
Last Salvation - Dawn Fall

The girl woke up on the so-called Earth with a broken moon above the sky. Now, she finally found her place in redemption, but it's not too long before the remnants of her past chase her down from the moon. Can she finally breaks free?

Regulus13 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

First Encounter

She walks down the slope after a few steps into the deep forest. Every step she took, it feels so fresh to her. Seeing all the plants, mushrooms, small insects lurking around here and there.

"It looked just like in the book." She muttered.

Her eyes catch some interesting object. She saw a small flower grows beside a tiny rock. The flower has white petals, glowing all alone in the dark forest, like an angel standing trying to survive all by itself. Somehow it attracts some butterflies around it like a savior illuminates in pitch darkness.

"Moonlight Tears Flower, just like in the book." She gently touch the flower, she gives a little smile.

Suddenly the flower begin to wilting

"?!" She immediately pull out her hand off the flower.

Something wrong. She realized something is coming from behind the bush next to the flower. Something dark, something evil is coming in.


A big four legged creature like wolf comes out from the bush. The wolf has glowing red eyes. There's something off about its body, some kind of tumor growing on it shoulders. It shaped like a dark purple crystal, glowing dimly. It was this moment she knew, she's cannot escape from her past, the never ending battle she fought.

"That crystal . . . why ?" Her teeth clenched, as she getting ready for the battle.

It was that crystal, Purple Haze . Once Purple Haze came into contact to living being, the result is always never been pretty. It always seek for destruction in exchange of greater power, like a parasite even though it wasn't really a living being.

The wolf continues to growling as its carefully getting closer. Thick saliva drooling from its jaw. The girl cautiously take a step back, position herself into fighting stance, ready to face head on combat. Her eyes carefully scanning the wolf's feet, tries to predict the movement of incoming attack.



The wolf finally makes its first move. It dash quickly at her left side and jump right into as its sharp claw getting closer and closer into her. The girl knew what is coming by reading the leg movement and then quickly take short steps forward to the right side into the wolf. She lowers the body and then quickly dodge the incoming attack, her eyes is wide open not even blinking as she ready to kill her prey. "This is it." As she thought to herself.


She pulls out her right arm and then release a powerful jab into the right side of wolf's chest. The jab is powerful enough to send the wolf flying in some great distances.

"The lung and ribs should be collapse by now, its time to finishes it off." She muttered at herself as she approaches the wolf.

Ignoring the pain, the wolf continues to stand up like it was nothing, and dashes again into the girl like it was being possessed.


"Your lung is broken, now get ready for your head too !"

The girl takes a step back, getting ready to launch a roundhouse kick right into its head. As she tries to release the kick, she noticed something coming at high speed, she immediately pull off her kick only she notices as soon as she lower her leg, a barrage of bullet charge toward the head of the wolf.



The next second she realizes she found the wolf is full of holes everywhere, straight up dead. She glances over to the source of the shots. A small group of 2 males soldier and 1 female soldier coming out from behind the tree and bush.

"See ? Looks like my decision is correct to take this side into the Dead Zone after all." Big dude gives a bright smile.