangji " Don't you dare touch him. "

" Oh? Why i shouldn't? Hanguang Jun remember when he died right now it will be your fault. If only you agreed to come with me, none of this will happen ". Wei Wuxuan couldn't help but speak " You seemed obsessed with him. Well too bad he's already mine "

" Shut up!! " The man said in rage. Lan Wangji face became pale when he saw a blood on Wei Wuxuan's next " Wei Ying! ". " Hanguang Jun, your face right now is really nice in my eyes hahaha! "


A moment later the man spook again " Do you want to feel what it feels like to see the most important person in your life died infront of your eyes, again? ". Lan WangJi " You! Don't you dar-! " Lan Wangji words was cut off when a man in the back stabs him. Wei Wuxuan's eyes widen in horror " Lan Zhan! " he shouted. " Hanguang Jun, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to you Yilling Patriarch. " The man grinned and let go of Wei Wuxuan.

Wei Wuxuan couldn't wait any longer and run to catch Lan WangJi. " Lan Zhan! " He place Lan Wangji in his lap. Wei Wuxuan slowly hold Lan WangJi's face while trembling. " Lan.. Zhan.. " He voice is shaking. Lan Wanji hold his hand " Im fine. " Wei Wuxuan's holding back his tears. Lan WangJi " We're did you go, earlier?.. I was worried im gonna lose you again... ". " I... " Wei Wuxuan couldn't finish his word, he was still on shock. Just how it turn out like this?... Wei Wuxuan said in mind.

Lan WangJi " Wei.. ying... " his voice slowly fading. Wei Wuxuan " Im here! Im here!. You're gonna be fine right?... You're strong after all!! You'll be fine!! " Lan WangJi knew Wei Wuxuan's holding his tears. " I.. " Before Lan Wangji could finish he suddenly cough blood. Wei Wuxuan eyes widen again " Lan Zhan! " This time Wei Wuxuan face was even more pale than earlier. Lan WangJi still continue what he wanted to say, but Wei Wuxuan stop him " Don't speak! Your wound would get worst!! " Wei Wuxuan said while trembling. However Lan WangJi didn't listen and speak " Weiying.. there are a words that i couldn't tell you everyday.. " Wei Wuxuan started tearing up he knew exactly what Lan Wangji was trying to say " Don't say it now! You say it when you get recovered! "

Lan WangJi " ..Weiying... I.. "


" .. Loved you.. " His voice fade after saying that his eyes close and his hands fell off.

Wei Wuxuan " ... "

" .. Lan zhan..? " His voice is shaking " W-wake up... " Words started echoing in his mind No... It can't be.. He can't.. Im dreaming.. Wei Wuxuan wake up!!.. You're dreaming he can't be..

" HAHAHAHA! The great Hanguang Jun is finally dead! " Said the man, after he said that his comrade started cheering him.

Wei Wuxuan who's still in shock " .. No.. Lan Zhan! You can't.. Wake up! Lan WanJi ! I told you to wake up! "

" Hah! wake up Wei Wuxuan he's already dead, there's no use!! ". Wei Wuxuan glared at the man " Shut up!! " He shouted.

He's still alive.. I can't accept this.. No..

A moment later his tears stop.

Wei Wuxuan " How dare you.. " he said coldly to the man. The man flinch a bit after hearing that. " You dare to this?.. " Wei Wuxuan said while clenching.

He stood up after placing Lan WangJi onto somewhere safe. Fist clenched at his sides before taking out his flute ( Chenqing* ) " You all will pay for this!! " He shouted in rage.

" Oh no! run! the Yilling Patriarch is trying to kill us by summoning corpse " A man shouted, As they hear that some of them started running the other didn't " What are you afraid of?! It's just a corpse no need to get scared, just by one slice they all dead! " A man shouted shamelessly " H-he's right! " The other man agreed. Wei Wuxuan didn't say anything and started playing the flute agreesively. As the flute playing many corpses rises from dead and started attacking them. Wei Wuxuan was losing control the more he played.


Screaming from fear as the corpse chasing and killing them. Blood was all over the place. All you can see is blood nothing else. " Please! Have mercy! " said the man who stabbed Lan WangJi earlier. " Mercy? " Wei Wuxuan response coldly. " Such thing doesn't exist. Die. " As he said that he killed the man without mercy.

Wei Wuxuan fell under his knees. He's face doesn't any have any emotins. Tears started fell down onto his face. " What should i do now? Without you i'm nothing. " He clenched his fists so hard that his nails cut into his skin. He was mad at himself that he couldn't do anything to save Lan Wangji. " Lan Zhan, Im sorry. " He's heart ache. It hurts so much that he holds his chest. Disbelief. Anger. Guit. Sadness. All those emotions were mix that he couldn't describe it, all he could do is mourned. He couldn't stop crying.

A moment later he started running out of breath. He couldn't handle all those feelings. He's eyes started to get blury. " Maybe.. In other life will met, again.. I'll wait for you.. Lan Zhan.. " After saying those he fell down, but he still have his consciousness. One thing that flashed on his mind. " Weiying.. I... Loved you..." Lan WangJi's last word. He smiled after remembering that, " LanZhan.. I... Loved you too.. " With that he passed out.

- End. -