She fell into a world of beasts and ruin. She must learn to survive in this new world. Will she find her way home, or will other things keep her from returning. Full of love and romance and drama. the world has changed but is dying once more and she may be the key to saving it.
Mira left Vilen after finishing redressing his wounds and feeding him. She spent most of her days caring for the wounded and when she wasn't doing that she was sitting with her feet up. It's been two weeks since the groundling attack. Reports of groundlings surrounding the bottom of the trees came every day. They hadn't planned for them to catch up so soon and there was too many wounded beasts to try to move. Cyro tried to get her to leave as soon as they start to appear again. However, she wouldn't do it. They've only recently made amends and they both were extra careful to not cause more issues for the other. She was so angry at him for not even trying to stop and help the others. Countless beasts died because he was more concerned with her. Her hand moved to her belly, which had grown quite large now. She was the size of a seven-month pregnant woman. She was sure some of it had to do with how small she is. She couldn't be mad at Cyro for long if she had been him she would have done the same. She thought back to the other day when her and Cyro were laying down, his head gently placed on her belly. He was so excited when he heard the second heartbeat. She looked around as she sat in her favorite seat propping her feet up to help the swelling go down.
The Pythoness had led the bats carrying them to the Pillion city. Here there were all kinds of flying beasts. Owls, crows, eagles, even sparrows and hummingbirds. The hummingbird beasts were very beautiful, though they seemed to try to stay to themselves for the most part. When she first arrived every one was eager to get a look at the human carrying a beasts offspring. It's calmed down now, but she still had a few who tried to speak with her. Cyro usually scared them off. Only male allowed to speak to her was Indigo and the wounded she cared for. She looked at her belly once more as she drank so water. Fear held on to er always. She didn't know what even expect much less what to do when the time came. The breeze felt nice as she heard some singing in the distance. They all had beautiful voices here. She felt quite envious of such beautiful voices. They trees here were much larger than the ones she'd seen in Cyro's village. The houses were actually made inside the trees. The flooring covered in leaves that were bigger than her. They used fireflies as well for light at night, the path was were still new and being built. She understood they had no reason for the pathways for a long time. Indigo did seemed just as annoyed with them not having any as Cyro was. She didn't think a big wolf like him would be bothered by heights.
"Mira, has Cyro already came to visit?" She relaxed a bit more now that Indigo was here. He's been a big help to her with the pregnancy as well.
"Yes, though he's not in the best of moods right now." She spoke as she watched him bend down on his knee to rub her feet.
"I guess he found out about Vilen." He raised a bushy black brow at her.
"Yes, and I don't want to hear I told you so." She tried not to smile as he smirked at her.
"Alright, little mama, have you had anything to eat?" He let go of her foot and reached to the pack he wore around his waist.
Her mouth instantly watered at the sight of the fresh cooked fish he pulled out. Her grin was enough for him as he placed the fish on a piece of leaf and handed it too her. She greedily ate the fish as he rubbed her feet again. She had lost her clothing and things thanks to the attack. So now she wore furs and handmade shoes that Indigo had made for her. He two wore furs, but only around his waist. Cyro didn't like it, but Indigo thought it was best they all wore the same furs so that those here would know they were together. She found it to be a great idea especially because the thought of more beasts trying to get her was too much to handle. Her body shuddered as the thought went through her. Indigo looked up at her noticing her change in mood. She couldn't deny that her and Indigo have become closer. His eyes looked into hers waiting for her nod. Her heart sank knowing she still felt her loyalty to Cyro. She reached out her hand and Indigo took it in his big warm hands. Indigo was different yet the same as Cyro. They both cared and wished to do everything for her. However, Indigo was more lenient. Cyro always protested to her doing anything that involved work or held possible danger. Indigo allowed her to do these things and always stayed close when Cyro was busy. Cyro spent most of his time these days with the Pythoness and other village leaders.
Indigo's thumb rubbed the top of her hand as she looked out at the sky and trees. The touch was enough to make her hormones go crazy. She sighed and tried to stifle them down. Cyro taught her a breathing technique for it. If her hormones run wild it would capture the attention of other beasts. She tried to clear her mind and think of something else, but Indigo's thumb tracing circles was all she could think about. The soft gentle touch, and slow but perfectly paced movements. She reached for her water and gulped it down. She knew hormones were fickle during pregnancy but she didn't think it was this bad.
"Mira," Indigos voice was low with a hint of a soft growl.
"I know Kylo, I'm sorry." She didn't dare make eye contact out of fear she'd act on impulse.
"Do I need to take you back to the hut?" She could tell in his voice that he too was holding back.
She looked around to see if any of the other beasts have noticed. Only a few seemed to be staring at her. She nodded her head and Indigo helped walk her back. He places his arms on both sides of her in an attempt to cover her scent. She kept her eyes down as she walked across the bridges and path ways in the trees. The leaves casting that beautiful green color she once saw months ago, but felt like a life time ago. When they reached their door she quickly moved inside and laid down onto her bed. Covering her face which was now burning with the heat of embarrassment. She tried to focus her mind on medicine and herbs as a way to calm her. Basil good in tea for respiratory iss…. Her thoughts trailed off as she felt Indigo's hand on her leg.
"Cyro will know." She whispered her face still covered.
"I will deal with that, for now let me help you." Indigos low voice was mixed with a deep growl telling her how much he needed her too.
He pulled her hands from her face and placed them above her head. Their eyes meeting. All she could do was nod as her need began to overtake her. She watched as he lowered his self-down and move her skirt up. His hand soft yet held a hungry pressure to them. He kept eye contact with her as he lowered his head between her legs. He was slow at first as he began to lick at her. She was so sensitive let her head fall back with the pleasure. The more sounds that came from her the more he gave. She was in an instant mess within minutes and could feel ever single sensation coming from Indigo's tongue. Over and over again her body exploded in pleasure. Just as she was beginning she couldn't take it anymore Indigo pushed her into one final climax. She felt completely satisfied as she huffed from exhaustion. Cyro hadn't touched her like that in a while. He was always too worried to hurt the beastlies. She laid their unable to move as Indigo pulled her to his chest and cuddled her. Sleep pulled at her eyes as she laid there, and she fell into a blissful sleep. She was startled awake by the sound of the door slamming open. She jumped up pulling Indigo up as Cyro stood in the door. He stared menacingly at Indigo, who was still yawing.
"Cyro please calm down." She slowly walked to him and placed her hands on his arm. He still didn't look at her. "My hormones got out of control, and I couldn't calm down." She pleaded with him and pulled on his arm.
"So, he thought he'd help by laying with you." Cyro spoke in a low hissing voice.
"It's better than her being forced to deny her needs." Mira looked at Indigo trying to signal to shut up. Kylo just shrugged and acted as if it didn't bother him.
"You dare touch her while she carries my beastlies!" Cyro almost roared it out stunning her.
"Cyro we didn't lay together." The quickness of his eyes landing on her, made her jump back. "All that happen was…" She squirmed as she tried to find the right words.
"I ate her out that's all did." Indigo blurted out without warning. "You don't have to worry about your beastlies."
Heat flooded to her cheeks with embarrassment. She felt so many mixed emotions, still once more signaled to Indigo to shut up. Cyro's body relaxed just a little bit and he turned to her.
"Next time you feel the need, come get me instead ok." He took her hands in his. Relief flooded her that he wasn't trying to fight Indigo.