
Last Senju Heir

What if Senju Tsunade had a child and Naruto was dead instead of hyperactive yelling main charecter more talented one Senju Haruki -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any material from other franchises that will be mixed into this story, nor am I affiliated with the people who do.

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19 Chs


Finishing their talk Haruki, Tsunade and Shizune set off towards blacksmit. Time passed wuickly while they are walking kept joking around they arrived at blacksmith.

"Kaa-chan are you sure this is the place it looks like wreck." said Haruki while looking at place looked like a ruin.

"Well haru-chan don't judge the book by its cover lets go yestarday Shizune already come here and talked to blacksmith." said Tsunade with a hush and walked towards blacksmith shop.

They walked inside looked pretty desolate only tools some weapon, here and there, blacksmith was melting iron and he didn't even look towards them.

"Are you sure this kid can use the weapon you want." said Hiranaga Reo he looked around forty years old with white hair tan skin and muscled body.

"What do you mean old man how do you know thatbi can't uses it just because my age?" asked Haruki it pissed him off the way oldman talking.

"Houu~ are you sure kid from here hou look like a kid trying to be a big shot with that skinny arms." said Hiranaga Reo to Haruki.

"Heh~ what so you know old men id you want i can show you my strenght but don't be scared afterward." smirked Haruki then went to iron basked and picked up some raw iron to his hand started to bending iron with his bare hands.

Hiranaga Reo whistled to Haruki then turned Tsunade and then said:

"As expected you got your mothers strength right 'Slug Princess'."

With that air in the atmosphere droped cold.

Tsunade looked at Hiranaga Reo and asked with a cold voice: "How do you know who told you?"

"Huh you think everyone stupid as you. Going all the gambling houses that you own flaunting the kids luck and heck kid even calls you kaa-chan. You think just with Henge you can fool everyone. Most of the gambling houses already know who you are and even started ban the kid for his luck. If you ask me how do i know i am a gambler myself and heared from there and if that wasn't enough you are coming here want me to imitate your Konoha's Shodai Hokage weapon that most people didn't even know. I know it because our village have picture most of the famous swords in the history." said Hiranaga Reo with a mocking face.

Haruki, Tsunade and Shizune shocked what they were hearing they never thinked like this heck they were stupid beyond belief and get carried away from money. After earning some money they dropped their guard and even started to pay the money right in front of people so people of course started to figured out and give notice to people they know so at least in gambling community pretty much everyone know Senju Tsunade was travelling with a kid looking like her and yelling kaa-chan so go figure out.

The only bright side of things people didn't know that Haruki is the jinchuuriki of kyuubi and after this they would've start to journey on their back to Konoha after arriving there they will announce his status but they were ashemed of their stupidity.

"What are you ashemed puHaha Hahaha who would've thought the famous Sennin can be this stupid." said Hiranaga Reo and kept laughing loudly.

Yes they were ashemed usually they were pretty smart most of the things they weren't the smarterst of the people but at least they wasn't stupid.

"Stupid gambling addict." mumbled Haruki under his nose. He kept his head at floor looking at his feets.

Tsunade and Shizune blushed too looking at sulking Haruki they sighed and tried to cheer him up.

After this incident Hiranaga Reo looked the amusement in front of him then decided to it was enough

"Fools." mumbled with a low voice then turned them and talked : " Usually i won't do something as imitate someone work but after you've shown me this great show and as a fellow gambler i will help you. Don't sulk up kid cheer up everyone can make mistakes just look at me my life full of mistakes."

Haruki sighed tried to cheer himself up after some time he returned to his normalself. Then turned Hiranaga Reo

"Thanks Hiranaga-san" said with his normal cheerful attitude.

Tsunade looked his son and smirkerd he is just like his grandfather sometimes he could do a near-immediate about-face, going from laughing to sulking.